Monday, June 23, 2014

Continued BDiv in RBT....

BOOK: 6 –

95-Disputations on Each Particular of Ten Commandments

The Incarnate Word!
The Only True Lawgiver:
95-Disputations on the First Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…You shall have no other gods before Me…”  (Exodus 20:3 NASB).

1.      To place Caesar before His Majesty Jesus is the sin of idolatry because Jesus Christ is King of all nations.

2.      The corrupt nations get ready to fire their weapons against the Triune Majesty of heaven.

3.      The gathering nations despise Him especially King Jesus Christ, the Father’s ultimate and eternal Son.

4.      The Trinity is exalted righteousness, holiness and goodness but fallen man hates a God of justice.

5.      A God of justice smites those who understand themselves as a god.

6.      A good God will forgive any sin of the elect even godhood but sometimes the elect will fall into sin as an abuse of grace with wrong thinking but will be revived to stop abusing grace so we would use election unto holiness.

7.      There is no greater misery unto election in this life than being corrected by a holy God to set you straight in repentance unto redeeming the time concerning the idolatry of godhood.

8.      There is a greater misery unto reprobation where the reprobate sinner thinks he is right with his godhood doctrine.

9.      It is so confounded that the misery of idolatry tricks him in a deluded “pleasure” of self-destruction that is energy to the crux of sin in a great furtherance of idolatrous rebellion.

10.  A holy God also gives patience to them to repent unto remission.

11.  Some theologians think godhood is a doctrine of the unforgivable sin.

12.  Godhood is only the unforgivable sin if it is with a never-converted reprobate.

13.  A never-converted reprobate will not have the least of sins forgiven let alone the great sins forgiven.

14.  In some sense all sin is a great sin but in another sense there are different levels of sin.

15.  We must address every sin before a holy God to honor His command of faithful repentance through the Lamb slain.

16.  A good God gives patience to repent of those who break this commandment.

17.  Sometimes the idol in us will seem elusive because sin has a dark way of hiding the sin that offends a holy God.

18.  Muslims place Allah before the Triune Majesty.

19.  Catholics place the Virgin Mary at a level of basically honoring her as the same as God Incarnate (Jesus Christ).

20.  Jehovah’s Witnesses understand Jesus as an exalted angel but He is not an exalted angel but He is Incarnate Jehovah.

21.  Mormons place Joseph Smith above Jesus Christ in terms of the greatest of Jesus Christ in an all-exclusiveness because God the Son alone became man.

22.  The Father must be the first in all to honor His blessed will.

23.  There is no god that should stand before the Father.

24.  The Son must have the preeminence in His unified work.

25.  There is no god that should stand before the Son.

26.  The Spirit of God must be first in His application.

27.  There is no god that should stand before the Holy Ghost.

28.  Place a holy Triune God first in all things.

29.  Does a holy Triune God have the preeminence over all?

30.  Are you a fornicator?  O sinner! you have placed sexual relations over the holy Triune Majesty of God!  Repent and obey the good news!

31.  The greatest Father is God the Father.

32.  The greatest Son is God the Son.

33.  The greatest Spirit is God the Spirit.

34.  There is One God revealed in Three distinct Persons.

35.  Do you place wealth before godliness through Jesus?

36.  Do you place habitual sin before the honor of the Son?

37.  Are you living for something else beside Jesus Christ?

38.  How do you treat sin that comes into your life?  Do you let it pass by (delayed obedience) or do your bring it to God through Christ crucified (a shattered immediate obedience)?

39.  Do you place anything before Jesus Christ in all your daily life?  If so, identify it and bring it to Jesus.

40.  Honor God and confess sins of idolatry.

41.  Idolatry is worship of anything but the Triune God.

42.  Idolatry can be self-worship of idolization of a sinner.

43.  Every sin really boils down to idolatry.

44.  Idolatry is the creature over the Creator instead of the Creator over the creature in all things pertaining to life and godliness.

45.  Those things pertaining to eternal life and godliness are essential to obedience.

46.  The Ten Commandments is not how someone is right with a holy God because no one can keep perfectly.

47.  The Ten Commandments is essential for obedience unto blessing under the Lamb’s blood.

48.  The Ten Commandments that are disobeyed are unto cursing by a holy Triune God under the Lamb’s blood.

49.  Make sure it is under the Lamb’s blood that cleanses and forgives all sin whatsoever it is for God’s elect alone.

50.  Do you place something before God the Father?  If so, it is an idol that is all about the sinfulness of sin.

51.  Do you place something before God the Son?  If so, it is an idol that is all about the great original sin of fallen man.

52.  Do you place something before God the Spirit?  If so, it is an idol of replacing the Spirit of God with human work.

53.  The only true Lawgiver was Jesus Christ.

54.   Jesus was the only true Lawyer because perfectly obeyed the Father in all things.

55.  Moses of the Old Testament was not the only true Lawgiver because he did not perfectly obey the Father.

56.  Moses was someone in this life who possessed the unified imputation of Jesus.

57.  The imputation of Jesus’ unified work goes back to Adam where God clothed them.

58.  Imputation goes forward from the Cross to cover them with the robes of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world.

59.  Imputation is the Hand of God where time is not respected but it covers the past, present and future in absolute forgiveness, cleansing and triumphant victory.

60.  The soul of Moses was perfect because of sola Christus.

61.   Moses had a body that sins in the shadows of sin on the soul from the body.

62.  Everyone since Adam is in original sin and actual transgressions.

63.  All sinners are totally depravity and completely unable.

64.  All sinners are radically corrupt.

65.  All reprobates are blind with the gospel hidden.

66.   A holy Triune God would also redeem Moses’ body.

67.  Satan desired the body of Moses to seek to possess it to destroy the people of God in a masquerade.

68.  Satan could not possess it if he wanted to because the body is sanctified but he even believes his own lies.

69.  A holy Triune God would not dare let Satan have it because Moses honored a holy God by His Spirit and Word.

70.  It was over a dispute with Satan where Michael the Archangel fought against him.

71.  The body of Moses resides in heaven according to Jude Chapter 1.

72.  Do you place practical unrighteousness over a true reflection of positional truth in outward living to Jesus in holiness, godliness and gospel-deeds?

73.  Do you KNOW God?

74.  Or do you merely KNOW ABOUT God? 

75.  What if you know God to honor God?

76.  If you know God not to honor God you have replaced your gospel-obedience with no obedience?

77.  Is God pleased with no gospel-obedience?  By no means!

78.  Does obedience save us like Jesus saves us?  By no means!

79.  Why engage in obedience?  Didn’t Jesus obey the Father to earn our salvation in an all-exclusive sense?  Yes indeed.

80.  If we are to be a little Jesus, why doesn’t everyone imitate the life of Jesus in a shattered, corrupted and radically corrupt image of Jesus Christ?

81.  Imitation of Jesus is not like Satan rising above Jesus.

82.  Rising above Jesus is a myth but no less idolatrous.

83.  Imitation of Jesus is praying to the Father.

84.  Jesus imitation is about obeying the commands of the Father because the Father is the Great King of kings as the First Person of the Triune Godhead.

85.  The Old & New Testament is about honoring God.

86.  The First Commandment of the Ten Commandments is about the all-exclusive worship in everyway of a holy God.

87.  Do you venerate saints in prayer before God?

88.  Do you venerate saints at all even if you place God first?

89.  Venerate God and pray in the name of Jesus.

90.  For Jesus sake, do not pray to anyone but the Triune Godhead because it carries the divine power of the Name.

91.  What if you learn about God to increasing love instead of a mere head knowledge?  

92.  Gospel-wisdom without gospel-deeds is lacking.

93.  Gospel-wisdom with gospel-deeds is a little Jesus.

94.  Anything placed above the divine Scriptures of the divine Trinity is idolatry.

95.  A little Jesus obeys the First Commandment in the Ten Commandments.

The Jesus Law!
God the Son Became Man in His Virgin Mother As
The Incarnate Image of God That Earned Salvation For His Elect!
95-Disputations on the Perpetuity of the Ten Commandments in the Second Commandment to the Christian & Obedient Solider

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments…”  (Exodus 20:4-6 NASB).

1.      Idolatry is the worship of something other than the Triune Majesty.

2.      Do not kneel to anyone in a worshipful context but the Triune King.

3.      Kissing something is not commanded but to kiss the eternal Son.

4.      No elect saint should receive prayer and/or worship.

5.      Elect angels should not receive prayer and/or worship.

6.      The Book of Revelation elect angels rebuke the worship of chosen angels.

7.      God the Father did not become man but He is a divine spirit with a divine personality as the First Person of the Trinity.

8.      God the Son alone became man in the Triune Godhead.

9.      God the Son existed forever as the eternal Word.

10.  God the Son became sinless man in the supernatural, miraculous and divine conception by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.

11.  Jesus Christ was not conceived by a real human father in the Virgin Mary, His mother who bore Him in His matchless birth.

12.  The God-man was born in a matchless birth not because Mary, His mother, remained a virgin.

13.  Jesus Christ is Incarnate Jehovah, Yahweh or the eternal I AM.

14.  The Incarnate Second Person of the Blessed Trinity is the greatest Person to live as a man among sinners to save a lost people.

15.  It is idolatry for anyone to say they are greater or better than Jesus Christ but the verse that seems to suggest this is a sarcastic hyperbole.

16.  It is idolatry to say someone saves more than Jesus Christ in preaching the glad tidings of the Father of lights.

17.  It is idolatry to say someone saves more than Jesus Christ in proclaiming the gospel because there is no one saved apart from Him when someone is spiritually saved.

18.  If Jesus Christ does not get the preeminence in all things it is the perpetuity of idolatry because of placing something above a holy God.

19.  Jesus Christ saves with His divine, unified righteousness and His atoning death by the gift of His imputation by the gift of faith alone by the Holy Spirit and written Word.

20.  We are loved in and through the eternal Son of God.

21.  It is true we are loved in and through Jesus Christ but we do not become the eternal Son.

22.  This Reformed doctrine is a denial of Roman sacerdotalism (salvation through Roman priesthood).

23.   We do not become the Son but are loved through the unique Son.

24.  Future glorification means we become the perfected image of God.

25.  Future glorification means we will be creaturely sinless Christians.

26.  There is no spiritual precedence of biblical constitution to teach in anyway that glorified sinners will be worshipped.

27.  In glory Christians will not be worshipped as gods by nature of status.

28.  In glory only the Triune Godhead will be worshipped and none else.

29.  Does future glorification means we become the Son in glory?  This is the farthest from our minds!  What then?

30.  In glory we have the dominance and proliferation of the divine unified merits of the eternal Son.

31.  The unified merits of Jesus Christ are glorified in a perfected sense in us and through us so we will wear His robes of unified righteousness in a perfected sense and yet we do not become the Son.

32.  The Roman priesthood says of themselves “I am Christ.” 

33.  How is Roman sacerdotalism be the case (or true) when the Father says “This is My only-begotten Son; listen to Him?”

34.  No one may counsel Him as the Fourth Member as a god besides.

35.  No one can approach the Father except through the real divine Son of Man (Jesus Christ) by the work of the Holy Spirit.

36.  The Holy Ghost (the Spirit of God) did not become man but He exists as the Third Person of the Trinity.

37.  No one is an incarnation of the Holy Spirit because we are not the Spirit of God nor of the Father nor of the Son; rather, we are called to be like the angels because after all it’s in the term/word “evangelical.”

38.  Christian people posses the Holy Ghost by the Father’s design under and through the cosmic operation of the eternal Son, His Majesty.

39.  The fallen angels worship Satan because they serve him but falsely acknowledge him as the true god in dark self-deception.

40.  Worship is service to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit alone (the Holy & Blessed Trinity only).

41.  The nature of aseity is everlasting self-existence; that is, the true God always is was and forever shall be because it is His nature.

42.  Aseity means the Triune Godhead is from everlasting to everlasting, but He is not running down like the universe, the earth or fallen man.

43.  The universe is worshipped by occultists but it had a beginning (Gen. 1:1), but the Triune Godhead had no beginning.

44.  The Triune Godhead forever exists but depends on nothing.

45.  A holy Triune God is One in essence, nature and unity (Deut. 6:4).

46.  A holy Triune God is so He alone must be worshipped.

47.  The is that states a holy Triune God is is not something that represents a façade of a god but really is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

48.  The God Who is is by nature from eternality to eternality.

49.  The Triune Majesty has no god besides Him because He alone is God.

50.  If we worship another god besides the Father it is idolatry.

51.  If we worship another god besides the Son it is idolatry.

52.  If we worship another god besides the Spirit it is idolatry.

53.  Did all faithful Christians know that the worship of the sinless and sacred humanity of God Incarnate (Jesus Christ) is idolatry?

