Monday, November 4, 2013

Papal Atheistic Theism: A Hope of Future Cessation

Here are a, b,c, --propositions on cessation of papal atheistic theism in a better hope for the Christ-exalted future:

a.)  The popes possess false belief that is merely reduced to atheism, because it is not of the Spirit and Word in authentic rebirth unto monergistic regeneration.

b.)  The theism of Rome is an unregenerate falsehood in the ministry of Balaam Judas.  That is, it is a ministry of secret wrongdoing and advancing through the betrayal of Judas.

c.)  The papal atheism is summed up in the team-up of Roman Vatican officials and popes with the team of the supremacy of atheism to denominate everything opposed to the Christian Bible and constitutional freedom under rights given by the only self-existent Sovereign.

d.)  Imagine if Rome endorsed the programming of anthropological modification through long-term suggestion unto a negative submission by design of a consuming and mind-alternating negative way of Satan and hidden second causes (in some isolated cases, for example, in July 1994 by brainwashed victims in overriding the conscious volitional mind through an evidential second cause that impacts the mind through mad-scientist atheistic Jesuit psychiatry to accomplish some intent of villainy (of Rome's hidden immorality in violation of law and Christian living) where the "victims" bear no responsibility in civil violations of civil law but are responsible before a holy God in evil thinking, words and behavior in a lesser degree and level of sin before God and man)  in the hidden allegiance of homosexual abominations in the outward manifestation of public sin in the furtherance of the degradation of the traditional family to further the stench of Roman pig-hood (the new face of Playboy) and atheistic mind-bending pleasure of sexual trauma to further more sexual evil in light of Romans Chapter 1 (in many relevant contexts and cases).

e.)  In terms of sinfulness of sin and disgraces of disgraces, all men everywhere must repent and believe the Glad Tidings of Jesus Christ.  If this command is not obeyed and the reflection of God's intent for holiness, it is a demonstration of civil rebellion against a holy and innocent God.

f.)  Suppose ...if there is a black pope as the next pope, I would respectfully call for the hope of children and moral people everywhere the cessation of a papal hat and the furtherance of unity of imputation of Christ alone and commitment to Reformed confessional unity in a reformational awakening that is in the Hands of Jesus.

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