Friday, September 27, 2013

St. Augustine's "Mixed Body": "Which is which?" A Call to Fill the Pews with Born Again People

Shall we say that Rome in her defiance of the sole supremacy of the infallible Scriptures in justification by faith alone and Christian living is demonstrated by the primacy and supremacy of the Roman Pope in practical doctrine in how someone is right with a holy God and godly non-meritorious living?  

How does a faithful Christian discern between Rome and her defiance of the sole infallibility of the Scriptures and "sense" and "place" of civil government?  In what way is this true?  Rome sees herself as above these authorities: namely, the Scriptures and civil government.  She has in Church History established the preeminence of Diotrephes, because of submission to idolatry.  

Is Rome a friend or an enemy?  She is an enemy: namely, she abuses the very people she comes to serve.  What do I mean?  They come in white robes but they further a dark scheme.  She is not a friend but an enemy of the Scriptures, the faithful Christian and the civil magistrate.  How it is seen in modern times?   It is simply seen in the hidden shadows of public Roman molestations.  It is no different than Luther's day.  A person comes to the confessional to confess sin, but he remembers the very priests who engage in immoral villainy.  Is it merely isolated?  No, no!  It is actually a plague of sexual filth that is everywhere.  They ask, "do you know or believe it happened?"  Do they ask because of the right motive?   Surely you all know!  Not at all.  Its secrets in the darkness that I have been eyewitness that is a cover-up from the United Nations to Rome.  Why?   To simply further the interests of man.  How?  By satanic power.  

A unsound gospel leads to contrary living.  Don't we all see this throughout evidence against Roman priests?  There were so many that came by the Jesuit priest of Satan that it is surely their fear, weakness and death nail.  They hate Christians because they hate Jesus Christ.  They will use brainwashing psychology to keep the pews full, but I don't think Nero could add more lawlessness to Rome's acts of hidden abuse, terror and crime.  Some say you will be amazed at who Jesus accepts at the Last Day.  May I say, you will be amazed at who Jesus rejects at the Last Day!  Now they are making a pope by appearance a saint when he is cooking in hell.  I am serious.  Rome knows they are damned.  They don't come to learn from Jesus Christ but they come to "change his mind."   Rome defies Jesus Christ in His presence.  I have seen it but I hoped not to believe it.  A large following may mean a greater deception is at work, but something like Noah's Ark is sailing on the storms of the sea.  Rome caused the storm of July 1994.  It is like Satan who comes to defile a pre-converted elect unChristian Christian because of counterintelligence and says, "Look what Jesus must have suffered for what you have done" and he heaps defilement on children.  What does it mean?  It simply means it is the way of Romanism.  Here you see the pope kiss the young.  It is a kiss of iniquity because he furthers a crime that only melts away by his outward goodness that has a motive of a real "cover-up."  

So which is which?  I have found that the purity, peace and unity of the Reformed Orthodox Christian Evangelical gospel is in the confessional local churches.  I honestly noticed the gospel and sacred truth to be the Word preached in the local church but Rome's preaching is poorly and ineffective by virtue of an alien teaching that is not of a holy Triune God.  The confessional church is better than the Roman church.  How?  It has the divine teaching of the Spirit of the written Word.  I defy Rome to trust my soul to them when I have found them practicing demon worship in abusive immorality that is legally culpable but dismissed through injustice.  Forgiveness for them is like a license to sin.  Yet it is the very judgment of God Himself.  They would murder the angels if it meant Rome's glory.  Behold, the Sun is offended (Ecce sol offenditur).

The gospel, not Romanism
(Evangelium non Romanism)

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