54.  How do we explain that the sinless and sacred humanity of the everlasting God-man (Christ Jesus) is idolatry? 

55.  The worship of the humanity of Jesus Christ is forsaking the technical, fine and precise biblical distinction (not separation) of the God-man.

56.  If we worship the humanity of Jesus Christ, we have fallen into idolatry.  Is the human nature of Jesus Christ divine?  No, it is precisely human but free of original sin and actual transgressors.

57.  How?  The human nature is not the divine nature, but also the divine nature is not the human nature (the hypostatic union).

58.  We must not mix the two natures of Jesus Christ.

59.  We must not confuse the two natures of Jesus Christ.

60.  We must not separate the two natures of Jesus Christ.

61.  What are the two natures of Jesus Christ called in Reformed Theology?   It is simply the hypostatic union of King Jesus.

62.  The worship of God by true Christians that is reduced to the worship of something else is contrary to the biblical meaning and application of the Second Commandment in the Ten Commandments.

63.  The Second Commandment is not abolished like Romanism dogmatically states but this Old Testament Commandment calls the true follower of His Majesty to worship the eternal Triune Aseity.

64.  We are called to worship that which is everlasting aseity (eternal self-existence) alone: namely, the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit (One God in Three Persons).

65.  Is the sinless humanity of Jesus Christ by itself idolatry?  It cannot be supposed that it is idolatry unless a holy God were a sinner.

66.  Should we venerate the cross?  Veneration in a worshipful context is worship but this must be owed to God alone not a piece of wood.

67.  Should we worship the Eucharist?  The presence of Christ is there with great emphasis.

68.  The special work of His death (propitiation and expiation) and the remembrance of His written Word make the Eucharist special without worshipping the literal beard.

69.  What if we got on our knees at the Lord’s Supper to worship the eternal Son who is enthroned at the Right Hand of Power?

70.  What if we got on our knees to worship the Father’s design of the remembrance of the Son at the Eucharist?

71.  What if we got on our knees to worship the Spirit of God who brings the remembrance of the Lord’s death to our minds by the written Word proclaimed, preached and set forth plainly in His Word?

72.  Worshipping a piece of beard would be a violation of the Second Commandment juts like worshipping His human nature.

73.  We must worship God alone!

74.  The Holy Father is God the Father because (Jesus declares this Name belongs to God the Father with profound, isolated and renown particularity).

75.  The Holy Son is the eternal only-begotten God-man because (the people of the Old Testament regarded Him as the Holy One of Israel).

76.  The Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost (denied by Mormonism).

77.  The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God that is (referred heretically by cults to be a goddess).

78.  The Spirit of Christ is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity.

79.  The Third Person of the Trinity is in the order of being but He did not become man and yet He remains as a divine person in the form of a dove because He comes with gentleness, purity and grace to the elect people of God in Christ alone.

80.  The Three Persons is the economic distinctions in the Godhead.

81.  The Father is and was eternally the Father.

82.  The Son is and was eternally the Son.

83.  The Holy Spirit is and was eternally the Holy Spirit.

84.  The Holy Ghost as a title that means the Holy Spirit is as much from the Father just as He is as much as from the Son.

85.  The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.

86.  The Spirit is the Spirit of the Father.

87.  The Spirit is the Spirit of Christ.

88.  The Holy Spirit is called thus because of His special work in past and progressive sanctification.

89.  The sinless humanity of Jesus Christ does not constitute an honoring veneration of images like Romanism because it is worship.

90.  The sacred humanity of Christ Jesus does not bare the precedence of hyper-veneration or worship because it is owed to God alone.

91.  God the Son had to become sinless man but God the Son did not become an idol by the mere fact of His incarnation.

92.  It was the Father’s delight for His eternal Son to become man by the gift of the Hound of Heaven through His Word preached to those He chooses to adopt into His spiritual family of the elect.

93.  The worship of human hands is idolatry (the calf in Old Testament history).

94.  What are you worshipping by your own hands these days?  Honor, veneration and immediate worship in the Christian context or religious context belong to a holy God and Him alone if we are consistent with what constitutes a holy God of aseity.  That is, only that which is by aseity deserves worship alone and anything else is a façade of atheistic and religious idolatry unto reprobate foolishness.

95.  No Being is worthy of worship save the Triune God (One Being in Three distinct Persons).

All For His Name’s Sake
95-Disputations on the Third Commandment in the Ten Commandments to Reverence, Cherish and Honor the Divine Name of the Only Triune Lawgiver

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain…”  (Exodus 20:7 NASB).

1.      The honor of the Father’s title is the Father of lights.

2.      The honor of the Son’s title is Son of Man that is forever.

3.      The honor of the Spirit’s title is the Spirit of God.

4.      The essence of God’s Name (singular or one) is from everlasting to everlasting.

5.      The Three distinct Persons of the Godhead are grounded in pure aseity.

6.      The Jew is vain who serves the Father apart from the Son.

7.      The Muslim who serves Muhammad before Jesus is lost.

8.      Honoring the name of L. Ron Hubbard is blasphemy (he took God’s name).

9.      Those in the place of hell suffer being left to the punishment of their sins in defiance to the Name’ sake of Jesus Christ.

10.  Those of the place of hell unjustly despise the Triune Name of God.

11.  Orthodoxy holds that every professed believer is baptized in the Threefold Name otherwise it is not according to divine Scripture and Reformed Theology.

12.  The name of vanity is wrongdoing in the mask of masquerades.

13.  God the Father keeps through His own name: namely, He is the Holy Father.

14.  Rome exalts the Pope of Rome as the Holy Father (it violates this command).

15.  Rome exalts the sacerdotal priesthood to another Christ (an unlawful view).

16.  The very Name of Jesus Christ is “Jehovah Saves Who is Messiah.”

17.  By the Name’s sake of Jesus He lived perfectly because He is God the Son.

18.  By the Name’s sake of Jesus He died perfectly as the God-man.

19.  By the Name’s sake of Jesus He bodily rose as the divine Son of Man.

20.  By the Name’s sake of Jesus He bodily ascended as the eternal King.

21.  By the Name’s sake of Jesus He was crowned King with sole rights.

22.  By the Sake of the Name every crown of God’s people are cast at His feet.

23.  At the Name of Jesus Christ, let every man know, He alone is worthy.

24.  The Name of God is to be worshiped by all living things.

25.  The Name of God is sacred, holy and good to God Himself.

26.  The Name of the Triune God is singular for one God (Monotheism).

27.  The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the Three distinct Persons (Trinitarianism).

28.  The Name of God would teach against Tritheism (three separate gods).

29.  A violation of this command is the Father became man.

30.  An unlawful teaching of this command is the Son is merely man.

31.  False theology misinterprets the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

32.  Violations that are misinterpretations of the Father are forbidden.

33.  Violations that are misinterpretations of the Son are unlawful.

34.  That which is forbidden on the Holy Spirit is against this command.

35.  Violations of this law are slain related subjects on the Name.

36.  To speak falsely of theology (the study of God) is violation of this law.

37.  We are forbidden to take the Name of Jesus in vain.

38.  Some take the Name of Jesus in vain regardless of the Name.

39.  The Father is the only true lawgiver by His design.

40.  The Son is the only true lawgiver by earning redemption.

41.  The Spirit is the only true lawgiver by application of the Son.

42.  Reverence to the Name of Jesus is loving thy neighbor.

43.  Cherish the Name of the Triune God by loving the Son.

44.  Honor the Name of the Triune God by loving the Father.

45.  Worship the Name of the Triune God by loving the Spirit.

46.  Those who offend the Name of Jesus offend the Father.

47.  The offense to the Holy Father as God the Father is punishable.

48.  The offense to the Name of Jesus will not be guiltless.

49.  The blasphemy of the Name of the Holy Spirit is ultimately unbelief.

50.  Sound doctrine for His Name’s sake is living as a little Jesus.

51.  A little Jesus is not becoming Messiah but honoring God in all.

52.  Do you honor the Name’s sake of Jesus in your thoughts, words and deeds?

53.  Faithfulness to the Name of Jesus Christ is sound doctrine.

54.  Consistent sound doctrine is truthfulness that reflects godly living.

55.  Honoring the Name’s Sake of Jesus Christ is loyalty to His Word.

56.  If we honor the Name we will follow all of His commandments.

57.  It is a matter of obedience to honor God.

58.  To honor the Father is to honor the Son.

59.  Dishonor to the Son is dishonor to the Father.

60.  Dishonor to the Father is dishonor to the Son.

61.  Rejection of the Father and Son is rejection to the Holy Spirit.

62.  To honor the Son is to honor the Father.

63.  To honor the Father and the Son is to honor the Holy Spirit.

64.  Obey Jesus Christ as Head of the church for His name’s sake.

65.  At the mighty Name of Jesus all knees will bow before Him.

66.  Dishonor to King Jesus is dishonor to His teachings.

67.  Some heretics baptize in the Name of Jesus only because of Modalism.

68.  Modalism is the denial of the distinctions of the Triune Godhead.

69.  The Name of Jesus Christ must be honored.

70.  Jesus’ Name must be honored because He is God Incarnate.

71.  We are baptized in the Triune Name of God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

72.  We must honor the Triune Name of God.

73.  The Triune Name of God is the One Being of God.

74.  The One Being of God is the Essence, Unity or Nature of God.

75.  Within the One Essence of God is the Three Persons alone.

76.  The Three Persons are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

77.  Honor the Father’s design by obeying the eternal Son.

78.  Honor the Son’s unified work because its how someone is right with God.

79.  Honor the Spirit’s work of conviction, judgment and righteousness.

80.  All honors are for the Name sake of Jesus Christ in the Father’s design.

81.  To live for the Name’s sake of Jesus Christ is to obey God in all ways.

82.  To live contrary to the Name’s sake of Jesus Christ is to disobey God.

83.  The Father’s design is the Ten Commandments in Christian living.

84.  The Son’s work is earning spiritual salvation for His elect people by perfect obedience to the law of God in everyway.

85.  The Spirit’s application of the eternal Son’s unified work is for His people.

86.  The Son obeyed the law of God sinlessly in behalf of God’s people.

87.  The Father’s design in His title is for the Christian people of God in Christ.

88.  My first name (Michael) means godliness or godlikeness or to be a angel like Michael the Archangel who rebukes Satan (I pray I live up to it).

89.  My middle name (Andrew) means manliness or the first called by Jesus Christ in His public ministry who offered a few fishes and loaves (I pray I am a man of God).

90.  My last name (Petillo) is historically from St. Peter that followed Jesus Christ as a sinful man but was an excellent apostle of Jesus (I pray I am impetuous).

91.  There is no other Name of the Three distinct Persons that is to be worshipped than the Triune Redeemer, Majesty, and Almighty God: namely, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

92.  End all Trinitarian prayer with “in Jesus’ Name” or simply “Amen” (so let it be).

93.  The Triune Name of God is eternal like the Three distinct Persons.

94.  The Name’s Sake of Jesus Christ is to be spread everywhere over the earth.

95.  They called Jesus Christ Laughter because He was the Man of Happiness but He is known as the Man of Sorrows or the Suffering Servant (the divine Son was the happiest that ever lived because of His immutable sinlessness).

The Sunrises on the Days of the Lord
95-Disputations on the Fourth Commandment in the Ten Commandments in a Foredetermined Demonstration of the Gift of God’s Obedience to the Lord of the Sabbath & the Special Day of the Seventh Day Sunrise

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shalt labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you.  For in six days the LORD made the heavens and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy…”  (Exodus 20:9-11 NASB).

  1. Honor the seven days of creation in loyalty to King Jesus.

  1. Repent unto remission (not only on Sunday Worship) but everyday.

  1. We are elect unto holiness all the days of the week.

  1. Reflect the positional in the practical.  How many works of creation did on the seventh day?  Perhaps Jesus Christ did the greatest work of all as the Incarnate Rest (Jesus Christ); that is, He provided for His people alone the rest of His unified merits for justification by faith alone.  If Jesus does all things well and it is the crux of the divine rest, what else will anything mean but Jesus who always did what is right?  Did He not save also on Sunday Worship (i.e., Charles H. Spurgeon)?  Perhaps He is working with more emphasis on Sunday because of the emphasis among church to preach the Word (biblical fellowships).  What if the unified work of Christ is the essence of rest?  What if this is the essence of rest where Jesus lives in our hearts, lives in our minds, lives in our spirits, lives in our souls, lives in our wills, lives in our words and lives in our deeds (to demonstrate the unaddable Christ in how someone is right with a holy God), but everything else is fulfilled in Him to enjoy and glorify God forever?  If it’s fulfilled in Him, how much more should it establish human responsibility?  If it established human responsibility, what else could be ultimately done but to treasure Jesus in all we do to be an example of a changed people?  All things are right on Sunday but sin, but all right things are permissible in election unto holiness.  Maybe the unified work of Jesus in the positional reflects a limitless work of practical enjoyment of loving a holy God and thy neighbor in all things.

  1. What else is election unto holiness but for everyday?

  1. Let us everyday praise a holy God!

  1. Let us everyday rejoice to a holy God!

  1. Let us everyday engage in contrite repentance to God.

  1. Sunday worship refers to resting in Jesus as preeminent in all.

  1. The question of resting on the Lord’s Day (interchangeable with the Sabbath Day) is the motive.  What is your motive? 

  1. If you have a good motive to ponder the divine Word on the Lord’s Day in remembrance of the sermon and Eucharist regarding riding a bike or watching a particular show, are you not resting unto the Lord?

  1. Resting unto the Lord in whatever you do will be determined by the holiness of your motives (are you resting in such-a-such a thing or such-in-such of activity in honor of the Lord)?

  1. Is your resting set apart (holy) in whatever you do?  If it is, do it to God’s glory with great emphasis of holiness.  If not, repent unto remission to redeem the time and, my child, begin again in Christ!

  1. What is resting?  The all-supreme, all-great and all-preeminent focus on the Lord of the Sabbath (Jesus Christ).

  1. Sabitarianism means the supremacy and centrality of remembrance our rest in Jesus Christ in all we do (especially on Sunday).

  1. If Sunday Worship is something other than the all-preeminence of Jesus Christ, the Father’s eternal Son, it is a high degree of idolatry.

  1. The high worship of Jesus Christ on Sunday morning and (perhaps evening) is about honoring Him in the supremacy and centrality of His all-consuming preeminence, because after all, what else is the divine Word (66 Books) about other than Jesus Christ?

  1. It does not mean our days are not about the preeminence of Jesus Christ but there is an emphasis of His presence on the Lord’s Day because it has the Lord resting unto holiness.

  1. The character of the Triune God is the superlative holiness of Himself.

  1. If the Sabbath Day (Resurrection Sunday) is something other than the exaltation of our future and eternal rest in glorified holiness of the eternal Son (that awaits us) at the end of our preaching it is all vanity.

  1. If the motive is not about resting unto holiness on Sunday Worship in playing softball, it should not be done.

  1. Playing softball on Sunday is only questionable if you answer this question in the negative (due to God’s emphasis of holiness on the Seventh Day sunrise), are you resting in Jesus when you play?

  1. What is resting in Jesus?  The great remembrance of the spiritual emphasis of holiness because of the Son’s resurrection that demonstrates in sacred and historical etymology (the holy remembrance of the Son’s life and death for how we are right with a holy God) that is displayed in the gifts of His Hand.

  1. The gift of His Hand on Sunday Worship in playing whatever sport is, do you do such-and-such a thing with honor to His Name’ sake with the supreme pursuit of excellence in worship of King Jesus?

  1. Are you lifting weights on Sunday after morning service?  Your motive should be resting in the Lord unto practical holiness that reflects the positional in treasuring His unified merits.

  1. The holiness of the gospel should be spread everywhere.

  1. Are we called to be holy everyday?  By all means!

  1. If we are called to be holy all our days what of preaching holiness?

  1. If preaching holiness is for all our days we ought to begin to preach everyday because holiness is for everyday.

  1. Everyday was very good but Sunday was holy.

  1. If Sunday is holy we ought to take advantage of the means of grace.

  1. In a sense everything is holy because God’s character is holy.

  1. Sinners mistake God’s sustaining power with pantheism.

  1. What about sinner who mistake God’s creation with disregard for the meaning of God regarding the sacredness of all things instead of the idolatry of a low view of God where He is apart of His creation!

  1. Some admit the holiness of things without acknowledging the divine truth of the written Word.

  1. This acknowledges a civil warm heart brought about by a holy God that is God’s restraining power against the sinfulness of sin.

  1. Is the sacredness of all things a hyperbole (exaggeration)?  It simply means that all living things are precious in God’s creation.

  1. All things possess a sacred holiness to it without a worshipful context or advocating pantheism.

  1. We must especially realize human dignity without a worth of merit that adds to Christ alone.

  1. We must recognize the holy work of the Triune Godhead in the creation of man in the image of God.

  1. The image of God is a shattered image of God due to original sin.

  1. The image of God is restored to His chosen in conformity to the image of God (Jesus Christ) by His Spirit in glory unto mercy.

  1. Those that do not obey God’s gospel everyday will be punished everyday in outer darkness in the place of hell.

  1. All things are holy for everything was made by a holy God.

  1. There is a greater emphasis of holiness to Sunday worship than any day of the week.

  1. The reason why Sunday is a holy day with great emphasis should be the partaking of the fellowship Supper of the Lamb (the Eucharist).

  1. The Eucharist is the emphasis we need for Sunday fellowship because it is how we enter our rest: namely, eternal rest comes through the resurrection of Jesus Christ that confirms His unified work.

  1. What is everlasting rest?  The glorification of the unified merits of Jesus in His life and death alone that is best honored on Sunday in special remembrance of the Eucharist accompanied with the Word preached (the double presence of Jesus Christ).

  1. The double presence of Christ on the Lord’s Day (interchangeable with the Sabbath Day) is the Word faithfully preached and the honor of Jesus at the Right Hand of the Father in remembrance of His death.

  1. Everyone who bears the imputed marks of Jesus Christ should partake of Holy Communion (not an offering for sin).

  1. An offering for sin was the single all-supreme, all-central and all-exclusive sacrifice of Jesus Christ at the Cross that must be remembered by partaking of the Eucharist.

  1. Why shouldn’t we remembrance the Eucharist on every Sunday?

  1. If Sunday is holy what else is the emphasis of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of the good Lord’s death?

  1. If Sunday has the emphasis of the Lord’s Supper why should we have it everyday like Rome?  Its not that we want to be less holy, but there is a sin of over-righteousness.  We want to use everyday for the preaching of the Word that is very good.

  1. How do we know the Eucharist is true?  The resurrection demonstrates that the life and death of Jesus are truth.

  1. Without the birth of Jesus there would be no life of Jesus

  1. Without the life of Jesus there would be no death of Jesus.

  1. Without the death of Jesus there would be no bodily Risen Jesus.

  1. By the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ we see the verification of His propitiatory death (to pacify God the Father’s wrath by His atonement at the Cross) in behalf of His chosen people.

  1. By the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ we see the confirmation of His expiating death (to remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west by His Cross as the substitutionary atonement) in behalf of God’s elect people.

  1. Goodness is not as strong as a term as holy.

  1. Holiness seems to be a greater emphasis than goodness.

  1. The Father is good, the Son is good and the Spirit is good.

  1. Jesus declared the Father is good but preached the total ungoodness of fallen sinners.

  1. Jesus preached in His ministry (the Gospel record) speaking of man’s totally depravity in response to “Good Master,” “Why do you call Me good?  There is but One Who is good—God.”

  1. The Incarnate Word does not deny His own goodness but emphasis here the goodness of the nature of God.

  1. Goodness may describe holiness but holiness is more set apart.

  1. It does not mean the Father, Son and Spirit are not good.

  1. All good comes from the Triune God of the divine Word.

  1. A holy Triune God created out of nothing (no preexisting material).

  1. Bless a holy God on Monday as much as Sunday.

  1. Worship a holy God on Tuesday as much as Sunday.

  1. Venerate a holy God on Wednesday & Thursday like Sunday.

  1. Preach & pray on Friday & Saturday like Sunday.

  1. Blessings of the Lord come for the blessed of imputation.

  1. Loyalty to a holy Triune God is to put in remembrance the Word.

  1. Obey the Father in the Son’s teachings by the Spirit’s help always.

  1. There is a death to everyday but also a resurrection to every new day.

  1. Give yourselves to a holy God everyday because He made all days.

  1. Worshipful obedience is not only meant for Sunday.

  1. Obey a holy God in public fellowship because of Hebrews 10.

  1. Honor a holy God in secret everyday because we are in His presence.

  1. St. Daniel of the Old Testament days prayed three times a day.

  1. Prayer is not reserved only for Sunday but everyday.

  1. There is no limit to prayer to a holy God alone.

  1. Obey Jesus on Sunday as much as you do on Monday.

  1. Honor the Lord on Sunday the selfsame on Tuesday.

  1. Wednesday is a special day of Bible prayer & fellowship!

  1. What if Thursday is a day of the Psalm & contrite repentance?

  1. Be loyal to a holy God on Friday as much as on Sunday.

  1. Is Sunday your day of obedience?  You forget about Saturday!

  1. Everyday is for the honor of Jesus Christ in His excellence.

  1. The honor of His excellence is about the supremacy of His glory.

  1. The supremacy of His glory is a gift of His Hand unto mercy.

  1. Sunday is like saying one day there will be a perfection of the unified merits of Jesus Christ in glory because after all it is about His triumph over death where God’s people become more than conquerors.

Honor God through Obedience to Your Parents
95-Disputations on the Fifth Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…Honor your father and mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you…”  (Exodus 20:12 NASB).

  1. Those who train children in ungodly things are rebels of evil.

  1. Unorthodox doctrine in bringing children is failure before a holy God.

  1. What if all children are raised in the godly things of God?

  1. The days of the sins of youth must be corrected by godly parents.

  1. What if instead of baptism of infants they are born again?

  1. What if at an early age instead of dedication not at one service but a life of prayer in their early children to see them be born again in credobaptism (profession of faith, possession of the Spirit and then Trinitarian immersion in water)?

  1. Honoring your parents’ means obeying a holy God.

  1. An earthly father must honor His Heavenly Father.

  1. The land must be watered by the Living Water Who is Jesus (a symbolic way to say He is eternal life).

  1. If you father is an enemy of Christ, you should share the love of Jesus.

  1. If your mother is an enemy of Christ, you should preach good news.

  1. An earthly mother must honor God who shelters us with His wings (a kind of hyperbole-based human expression).

  1. The Holy Spirit was not the human father of Jesus Christ but He surely overshadowed the Virgin Mary to immaculately conceive Jesus Christ in Mary’s virginal conception.

  1. Jesus had a matchless birth (not a Virgin Birth) because His matchless birth makes it matchless (not because of Mary though she was a pure virgin bright with creaturely holiness) but because Jesus Christ was God the Son in human form (God the Son’s incarnation).

  1. Does the approbation of Mary mean she is a kind of female redeemer?  By no means!  There is no God besides Him.

  1. Upon what basis could someone make this case?  None!  It is fallen rebels seeking to be aseity but a creature cannot take its nature to self-existence because God always is was and forever shall be.

  1. There are those who say Jesus is God because Mary is God (a mixture of Jesuit teaching of the plot in the emergence of Sedevacantism in the Philippians or an atheistic superman view in sort of a New Age evolutionary approbation that men are gods).  This would be the behind the scene teaching that is placed before the beholding of a vision or knowledge that thinks Mary is the soul of the Spirit (based on eyewitness testimony in a reprobate group).

  1. No one was conceived the fourth member of the Godhead.  Where is this in anything remotely orthodox?

  1. God the Father did not become man to impregnate the Virgin Mary (Mormonism) but He had no human father (conceived without the natural means of sexual intercourse).

  1. Those married for an anti-life-long-pursuit dishonor the written Word and Jesus Christ because of a lack of forgiveness but hold something against their neighbor in marriage.

  1. Husband and wife should compliment their Jesus testimonies because of no subjectivity but the objectivity of the excellence of honoring His Name’s sake by the supremacy of the sole infallible Word.

  1. Those married for five minutes to excuse sexual perversion under the new Balaam to escape prosecution (charges of rape) where never husband and wife but a façade of lawless relations that violate the thrice innocence of a holy God.

  1. It is the delusion of syncretistic psychologists to think there is a superman or Fourth Member (the same error as Joseph Smith who asserted he was greater than Jesus Christ) but there is One who is great among man as Incarnate Deity, He is Jesus Christ, the matchless and only Son of the Holy Father (only God the Father).

  1. It is the psychiatrists’ delusion that Jesus Christ had to have a real human father because He was overshadowed with the Holy Spirit.

  1. Every person in human history apart from Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was conceived in sin (original sin means the consequences of Adam’s sins that held all humanity under God’s judgment because of Adam as our federal head).

  1. Adam fell into sin because of the temptation of sin through Eve.

  1. Fathers, do not fall into crafty sin because of your wife.

  1. Mothers, do not give place to Satan to deceive your husband.

  1. A mother gives birth and raises her child in the things of God.

  1. The mother of Jesus Christ was a human comfort to Him.

  1. The Virgin Mary was there at the agonizing death of Jesus Christ.

  1. Jesus’ Virgin Mother conceived Jesus Christ by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit without a real human father.

  1. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a miraculous or immaculate conception without a human father.

  1. The Virgin bright heard her Son’s final care for her at His Cross.

  1. A good Son will care for his parents no matter what.

  1. Jesus gave Beloved John the command, “Take care of My Mother.”

  1. The Virgin Mary was a homemaker in godly things to Him.

  1. The step-father of Jesus Christ was St. Joseph of New Testament History for He taught Jesus the art of carpentry.

  1. Wood-based carpentry and stone-based work for Jesus Christ must have been familiar to Him because He shaped the universe, the world and all living things but He understood it far better than any under His step-father’s instruction (St. Joseph of New Testament History) touching His human nature (a distinction of the hypostatic union).

  1. Jesus Christ shaped the world by His Power of Being and Spoken Word touching the divine nature of God in human flesh (a distinction in the Incarnate Christ).

  1. Prolong your life by holy obedience to whatsoever is right.

  1. Has your mother abused wrongly abused you?  Sometimes mothers abandon their babies but in ancient times King Solomon encountered a woman who killed their baby (but a holy God will never abandon His people who He has purchased through His eternal Son).

  1. Has your earthly father wrongly abused you?  Forgive him with the preached Word of faithful repentance unto redeeming the time.

  1. Think upon your Heavenly Father (the Holy Father) who never does you wrong in whatsoever He does because He is perfectly holy.

  1. Contemplate the eternal Son (Jesus Christ) who always does whatsoever is right because He is God Incarnate.

  1. Be obedient as God in human flesh (Christ Jesus) as little children.

  1. Little children, be good as Jesus Christ was good.

  1. Honor your father in works of charity (a doing kind of love).

  1. Obey your mother in excelling in life (advance by rightdoing).

  1. There is cosmic evil among reprobate parents.

  1. Kiss the Son in whosoever has disobeyed Him in whatever.

  1. Obey God the Father in His blessed and holy will.

  1. Submit to the Spirit of God by His Word to love thy enemy.

  1. Reprobates lead children astray in a great degree of lawlessness.

  1. A father who provokes their children to harm is not imitating His Heavenly Father who never provokes us with temptation to sin.

  1. A mother who aborts their unborn children or born children are like a little Hitler with the rest of society that now come against the harmless, helpless and voiceless.

  1. Inconvenience is not a reason for murdering children.

  1. Tolerance of redefinition of marriage is not ethically moral.

  1. There is civil goodness among civil parents.

  1. The Christian parents have a greater emphasis of the gifts of God’s Hand by His Spirit and Word in predestinarian demonstration.

  1. There are good civil parents without a Christian context, but it is better to be Christian parents than non-Christian parents.

  1. The Lord gives the gift of the foundation of society: namely, husband and wife to nurture their children with obedient and prolonged days of giving to them because of Christ-honoring love.

  1. The good Lord gives and takes away because He does right.

  1. The days of God’s people are given by the Almighty Lord God.

  1. A mother with numerous men is spiritually outlawed (anti-martial prostitution with a label of unlawful public approbation).

  1. A father with numerous women is spiritually accursed (polygamy).

  1. Habitual sex is a way to describe the characteristic of reprobation.

  1. Parents that are father along with father are spiritually forbidden (homosexuality).

  1. Parents that are mother along with mother are spiritually unlawful (lesbianism).

  1. The Promised Land is a phrase about Jesus and Jesus as the Christ.

  1. The land is a way of inhabitant people of God to live for Jesus.

  1. A mother should read Proverbs Chapter 31 for a godly parenting.

  1. A father should read about the Prodigal Son for divine piety.

  1. Little children should obey their fathers in doing good.

  1. Little children should obey their mothers in tenderness.

  1. The days of obedient children will have prolonged lives.

  1. The reason of a prolonged life is the favor of God.

  1. The favor of God is unmerited but by His Spirit and Word.

  1. The written Word tells us about the obedience to His Majesty.

  1. Obedience to sound instruction by your parents is a holy matter.

  1. Holiness is demonstrated by a true Christian by the Word and Spirit.

  1. A holy God prescribes all peoples to honor their parents.

  1. A father of a child should be about godliness unto love.

  1. A mother of a child should be about holiness unto good.

  1. Parents should learn from their children about civil innocence.

  1. Parents are radically corrupt and totally depraved in original sin.

  1. Little children are conceived as spiritual criminals due to original sin.

  1. A little child bears the image of God with human dignity.

  1. The parents of a family are a male father and a female mother alone.

  1. The grandparents should be a kind of second father or mother.

  1. A happy day in a Christian family is obedience for His name’s sake.

  1. No parent should rape children because they are instruments of life.

  1. What if every parent loved a child as if it was their own?

  1. The shattering of human dignity is not right at all.

  1. Parents should be an example of 1 Timothy 4:12 (not an instrument of lawlessness but godly people of honoring Christ in all especially parenting of little heathens who are made by the Hand of Jesus in the womb in order to be holy unto the Triune Lord in all things by His Spirit and Word).

Do Not Murder
95-Disputations on the Sixth Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“You shall not murder.”  (Exodus 20:13 NASB).

  1. St. Antipas (martyr in the Book of Revelation) was faithful to death.

  1. Paul (before sainthood) consented to the murder of St. Stephen.

  1. Did St. Paul’s murder of St. Stephen require the just punishment of the death penalty in capital offense?  I think not.

  1. We see St. Paul saying that if he has done something worthy of death that he should be punished but all they give him is the despisement of Jesus Christ because of the Name’s sake.

  1. Does the Apostle Paul forget that he murdered St. Stephen standing before the civil authorities in the Book of Acts?  By no means!

  1. St. Stephen’s face shined like an elect angel and he reflected that by praying to the divine Son of Man “Lay not this charge against them.”

  1. The theocracy of Israel under Roman control should have entered with King Jesus because of the fulfillment of His First Advent.

  1. The First Advent calls us to see that Messiah Jesus fulfilled the Kingship of Christ (not only for Israel) but as the reigning King for every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

  1. Jesus (His Majesty) over rides the unjust civil authorities by an ultimate justice of divine satisfaction upon Himself.

  1. If divine satisfaction is fulfilled upon Jesus for His people at the Cross for ultimate justice, what does He do to them?  Does He condemn them?  By no means!  He condemns Himself but imputes mercy unto righteousness, forgiveness and cleansing to His chosen.

  1. Jesus (Judge/Savior/Defense Attorney) is above every court of this good earth because He truly the King of kings and Master of all.

  1. Earthly courts often misunderstand justice, mercy and truth about capital offenses because of a radically corrupt and totally depraved nature rooted, grounded and immersed in original sin in all ways that wear a shattered image of God that are headed to hell in treasuring up works of wrath because of the sinfulness of sin without cause against an innocent and holy God in matchless-bound aseity in sinlessness.

  1. The bodily ascended King reigns in heaven in a heavenly theocracy (not under Roman authority) but where St. Stephen fellowships with St. Paul in a wonderful place (where the air is sinless by the Spirit).

  1. Nero murdered the Apostle Paul by beheading him in Rome.

  1. The Apostles including Matthias (excluding the natural death of Beloved & Apostle John and the suicide of Judas Iscariot) was murdered by martyrdom by grand juries of society according to tradition of church history.

  1. Judas Iscariot (never a saint) murdered Jesus Christ touching His human nature (where He laid down His life at His own authority because He has the absolute Power of Being over death).

  1. The power of death was not truly strong enough to take the life of Jesus Christ except by His sovereign choice to lay it down.

  1. Jesus Christ consented to death by Judas Iscariot “What you must do; do quickly” because it was the meaning of justice for Iscariot.

  1. Jesus Christ provided mercy through His Cross.

  1. If He commands a motion of justice to turn them over like Judas Iscariot, He is blameless in His sovereignty as the Potter.

  1. The sovereignty of Jesus Christ in obeying the Father’s design in consenting to death unto victory because it was His atoning death.

  1. The immaculate conception of Jesus Christ is meant for His life to destroy a life of sinfulness devoid of divine merit of merits.

  1. The matchless birth of Jesus Christ is meant for His death to destroy the so-called life of sin to bring forgiveness and cleansing by His blood at His Cross.

  1. The sinless life of Jesus Christ is the sole grounds for divine righteousness for justification by faith alone.

  1. The sinless death of Jesus Christ is the sole foundation for forgiveness and cleansing by His Cross where He destroyed death by a matchless death.

  1. The death of Jesus Christ was not necessarily by the virtue of the wooden Cross itself.

  1. Yet the Cross was no less ordained but by the wooden Cross by absolute necessity of atonement in particular substitution.

  1. Yet the absorption of Jesus Christ of the Father’s wrathful punishment at His Cross where sin was applied to Him as the Lamb slain and yet He remained to this day the spotless and blameless Lamb of God.

  1. Jesus Christ foredetermined all things for the Cross of Jesus Christ in every detail for the ultimate mercy of God’s people.

  1. Jesus, the Father’s only Son, had the divine Power to lay down His life but the willful sinfulness of sin lays with Judas Iscariot, Jewish leadership and the grand jury of Gentiles with Pilate and Herod.

  1. False religions spiritually murder those who partake of their worldly foolishness if spiritually accepted.

  1. To a greater degree the cultic or occultic organization has the greater sin but the sinner who follows it also has the lesser sin but all bear the hearts of darkness in a flame of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Those of hearts of darkness in a flame by hell reap everlasting death.

  1. The good Lord takes life and gives life because He is the Sovereign Potter because He designs the days of their death.

  1. Why do fallen sinners find fault with a holy God who does whatsoever He pleases? 

  1. Is it not because fallen sinners want to do whatsoever they please? 

  1. Does a holy God do whatsoever He pleases in the sense of sin? 

  1. By no means!  What then?  His character is immutably and superlatively holy in absolute sinlessness.

  1. Is it not true that sinners take it to mean in a worldly rationalism to deny a holy God to do whatsoever is right?

  1. Sinners want to do whatsoever is corrupt because all they really want to do is do whatsoever they want unto a great emphasis of the sinfulness of sin!

  1. It’s not about holiness with fallen creatures by nature unless it’s a façade of a pretended holiness.

  1. Its not that a holy God commits sin when He gives and takes.

  1. A holy God is all-wise according to absolute and superlative holiness.

  1. Hell is a place for those of the reprobates who partake of eternal death because a holy God has chosen them for trophies of ultimate justice.

  1. The place of eternal hell is the place of residents of spiritual murder.

  1. The Triune God can destroy those who are absorbed with eternal death in both body and soul.

  1. The Father, Son and Spirit are profoundly concerned with eternal punishment of the darkness of evil in hell.

  1. The Triune Majesty is the exaltation of ultimate justice in the place of hell reserved for those of outer darkness.

  1. If a fallen sinner has committed murder of human thought by a spiritual wonder that blames the fallen sinner for it while denying the standpoint of criminality upon the immediateness of the primacy of the heart and mind (to suppose a really unknown example), what should be the response?  The greater degree of sin lies with the controller of the immediateness of the emphasis of the heart and mind, but the lesser degree of sin lies with the actual sinner.  (This example would apply also to words and behavior (conversation).

  1. There are those of the living dead unto eternal reprobation (physically living while spiritually dead).

  1. The Father’s design is to sentence the reprobate to eternal death.

  1. The Son’s work is to preach “woe to you” in reservation of hell.

  1. The Spirit’s conviction of sin is to awaken all to a civil understanding (Romans 1:19).

  1. Those of eternal death are always devoid of a spiritual quickening (John 1:13).

  1. Those who conquer the second death is by the Spirit of God and the Word of God (Titus 3:5; John 3ff).

  1. Is the sin of spiritual murder with a holy God?  If the Father crushed His eternal Son for mercy for the benefit of His glory of His unified merits, why would He reserve crushing the reprobate for justice for the benefit of His glory of ultimate justice of the Son?

  1. There would be compatibilistic freedom but that would mean it in the sense of that a holy God is the First Cause without blame of the sin but the Second Cause is to blame without question of the sin.

  1. There are those of the dead living unto eternal condemnation (physically dead while living in the torments of death by a death that lives for the punishment of ultimate justice in hell).

  1. The devil spiritually murdered the sons and daughters of Adam without cause.

  1. The idolatry of the devil is the Second Cause against the human race to sabotage the incarnation of God the Son.

  1. The motive of the devil in the fall of Adam was supremacy.

  1. The devil also wanted service in the fall of Adam.

  1. Adam’s partaking of sin was worship of Satan.

  1. Satan’s motive was to procure the counter tactic of an illegitimate sovereignty by Adam’s fall as to further him as the spirit of the age.

  1. The works of the reprobates are works of murder.

  1. A heretical gospel is no gospel at all due to a lack of salvation.

  1. Another gospel if believed and left unchanged will end in hell.

  1. Another Spirit if left unchanged will end in outer darkness.

  1. Another Jesus if left unbothered will end in flames of hell.

  1. Spiritual murder at the historic fall of Adam (our federal head) by the commission and omission of sin in original sin (Adam’s consequence of sin) brought about physical death.

  1. The Father is a divine personality as the First Person of the Trinity.

  1. The Father cannot be murdered in anyway whatsoever but in condescending to us in lisping He would be grieved of the pain of the injury of sin due to His matchless and sinless innocence.

  1. The eternal Son of God is One Person as the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity.

  1. Jesus Christ is Someone with a human nature and a divine nature.

  1. Jesus Christ is the eternal God-man (two natures (human and divine) in the hypostatic union).

  1. The human nature of Jesus was impeccably sinless where the only way for Him to die was to subject Himself to death by His own prerogative.

  1. The Holy Spirit is a divine personality as the Third Person of the Trinity (the Spirit of God in conviction, judgment and righteousness).

  1. The Holy Spirit can be grieved due to sin but never murdered regarding the people of God because He possesses them in a guarantee of an eternal inheritance by the written Word.

  1. Cain physically rose against Abel (and he murdered his brother).

  1. It is impossible to murder incorporeal elect angels.

  1. The eternal God-man did not die touching His unassailable deity of aseity because His divine nature is untouchable with human sin.

  1. The murder of Jesus Christ touching His divine nature is impossible because He is by nature God the Son.

  1. The murder of Jesus Christ touching His human nature gave up His divine Spirit to His Father where He dwelled in the intermediate state as a pure Divine Spirit as the Second Person of the Trinity without a human body.

  1. Arthur Pink thought Jesus Christ dwelt in eternity with an eternal body before His incarnation, but it was in the eternal mind of God the Son to become sinless man in the Father’s design in the incarnation by the Spirit of God in His human and creaturely mother.

  1. After dwelling three days in heaven He entered His human body in a glorified state in His bodily resurrection unto life everlasting.

  1. The human nature of Jesus well in heaven was taken down from the Cross outside the walls of Jerusalem.

  1. Jesus Christ touching His sinless human nature was placed in a tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

  1. Jesus Christ touching His sinless human nature held all things in His Almighty Hand (so He had power to lay it down and take it up again).

  1. The divine nature of Jesus Christ is everywhere.

  1. Jesus Christ was in heaven before His bodily resurrection in absolute glorification.

  1. The body of Jesus Christ was a sinless human being but in a sense He was present in the place of hell even at the very moment of His immaculate conception by the Holy Ghost.

  1. How? It is true due to the reality that He is everywhere touching His divine nature but not His human nature (a distinction not a separation in the hypostatic union).

  1. Jesus Christ is by nature divine touching the crux of aseity (eternal self-existence).

  1. If Jesus is divine by nature He dwelled in the place of hell ever since it was created by the Triune Godhead: namely, the Father’s design through the Son by the Spirit.

  1. Is a holy God using civil mercy unto ultimate justice?  Or, is a holy God using civil justice unto ultimate mercy?  Or, how about, is a holy God using civil mercy unto ultimate mercy?  Tell me!  O cosmic villain!  What road does He have you on this day?

Do Not Commit Infidelity
95-Disputations on the Seventh Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“You shall not commit adultery.”  (Exodus 20:14 NASB).

  1. Do not engage in at will fornication for advancement.

  1. Advancement must be by godly prayer and godly deeds.

  1. Virginity in Christ is better than virginity outside of Christ.

  1. If you are outside of Christ (alleged moralists) should you sin at will by virtue of your fallen and hopeless nature?  By no means at all! 

  1. Morality for 007 is a profound contradiction where immorality furthers there advancement for their careers (it is a lifestyle of the great corruption of sexual furtherance).

  1. Law enforcement who let crimes go by sexual immorality has committed injustice that covers more injustice (the one for law and the other the alleged lawlessness).

  1. What if the lawful repent unto remission with the lawless and redeem the time together in honor of King Jesus Christ instead of the injury of the innocence of His Triune Majesty? 

  1. A gathering of attempts of failed virginity in Christ are actual transgressions through the propitiation and expiation of the Cross.

  1. It is possible to be a new virgin because of a new creature.

  1. A new creature should not resemble a pile of dung in practice.

  1. A pile of dung in practice is commission or omissions of sins.

  1. Commissions of sins can be submissions to acts of immorality.

  1. Omissions of sins can be a self-righteous pursuit of morality that neglects the ultimate righteousness of imputed unified merit of Jesus.

  1. God the Father never became man like God the Son (Jesus Christ) to have sexual relations with the Virgin Mary (Mormonism).

  1. If a Christian man or woman engaged in fornication it is grounds for the remedy of the Cross of Jesus Christ, but is it the end of your fornication or the beginning of practical holiness, or is it the beginning of your fornication or the end of practical holiness?

  1. The Christian woman should be all about purity.

  1. The Christian man should be all about purity.

  1. It is good for a grown man to be a virgin especially in Christ.

  1. It is well with Jesus for a woman of any age in Christ to be a virgin especially for His honor, glory and esteem.

  1. Purity is not apart from the endorsement of the marriage bed because the marriage bed remains undefiled in true marriage between one man and one woman in Christian matrimony.

  1. Moral purity cannot be accomplished in habitual fornication.

  1. Moral purity in the Christian life is apart from homosexuality.

  1. There are alleged non-Christian cults that say the leaders of the heretical organization have literal sex with the Holy Spirit (a goddess of the spiritual realm).  

  1. The Holy Spirit as the Third Member of the Trinity is not a goddess that ever has sex with human beings but He is holy, blameless, sinless, good and just as a divine person in the Triune Godhead (there is no immorality in the Holy Spirit whatsoever).

  1. The Holy Spirit overshadowed the Mother of Jesus Christ.

  1. The Spirit of God brought about the Immaculate Conception in Mary.

  1. The immaculate conception of Jesus Christ is without original sin or actual transgressions.

  1. The Holy Ghost did not engage in sex with the Virgin Mary to bring about the Immaculate Conception.

  1. A divine Spirit (the Holy Spirit) did not become man to have sexual relations with Jesus’ mother because it is not reserved for Him by His own nature to engage in what His creatures do.

  1. A holy God of aseity never engages in sex due to His eternal supremacy of His reservation of it for His creation.

  1. The Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ (never of the Virgin Mary) is a biblical yet true mystery without contradiction in anyway whatsoever but is it wrong to base a dogma on a true mystery?

  1. It is not wrong to base a dogma on a true God-breathed but Scriptural mystery of the miraculous conception of Jesus Christ because of the dignity, integrity and character of the divine Scriptures.

  1. Some homosexual apologists argue that Jesus Christ taught homosexual behavior but it is so far removed from being in Christ that it is pointless to address such a worthless position due to the theological emphasis of the Spirit placing God’s elect in the eternal Son by the design of God the Father in spiritual salvation.

  1. Where does a society of any kind get immorality?  The sinful nature of fallen man.

  1. The spirit of age also encourages all kinds of sexual immorality.

  1. The devil does not think of limitations of the sinfulness of sin.

  1. The spirit of the age expands beyond the thought of boundaries of the sinfulness of sin.

  1. If there is someone to be thought of as an utter sinner it probably would be the devil but despite all of his sins a good God is restraining Satan so he does not do all the evil he seeks to do.

  1. A society that embraces a government sanctioned immorality is under the profound influence of the “rearing of the head of Satan.”

  1. The devil would desperately seek of God to turn himself over to sin though he is sin itself.

  1. The spirit of the age has the wicked intent to establish justice not to somehow do right but to do more wrong.

  1. In the end the devil will be self-condemned, but his argument will blame a predestinarian God for all of his actions.

  1. A holy God never partakes of Satan’s authorship of sin.

  1. A holy predestinarian God will never have any problems whatsoever to condemn Satan to his face without any injustice whatsoever but the establishment of the justice of His Majesty, King Jesus.

  1. Everyone in the human race among the sons and daughters of Adam.

  1. Nowadays lawful divorce is like air in space.

  1. I swear before a holy God with my hand on the Good Book (in terms of perjury) that I have borne witness that a Romanist priest gives license to five-minute marriages for lawless, adulterous and perverted women under Rome’s approbation to excuse immorality due to culpability regarding the morality of civil laws of the authorities!

  1. The days of the legislation of a post-moral society is upon us!

  1. Immorality of any kind is a characteristic of radical corruption and total depravity because of the historic fall of Adam in original sin.

  1. Immorality defers in greater or lesser degrees depending on the commission and omission of the sinfulness of sin.

  1. Does a democratic-republic care for the foundation of all society in the ordinary means of the outcome of divine providence if it endorses unlawful marriages of homosexuality and polygamy?  Not by biblical standards!

  1. What should a democratic-republic do if it realizes its fallible error if a holy God should awaken them unto civil mercy for a society of lesser degrees of the greatness of sin?  Begin redeeming the time and establish what is right!

  1. What is right? How about the ancient report of history close to 4000 B.C. when Adam and Eve were married by the Pre-Incarnate Christ (God the Son) between a man and a woman to benefit their testimonies in honor of the Jesus after covered in His garments!

  1. St. David speaks of original sin in conception.

  1. Does King David mean sex itself in the boundaries of true and life-long marriage sex?   By no means!  Instead he is referring to a human race that is by nature fallen where conceived children are cosmic criminals, terrorists and heathen (and yet He never prevents them to come to Him on biblical grounds but commands them to come).

  1. In marriage (because of the biblical context), sex is a profound gift of the Triune Majesty between one man and one woman.

  1. Was it good for Adam to be alone?  Not even while he was changeable unto the matter of sinlessness! 

  1. A holy God provided Eve for Adam but notice it was not of the animal kingdom, the woods of the forest but a holy God supplied a woman made from Adam’s side to quench loneliness.

  1. Loneliness is lethal to cause all kinds of sexual pleasure to fulfill the gulf of contentment, peace of mind and comfortable states of mind.

  1. There are those who say that Jesus Christ was somehow immoral but He never committed one iota (even less then that) of any kind of sinfulness of sin.  Why do you accuse the Innocent Lamb?

  1. Dedication to Christian morality is a practical righteousness.

  1. Jesus is slandered about homosexuality, because it is alleged that He never referred to it (yet what is the meaning of the general applications of His perpetuity of the term sexual immorality).

  1. A loyal practical righteousness is reflection of positional truth.

  1. Christian morality is not justification by faith alone but a foredetermined gift of His Hand to display civil goodness with great emphasis of the special work of the Holy Ghost.

  1. Those of reprobation sometimes have civil morality but sometimes they do not but all are habitual fornicators (generally speaking).

  1. Civil morality unto never-converted reprobates is considered sometimes like worldly justification for enough to get to heaven.

  1. Civil morality is so far removed from authentic goodness.

  1. Authentic goodness is the unified divine righteousness of Jesus alone.

  1. Civil morality is even a farce in abstaining from immorality.

  1. What does Number 9 mean?  It means civil morality is in a sense immoral because it is fallen by total depravity.

  1. Does that mean Number 10 means civil morality though radically corrupt should be abandoned?  By no means!  Rather established!

  1. Why is civil morality established when it is soiled with total depravity?  It is established because in a sense that is a gift of His Hand (civil morality).

  1. We are called to obey a holy God in our state of the sinfulness of sin because it is our human responsibility.

  1. What establishes human responsibility?  A holy God’s foredetermined intent is of superlative holiness that is Trinitarian by nature.

  1. Civil morality in abstaining from immorality is self-righteousness.

  1. Civil morality is really corrupt because it is fallen by nature.

  1. Jesus’ blood and righteousness surpasses all kinds of civil goodness by nature of human beings.

  1. Should we submit to immorality because we are by nature radically corrupt?  By no means, but only the sons of the devil (Balaam and Judas Iscariot) would lay such grounds of the impunity of impurity.

  1. A single man should not engage in sexual relations with a woman.

  1. A single woman should not engage in sexual relations with a man.

  1. A single man should not engage in sexual intimacy with a married woman because marriage is between one man and one woman.

  1. A single woman should not engage in sexual relations with a married man because marriage is only between a new Adam and a new Eve.

  1. Adultery should not be limited to a man and woman but it actually includes every kind of sexual sin in human life.

  1. Self-sin in a sexual manner is alien to Christian morality but should be remedied by confessional repentance unto remission (it seems it is universally the sin of human creatures).

  1. A man with a man in sexual relations is alien to whatsoever is right.

  1. A woman with a woman in sexual relations is alien to righteousness.

  1. A woman with a beast in sexual relations is contrary to morality.

  1. A man with a beast in sexual relations is foreign to lawfulness.

  1. Love civil goodness because it is a gift of His Hand (watch out for self-righteousness and a puffed up attitude).

  1. Love to cause Jesus less injury to His matchless innocence by devotion to His Name’s sake.

  1. A society apart from biblical standards on morality is like the mess of immorality among Roman priests.

  1. St. Paul speaks against homosexuality in every way because it is against the natural way that God has made.

  1. The fornicators will not inherit heaven.

  1. The homosexuals will not inherit heaven.

  1. Upon what basis?   “A do not be deceived obedience of Christian morality” (see 1 Cor. 6:9-10).

Do Not Steal
95-Disputations on the Eighth Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“You shall not steal.”  (Exodus 20:15 NASB).

  1. Stealing money from the treasury is a sin in all criminality.

  1. Have you stolen a ring?  Do not wear it or keep it in a collection.  To keep it is daily sin.  Repent to King Jesus (God Incarnate) and surrender the merchandise to civil authorities or the party you stole it from because Philippians 4:8 is about whatsoever is right.

  1. Have you stolen a collection of jewelry ?  Do you wish to sell it or have your wife wear it to have a pleasing appearance?  If you sell it the stolen jewels are sin (someone else is being victimized by your sin as they wear stolen jewelry) or if your wife or girlfriend wears a pleasing appearance of jewelry, it is moment-by-moment sin the stealer is culpable for.  What should be done?  Bring all your seconds of sin, minutes of sin, hours of sin, days of sin, weeks of sin, months of sin and years of sin to the Triune King and than give the jewelry back to the appropriate party but if this is not possible give the stolen jewelry to the civil authorities. 

  1. The world does not forgive for those who have stolen but King Jesus forgives and He writes in His written Word “Fulfill all practical righteousness.”  Where do you stand on this New Testament commandment?  Are you fulfilling whatsoever is right?  Jesus (the eternal God-man) will bring everything into judgment at the Last Day (whether hidden or known) where He will judge all mankind (not like Muslims suppose) but as the Lord of lords and King of kings.

  1. Have you stolen a shirt?  Repent unto the good of restitution.

  1. Have you stolen a sweater? Repent unto the work of restitution.

  1. Have you stolen a pair of pants?  Ask for pardon unto redeeming the time.

  1. Why do anything right to set the wrong right?  Are you not aware that the honor of Jesus Christ is at stake?

  1. What if you did not steal money from the treasury but you waited for an enjoyable job and earned money at God’s timing?

  1. What if you find a million dollars in the forest?  Should you keep the million dollars?  Ethically it seems you should bring it to the civil authorities because someone is up to something elusively criminal.

  1. Plagiarism is stealing direct words from an author unlawfully.

  1. Do you want to see say something of value?  Do not steal someone else words unless you provide them credit. 

  1. If you want to say something of value without plagiarism, would you consider meditating on a chosen subject in the Word of God?

  1. Stealing a purse of a woman is a sin of threat.

  1. What do you do with a sin of threat?  Repent unto remission.

  1. Cheating on your taxes is a sin of stealing from the government.

  1. Stealing money from your parents is a sin Jesus will forgive.

  1. Do you bring your stealing to Jesus that He will forgive you?

  1. Loving any sort of crime to steal something is cosmic treason.

  1. To do not violently steal something from your neighbor.

  1. Stealing a precious thing is alien to God’s lawfulness.

  1. Taking life is stealing away the civil innocence of creation.

  1. Taking life is stealing away an opportunity to live for God.

  1. Do not take something but rather is blessed to give than receive.

  1. Give the gospel to a lost world to steal them back to a holy God.

  1. Stealing by the gospel in light of lost sinners is scandalous.

  1. Stealing for Jesus in sharing the gospel is treachery to Satan.

  1. It is good to steal for Jesus by sharing the good news.

  1. Treachery to Satan by preaching the gospel Word is good.

  1. If you have stolen once should you steal again?  By no means!  Keep guard of your desires by bringing all to Him in prayer.

  1. Give up on yourself in terms of authentic good (blessed self-despair) in terms of righteousness native to your nature.

  1. There is no authentic good native to your nature that is how you are right with a holy God.

  1. There is no authentic justification native to us because we need the authentic good of Jesus (see Philippians 3:9).

  1. It is the farthest from the truth to engage in sin instead of a lesser kind of righteousness to retrain sin (civil goodness).

  1. The highest kind of righteousness is only the unified merit of Jesus in His life and death alone.

  1. The unified merit of Jesus imputed to the regenerate sinner by the gift of faith alone through the spiritual application of the Spirit of God and the written Word of God in spiritual rebirth (spiritual quickening).

  1. If a fallen sinner does not steal at all what does it mean?  It means that a holy God restrains every sinner by His goodness.

  1. If a holy God would remove His Hand from the fallen sinner it would be an example of striving devil incarnate in action.

  1. Where does good come from when there is a civil kind of good?  It is a gift of God’s holy Hand but it is still not the highest good but it is a civil goodness from the gift of His Hand.

  1. The gift of God’s Hand is any civil goodness with great emphasis to God’s people by His Spirit.

  1. Every good thing comes from a holy Triune God.

  1. The never-converted reprobate enables in civil goodness.

  1. The civil goodness of a never-converted reprobate is from a holy God but in a sense militates against himself in the sense of a lesser kind of righteousness because civil righteousness teaches us that something is right but not at the limit of God’s absolute standard but once we encounter the Bar of Justice before King Jesus the only thing that stands before a holy God is the highest form of righteousness in all existence that is the unified righteousness of Jesus Christ alone.

  1. Civil goodness is something that will not enable him to stand before a holy God.

  1. If civil goodness cannot enable someone to stand before a holy God should they do it at all?  There is a right and wrong regardless of a lesser or higher righteousness but it also does not mean this lesser righteousness is somehow compatible with God’s highest unified merit of Jesus Christ alone.

  1. Do you suppose obedience to the law will save you?  How can it save you when it always reveals your shortcomings in self-abasement due to a heavy sense of your radical corruption?

  1. Civil goodness is a soiled state of fallenness of the sinfulness of sin.

  1. To the converted elect it is something that is meant for the honor of Jesus that is meant for His glory in a lesser kind of righteousness that holy God enables His elect to do to treasure up mercy.

  1. The reprobate do not have the highest merit of Jesus Christ alone.

  1. The civil goodness of never-converted reprobates is not really a gift but only in the ordinary sense of divine providence in some sense but it seems to be an indictment of His unscrupulous judgment.

  1. Civil goodness is an indictment of His unscrupulous judgment because it is not that He says in the immediate sense (the good of His Hand) is not right but it is not done with the right honor of Jesus Christ with great emphasis by the indwelling of the Spirit and Word.

  1. Civil goodness is not the ultimate right in the courts of heaven that should be done though a lesser good but the divine unscrupulous unified righteousness of Jesus Christ demolishes all the so-called good of sinners (because the so-called good of sinners is based in radical corruption).

  1. If the civil goodness is lesser right but still radically corrupt should it be done at all?  By all means!

  1. To the reprobate the civil goodness is an indictment by a holy God that it is not enough goodness to stand before the Father.

  1. To the converted elect the civil goodness is awareness of our living stench in the treasure of false religions of sin-soiled civil goodness (but now with something greater than reprobate (the Spirit of God) but still lesser in the good compared to Jesus Christ but to love of the unaddable unified righteousness of Jesus Christ alone in the supremacy and centrality of justification by faith alone.

  1. The so-called civil good in the sinner is from a holy God (but it is called the so-called civil good because of the sinner’s radical pollution but it is called civil good at all because of the good of a holy God).

  1. Does this civil good enough to stand before God?  A holy God will appreciate the good of His Hand but the sinner does not have the compatible divine righteousness of Christ in his ultimate favor.

  1. The civil and lesser good is not the same as Jesus Christ.

  1. This soiled totally depraved civil goodness is a gift unto mercy for reprobate in providence (i.e., a reprobate may help give to a charity).

  1. This act of charity is a civil goodness in a polluted sinfulness of sin that is in a sense a treasure of wrath unto justice to a holy God.

  1. Why is it a treasure of wrath unto a holy God?  A holy God does not approve of the lesser civil good as Jesus good through unified imputation (a legal forensic declaration by God’s oath to Himself where a holy God cannot lie in anyway).

  1. A holy God does not accept the lesser civil good as the unified good of His Son because it is sinful civil good but only good because of God in a lesser sense but sinful not because of a holy God in the immediate sense but sinful because of the fall of Adam in actual transgressions.

  1. A holy God does approve in a lesser sense of the gift of His Hand that is really for the reprobate an acknowledgment of the bankruptcy of His goodness.

  1. Is the bankruptcy of fallen man about his civil goodness a fault of a holy God or man?  It is true that a holy God takes the initiative to save but every man is accountable before a holy God.

  1. It is true that a holy God commands what fallen man cannot do in and of himself (St. Augustine said “Lord, grant what You command”).

  1. Do you know why a holy God commands what fallen man cannot do that is not native to his nature?  It is blessed self-depression (not clinical depression) in one’s own pursuit to merit heaven by man as the measure of all things.

  1. We dare not fault God’s gift (because He always does whatsoever is right, good and holy).

  1. Man’s lack of goodness by nature in the ultimate sense of the eternal Son’s blood and righteousness for justification by fait alone.

  1. A holy God has decided to reserve some for justice as trophies of His wrath but is He wrong to do this?  Not a holy God who does whatsoever is right by His very nature. 

  1. If there was not justice but only mercy what would be of the injustice of sin if not reserved by a holy God to ultimate justice?

  1. If there was not mercy but only justice what would be of the mercy of sin through His Son alone if not reserved by a holy God to ultimate mercy because of the Cross of Jesus Christ?

  1. Sin cannot be forgiven without definite atonement of Jesus Christ.

  1. Muslims see the Cross of Jesus Christ as non-historical but everything in sacred history and secular history if objective refers to the conclusive historical, biblical, apologetical and philosophical implications of the Cross of Jesus Christ.

  1. The study of presuppositional etymology (biblical knowing) enables everyone to understand the Cross from a standpoint of what is right in the God-breathed Scriptures that teach us about justification by Christ alone and godly Christian living.

  1. What if we love a holy Triune God?  Wouldn’t that teach us about loving a Being Who is holy by His very character?  If He is holy by His very character what else would be our response but holiness?

  1. If our response is holiness it would not be about stealing.

  1. If it’s about the sin of stealing someone’s property it is not about holiness.

  1. Stealing someone’s property is amended by repentance unto remission to a holy Triune God and restoring the stolen property with limitless civil good.

  1. If someone is stolen cutting the hand off is stupid because they could use the other hand to steal again (Jesus was not wrong in saying if one hand offends cut if off but what does it mean?)

  1. It means a sarcastic teaching that says knock it off and live right.

  1. If the hands are cut off have you forgotten they still have a mind to commit the sin of coveting (it is idolatry)?

  1. If you are unable to steal you become envious because we do not have a perfect mind in Christ but a fallen mind.

  1. Idolatry really is the crux of every sin.

  1. Translation of Number 83:  All sin is “the creature over the Creator.”

  1. If there is a gift of civil good from the Hand of holy God fallen sinners will claim it is of themselves instead of a holy God.

  1. If they claim civil good for themselves it is not to honor God exclusively but to merit heaven but who are you, fallen rebel, to claim a gift of His Hand that is from Him and not you?

  1. Civil good results in the esteem of self-righteousness.

  1. Civil good will not have a great sense of self-righteousness (personal merit) unless they have the biblical mindset to regard all civil goodness really from the sinner’s point of view due to total depravity a heavy duty blast of wind.

  1. A blast of wind could awaken the senses by its fragrance (but an only Triune God is prepared to within the aroma) but it will not completely awaken the sinner because after all it is a blast of wind but because fallen sinners do not understand divine righteousness of the Son without a perfect mind it seems to blow people away but if they really understood God’s divine unified merit in imputation of the Father’s eternal Son they would understand Jesus is the only Way Truth and the Life (a position of the all-exclusivity of Christ without denying the Father and the Spirit but with great emphasis to understand the eternal Son who became sinless man to live a perfect life for His people and die a perfect death for His people).

  1. Everyone’s blast of wind will not bring the gift of the Spirit of God (He moves like the wind because no one can tell where He comes or goes but He does act in good, right and holy ways) to spiritually awaken the pre-converted elect sinner where He brings the gift of the Father’s only Son to a lost people with the supremacy of the all-supreme unified merit of Jesus Christ alone for how someone is declared right with a holy God.

  1. The Father in a sense says “You are not awakened to My Son’s divine righteousness alone by saving faith but by this civil good in a lesser sense you are treasuring up wrath for the Day of Judgment because you would not heed your radical sinfulness of sin that is reasoned in the double imputation of Jesus Christ (our sin imputed to Jesus and Jesus’ highest unified merit imputed to Him alone) in the Father’s approbation by the Spirit’s application!”

  1. What is the greatest gift of His Hand?  The greatest gift of His Hand is the unified imputation of Jesus Christ for justification by faith alone.

  1. If the Father befriends a fallen sinner unto redemption in His design through His Son by the regeneration of the Spirit and Word it is the real redemptive change of a new creation in Christ Jesus!

  1. Jesus befriends a fallen rebel because he is chosen by the Father.

  1. The Spirit befriends a fallen rebel because he is chosen by the Father and Son due to His friendship that enters in spiritual redemption.

Do Not Lie
95-Disputations on the Ninth Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”  (Exodus 20:16 NASB).

  1. A lie says true faith is imputed (Romanism).

  1. A lie says true grace is infused (Romanism).

  1. Another Jesus is a lie (i.e., Jesus was a created god).

  1. Another Spirit is a lie (i.e., the Spirit does not give the gift of faithful repentance).

  1. Another gospel is a lie (i.e., the gospel is not the power of God).

  1. A lie says baptismal waters enlighten, save and remove original sin.

  1. A lie is decisional regeneration because of John 1:13 & Titus 3:5.

  1. A lie says that Christ is not exclusive to belief in Acts 4:12.

  1. A lie says that a holy Triune God did not exist before all creation.

  1. A lie says the universe is eternal.

  1. A lie says there is no meaning to life (atheistic nihilism).

  1. A lie says we concluded that we do not know about God (agnosticism).

  1. A lie says the human nature of Jesus is everywhere (a distinction not a separation in technical theological language).

  1. A lie says that a holy Triune God is not everywhere (omnipresent).

  1. If it is said that true righteousness as if from the Son but a combination of satisfaction won by Mary and the saints yet not by unified imputation of Christ alone is genuine righteousness is a lie.

  1. If it is said that true saving faith is native to fallen man it is a lie.

  1. Anything that says justification by faith alone is something other than a holy God’s legal forensic declaration through Christ alone is a lie.

  1. A lie says that justification by Christ alone says we are made right with a holy God.

  1. A lie says that by justification is by death.

  1. A lie is justification by faith and works to be right with God.

  1. A lie is justification and sanctification without distinction.

  1. Lying to your neighbor is the crux of idolatry.

  1. A civil love of false witness is to hide evil is cosmic treason.

  1. A preached false doctrine is lying to the people of the church.

  1. A Jehovah’s Witness view is a theocratic doctrine of lying in court.

  1. Lying to one another is a clear sign of untrustworthiness.

  1. Lying to yourself about sin is a sign of a lack of Christian maturity.

  1. Lying to a holy Triune God about sin as a white lie is still serious.

  1. Lying to a Nazi is a grey area that is right due to saving lies.

  1. The papal bull against Luther was a lie because it was false accusations in light of biblical theology.

  1. Children must not lie to their parents who train them up in God.

  1. Parents must not lie to their children because of godly things.

  1. Preaching is about divine truth without lying.

  1. A lie is saying Jesus Christ is not God Incarnate.

  1. A lie is saying the Three Persons are not on the grounds of aseity.

  1. A lie is saying the Hypostatic Union (two natures of Jesus) is not true (His human and divine nature).

  1. A lie is saying a human being is not at conception.

  1. It is a lie to teach Jesus was not immaculately conceived.

  1. A lie says God the Father has a human body.

  1. A lie says God the Spirit is the soul of the Virgin Mary.

  1. It is a lie to say immorality is Christian morality.

  1. Lying is saying godliness is a pathway to economic wealth.

  1. It is a lie to say homosexuality is in the boundaries of morality.

  1. Lying is to say lesbianism is a natural way of morality.

  1. Fornication with a man with a woman is unlawful.

  1. Lying is something other than the biblical Scriptures.

  1. To say Scripture is not God-breathed is a lie.

  1. To say Scripture is not inerrant is a lie.

  1. To say the written Word is not infallible is a lie.

  1. To say the written Scriptures are not perfectly pure is a lie.

  1. It is a lie to say Jesus was an exalted angel in human form.

  1. It is a lie to say the Spirit of God does not monergistic regenerate.

  1. Lying is saying justification is not by faith alone in Christ alone.

  1. Charity without empty words and works is a lie before a good God.

  1. A sin of misusing Scripture is a lie because of self-authentication.

  1. A life of sin that claims the Christian faith is a lie.

  1. Habitual sinning if claimed to be Christian is a lie.

  1. Constant sinning without constant repentance is backsliding (it would be a lie to say you are a Christian in light of true repentance).

  1. A lie is that says Jesus is transformed into the Eucharist.

  1. A lie is saying the Ten Commandments are not essential to practical obedience.

  1. A lie is saying the Ten Commandments makes us right with God.

  1. A lie says faith without works is saving.

  1. A lie says it is not justification by grace through faith alone unto good works.

  1. It is a lie to deny total depravity.

  1. Lying is to deny original sin.

  1. Lying is to deny radical corruption.

  1. It is a lie to say original sin was not Adam’s consequences of sin.

  1. Lying is to deny unconditional election.

  1. A lie says there is no particular, limited or definite atonement.

  1. A lie says there is no preservation of the saints.

  1. Spiritual salvation is a lie without grace alone.

  1. Justification without Christ alone is a lie.

  1. A lie says a holy Triune God a can lie to Himself (Clement of Rome).

  1. It is a lie to say Sola Scriptura is untrue.

  1. A lie denies to God alone be the glory for the glory of sin.

  1. To deny the New Testament Commandments is a lie.

  1. To agree with Scientology in a denial of repentance is falsehood.

  1. A lie denies gospel-thoughts.

  1. A lie denies gospel-words.

  1. A lie denies gospel-deeds.

  1. A lie denies the limited reflection of positional in the practical.

  1. A lie says the limited civil good is not limitless civil good.

  1. A lie says civil good is not a host of blasts of wind.

  1. A lie says Jesus righteousness is not by unified imputation.

  1. A lie says some sin is greater than the Cross of Jesus Christ.

  1. A lie says there is glory of sin at the Cross.

  1. Rather it is a lie to deny the glory of justice at the Cross (not sin).

  1. It is a lie to deny mercy at the Cross of Jesus for His people.

  1. It is a lie to deny the all-exclusivity of divine satisfaction that was placed on Jesus.

  1. It is a lie to practice the occult instead of biblical Christianity.

  1. It is a lie to say the place of hell is not a place of torment.

  1. It is a lie to say heaven is a place of death.

  1. A lie is saying good is evil and evil is good.

  1. A lie says the Holy Spirit is not the Holy Ghost (same thing).

  1. A lie says Christ is not the Head of the church in everyway.

Covetousness Is Idolatry
95-Disputations on the Tenth Commandment in the Ten Commandments

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“…You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor…”  (Exodus 20:17 NASB).

  1. The idolatry over sustenance above the honor of Jesus is sin.

  1. Anything added to the Good Book is idolatry.

  1. Sex before marriage (one man and one woman) is idolatry.

  1. Redefining Christian morality to engage in sin is idolatry.

  1. Living contrary to the excellence of faithfulness is idolatry.

  1. Hating the Good Book is idolatry.

  1. Replacing the Good Book with the Quran is idolatry.

  1. Murder is idolatry.

  1. Hating a good God is idolatry.

  1. Despising Reformed Theology is idolatry.

  1. Adultery is idolatry.

  1. Fornication is idolatry.

  1. Homosexuality is idolatry.

  1. Cheating of any kind is idolatry.

  1. A Jehovah’s Witness gospel is idolatry.

  1. A Mormon’s gospel is idolatry.

  1. A Roman Catholic’s gospel is idolatry.

  1. A Freemason gospel is idolatry.

  1. White lies are idolatry.

  1. Unrighteousness in the sinfulness of sin is idolatry.

  1. Wickedness is the filth of idolatry.

  1. Backbiters are idolatry.

  1. Submitting to Satan and fallen angels is idolatry.

  1. Believing the lies of the spirit of the age is idolatry.

  1. Something above God the Father is idolatry.

  1. Something above God the Son is idolatry.

  1. Something above God the Spirit is idolatry.

  1. That which is contrary to a legal forensic declaration is idolatry.

  1. That which is contrary to unified imputation of Jesus is idolatry.

  1. Another Spirit is idolatry (decisional regeneration).

  1. Another Christ is idolatry (denial of His all-sufficiency).

  1. Another gospel is idolatry (being made righteous in justification).

  1. The Virgin Mary as another mediator and advocate is idolatry.

  1. The Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven is idolatry.

  1. The Virgin Mother as Immaculately Conceived is idolatry.

  1. Jesus’ mother as a female redeemer is idolatry.

  1. The Fourth Member is miserable idolatry (another alleged literal Christ).

  1. Godhood is obvious idolatry because aseity belongs to the Trinity.

  1. Sacerdotalism is idolatry because salvation is the sola Christus.

  1. Nihilism is idolatry because there is meaning in all things.

  1. Etymology devoid sound theology is idolatry.

  1. Hating your neighbor is idolatry.

  1. Loving evil is idolatry.

  1. Hating good is idolatry.

  1. Do not love nature over a holy God because it is idolatry.

  1. Do not worship creation over a holy God due to idolatry.

  1. Worshipping a teacher over the Triune Godhead is idolatry.

  1. Fearing God like Satan and fallen angels is idolatry.

  1. Providing veneration to other than the Trinity is idolatry.

  1. Praying to a saint or god or angel other than the Trinity is idolatry.

  1. Giving homage to something other than the Trinity is idolatry.

  1. Worshipping something other than a holy God is idolatry.

  1. Coveting the wealth of someone is idolatry.

  1. Coveting a woman’s body as a man is idolatry.

  1. Coveting a man’s body as a woman is idolatry.

  1. Something above the obedience to divine revelation is idolatry.

  1. Idolatry is the grounds for all the sinfulness of sin.

  1. Idolatry is denying faith alone as the sole instrument of justification.

  1. Idolatry is denying Christ alone in justification by faith alone.

  1. Idolatry is lying to thy neighbor out of sin.

  1. If we ponder the honor of Jesus in all there would be less sin.

  1. It is idolatry to deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ.

  1. Idolatry is dishonor of father and mother.

  1. Idolatry is the crux of the creature over the Creator.

  1. A Christian should not covet regarding anything whatsoever.

  1. Covetousness is idolatry because a holy wise God knows best.

  1. We do not control our eternal destinies but a holy God alone.

  1. To not rely on God’s all-wisdom on all is idolatry.

  1. To place something before a holy Triune God is idolatry.

  1. To covet anything that is your neighbor’s is idolatry.

  1. To covet the lesser or greater position is idolatry.

  1. To covet the goods of your neighbor is idolatry.

  1. To covet your neighbor’s house is idolatry.

  1. To covet your neighbor’s wife is idolatry.

  1. To place honor on something before God is idolatry.

  1. To obey someone over a holy God is idolatry.

  1. The sin of greed is the sin of materialism.

  1. The only true possession in life is Jesus Christ by faith.

  1. The fall of Adam and Eve was the commission of idolatry.

  1. Omission of obedience is really the crux of idolatry.

  1. All sin is really the essence of idolatry.

  1. The climax of all lesser and greater sin is idolatry.

  1. All lesser sin is the elevation of idolatry.

  1. All greater sin is the height of idolatry.

  1. The height of sin is any sin in some sense.

  1. The breath of sin is any sin is some sense.

  1. Sin is deep like the bottom of the sea (metaphor).

  1. Sin is colder than space (a true and direct statement).

  1. Sin is blacker than space (the blackness of sin is breathing).

  1. There are different kinds of idolatry.

  1. There are greater and lesser degrees of sin.

  1. The abyss is for everyone under wrath without Jesus Christ.

  1. All who suffer the place of hell undergo the second death.

  1. Those of the second death are residents of the place of hell.

  1. The length of sin is broad because it is multifaceted.

BOOK: 7 –

A Study on the Jesus Presence of the Eucharist



Also in Latin

Doctor of Theology, (fall 04) & Doctor of Ministry (fall13)









The right understanding of the Scriptural Eucharist was instituted by the Lord Christ.  The right understanding of the Eucharist is His divine presence.  What is right understanding of His divine presence?  It is really and actually symbolized in the Eucharist.  If bread alone cannot alone symbolize the Eucharist, what could really and actually picture the spotless Lamb of God?  The spotless Lamb of God is authentically without anti-biblical prejudice pictured by unleavened bread. 

Unleavened bread best pictures the sinless purity of the impeccability of the Beard.  Ordinary bread fails to picture Jesus Christ because it is of poor quality.  The unleavened beard is the Eucharist.  It is this way by sole precedence of the written Word.  Without the written word the Eucharist is merely bread.  I am not denying a right understanding of the Eucharist in a proper remembrance of the sole propitiatory and expiatory sacrifice of the Incarnate Lamb of God at His Cross. 

Remembrance without the infallible Word is like remembering the life of a dead person.  The reason why we can trust the divine and substantial presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is because of the bodily risen Christ.  The Word in its self-authentication is provable by the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

If the infallible Word was not enough, how did God speak creation into existence?  Isn’t the infallible Word enough to speak things into existence that were not there?  Why does God assumed His own existence?  Is it blind presumption?  God’s Word is self-authenticating, because He is without the counsel of His creation.   That is God does not need counsel to tell Him He exists.   God does not question His divine presence in the Eucharist.  Christ is divinely present (not materially present) by the Father’s design through the special presence of the Spirit.

Romanists will baselessly question the special divine presence of Christ.  They will say it is merely His omnipresence.  This is a like telling a half-truth without regard to real matter at hand.  The omnipresence of Christ is surely everywhere, but image if you tried to explain to Moses in Old Testament history that He encountered the same presence of Christ in the burning bush?  Would it be the same presence that you and I experience with regard to God’s omnipresence?  Wouldn’t we say it is an immediate and special and divine presence of Christ in a substantial manner by God?  Surely we would! 

The divine presence of Christ before Moses is like the Eucharist!  It is Christ in His substantial presence.  He is present by virtue of the infallible Word.  That’s what makes it special beyond anything else.  It does not mean we should pray to the Eucharist.  No one should pray to anything or anyone but the Holy One in Holy Three and the Holy Three in Holy One.  There are those who pray to the Eucharist in Romanism.  It is worship of the creation of fallen man.  They have made an idol to worship.  It has deceived billions of professing Roman Catholics.  It’s like worshipping consecrated light but it is saying it is Jesus.  Jesus said after all He was the Light of the World.  He also said He was the Door.  It’s like transforming a door of wood into worshipping the door as Jesus. 

I have seen Roman priests place the beard into the wine.  Among the secrecy of Romanists priests it is supposed to be a more powerful way to encounter Jesus Christ.  There is also a feeling that such a thing could be transformed in hell to escape its residence.  There is no way that it makes Jesus more encounterable.  The problem is that Rome thinks it helps with forgiveness of sin.  The Roman Eucharist replaces the definite Cross.  There is unrestrained evil in hell.  Every false doctrine is present for civil adherence.  The Roman Eucharist is likely the chief doctrine there.  It is there in thought but there no relief to the pains of hell. 

If there was food in hell it would be like extra flame of God turning fallen rebels over to an extent that defies earthly experience.  It could not vanish the flames of hell but only increase them.  It brings such fury of God that I suppose the very existence of the Roman Eucharist is like eating drops of kindling flames prepared for the darkness of the abyss.   One could only find the Roman Eucharist in the abyss because it never redeems.  Hell is real spiritual flames that go beyond physical flames.  The extent of punishment is endless terror and torment. 

Do you want to really know about the Roman Eucharist?  There is an immediate presence of God in heaven unto eternal mercy for the exaltation of the glory of the unified merits of Christ alone, but there is also an immediate presence of God in hell unto eternal wrath for the exaltation of the glory of Jesus Christ for the endless terror-filled punishment of non-elect reprobates.  The Roman Eucharist is like residents of hell who are in God’s wrathful presence.  This is the real presence of the Roman Eucharist. 

My friend, why have you embraced the presence of hell on earth?  The presence of Christ in hell is a ruthless pursuit of torment.  It is like a restless soul that never has comfort but digs deeper and deeper into the abyss of agony that never heals but is scorched with spiritual flames that do not kindled the heart for Jesus Christ but for the glory of men.  It is possible to use unleavened beard in Romanism but mean it for the impure purity of idolatry.  I have seen a Roman priest put human blood on the Eucharist and say consecration but except it to be eaten on precedence of sacrilege.  I rightly suspect without conjecture that I suppose Rome’s view of transubstantiation could transform anything into Jesus Christ.  I dare mention that this is the view of Roman priests.  It avails nothing but the further bondage of the people.  It’s meritorious for increasing the displeasure of God but not the pleasure of Jesus.    

All sin comes down to idolatry.  The reason is because it is about replacing Jesus with worship of human hands.  If something is worshiped by the creation of human hands by sinners, it is not God but the creation of the sin of self-worship.  Worship of something that is of human hands is forbidden by God.  If it is forbidden by God and it is done in sin.

Do you want to please God but not add to the Unaddable Jesus?  It simply means the implantation of the Spirit’s intended meaning of the God-chosen authors about the divine, spiritual and substantial presence of Jesus Christ.  

Do you live according to the unified imputed righteousness of Christ by faith alone?  Is your Eucharist a relic somewhere or more about being a living sacrifice for Jesus because the Spirit has awakened you to live by Christ in a faith that works by His Almighty hand? 

Faithlessness is the essence of idolatry but faithfulness is a picture of Jesus.  If someone is faithful he will partake of Holy Communion through the best picture of Jesus in unleavened beard that teaches us about the all-supremacy of the atonement of the Lamb yielded to death that never conquered Him by a life that lives beyond death through Incarnate Deity! 

Remember Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist through the accompanying Word by the Word-authentication of the substantial spiritual reality of the Eucharist like the Ark of the Covenant where there is the real presence of God that only those of the particular imputation of Jesus Christ may approach, or partake of the eating and drinking of judgment and guilt of the Lord’s death!



The Mass claims to be transformed into Jesus by the consecration of the Roman priest.  If the Mass truly is a celebration of the material presence of Jesus Christ in bodily form in the appearance of body and wine, how does any totally polluted, radically corrupt and thoroughly depraved sinner have power over the ever-living and eternal God-man? 

There is no creature that has power over the eternal Incarnate Son of Man, because He is God the Son in human flesh.  The priest claims to be another Christ in Roman theology, but this is the false blasphemy that was accused of John Huss where Roman authorities accused him of advocating the Fourth Member.  Rather this is the error of Romanism because the priesthood claims to be another Christ and priests even advocate bodily sinlessness while engaging in dirty deeds of homosexual deplorability. 

No Roman priest could actually be in the same priesthood of Jesus Christ, because He is uniquely called to His High Priestly Office as the “offering” and “offered.”  No Roman priest has the ability to be priest because he is not God and man, because they also claim to be a mediator.  The only true mediator is Jesus Christ as God and man alone, because He alone is the sinless God and sinless man in One person with two natures.  This is why every Roman priest is excluded from the being a mediator and could never bring Jesus down from heaven and turn Him into bread.

No sinner can give the Holy Triune God a demand or a command, because only God can issue commands for His sinful creatures.  A holy Triune God will grant any request that is not bound in sin, because He only grants requests that are from and unto His holy will alone.  To make Jesus into bread is contrary to the natural order of God’s creation.  The Incarnate God the Son cannot be a consecrated host because He would be reduced to a creation.  Does not the Nicene Creed state “begotten, not made?”  Are you actually suggesting God the Son takes on Himself bread that is another incarnation of sorts where bread does not provide salvation, because Jesus Christ also symbolically referred to Himself as the door of the sheep due to the fact that He is the only way to the only Holy Father who is God the Father!

Do you suppose it is some great thing to have as doctrine that God the Son is transformed into beard?  Does this make you stand before God the Father in matchless robes of Jesus Christ?  If it accomplished anything, why do you need the repetition of purification of sin while if a mortal sin was committed a Roman Catholic would be outside the state of grace the same day of partaking of the Eucharist?  Do you want to know what takes a lovelier, holier and greater Spirit-granted gift of faith of the Word of God contained in the Bible?  Is it not what the Spirit of God alone can grant to poor and helpless sinners? 

The greater and harder faith is the faith granted by the written Word and Spirit in the free unified sole imputed meritorious righteousness of Jesus Christ alone in the place of His chosen people who receive the gift of faith alone not by baptismal waters, nor works of satisfaction, nor papal indulgences, but the sheer and free power of the sovereign Triune God accompanied His matchless written Word who saves to the uttermost His people devoid of every sacrament, work, effort, willing or running: namely, have you lived so long and yet you do not know the holy preciousness of His imputed unified righteousness of Jesus Christ that alone robes and clothes you in His matchless and divine purity from heaven by His Spirit and Word? 



The reason why the bread is not Jesus in a material presence is because it fundamentally denies the two natures of Jesus Christ in His human and divine natures.  The beard of the Mass essentially and fundamentally confuses the human nature with the divine nature in transforming it into the literal body of Jesus Christ, because Rome says that the human nature is consecrated over every Roman altar.  The human nature cannot be at more than one place at a time, but the divine nature can be everywhere at the same time.  

We say that Jesus is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the earth.  We say that Jesus is the Lion of Judah who wears robes of royalty and majesty.  We also say that Jesus is the Beard of Life and He is also referred to as the Living Water because He Himself provides eternal and spiritual life.  Does the symbolic designation of Lamb, Lion, Bread and Water mean literal things that make Jesus these literal things without symbolism?  The Lamb symbolizes His slaughter; the Lion His majesty; the Bread as life and Water as peace!

Touching His human nature Jesus is absent from us at the Father’s right Hand on His matchless throne, but touching His divine nature Jesus is never absent from us and He is always present with us.  This is a vital distinction but not a separation.  It fundamentally denies the Incarnate Christ in the true balance of His human and divine natures.   We are not called to mix the human and divine natures like Rome, but we are called to distinguish between the human and divine natures.  Without a legitimate distinction between the human and divine natures it only results in heresy.  There is a limit to understanding the Incarnate Christ but we are forbidden to mix, confuse or separate the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ.

The clear testimony of the Bible does not support a double incarnation.  That is, the Bible clearly supports God the Son taking upon Himself human flesh by His immaculate conception in the Virgin Mary by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit upon her.  He was not conceived of a human father.  The Bible does not support the God-man to be an incarnation of bread by the consecration of the Roman priest.  The Bible refers to Jesus’ death by the breaking of the beard that symbolizes His sinless humanity in His sacred body.  Therefore we reject a hypostatic union of the God-man with Roman bread on the basis of the set apart uniqueness of His divine incarnation where God the Son entered into His own creation to redeem lost, astray and wandering sheep to gather the many to honor, worship and serve Him to the uttermost by His Spirit.



The doctrine of intent disqualifies Rome in all her priestly affairs.  The Reformed confessional standard rejects the doctrine of intent, because not all are inwardly called by God to ministry but some are outwardly called to ministry.  Though this is the case, Reformed people always want born again people in ministry.

Most Roman priests are aware of their damnation because valid assurance is presumption.   Many Roman priests do not care if they are damned, but take it as a token of humility to be in the despair of ignorance.  (This is based on eyewitness testimony where Roman priests are persuaded with the comfort of despair).

The historical doctrine of intent invalidates the Roman Eucharist because of their hidden degradation of traditional marriage where they hold in their dirty hands the body of Jesus Christ.  There is a Roman ministry of deceit among Roman priests who suppose goodness in themselves but possess none positionally or practically. 

Rome denies the unified imputed life and death of Christ alone as a forensic declaration because she claims it is a legal fiction.  Is a legal fiction based on the real righteousness of Jesus Christ in how someone is right with a holy God?  Wouldn’t a legal façade be Rome’s goodness where the Bible says in Romans chapter 3 that there is no goodness but only advocate Philippians 3:9 in the alone qualified unified merit of merits of the God-man alone?  Why turn to Roman priests as a mediator when the intent of Jesus Christ in redemption is perfectly and divinely pure to save a particular people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation?



a.)  What is the double presence of Jesus Christ? 
The double presence of Jesus Christ is simply the proclaimation of God’s written Word and the Sunday practice of Holy Communion. 

b.)  How is this the double presence of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is present in the power of the Holy Spirit in the preaching of God’s written Word and He is divinely present in the Holy Eucharist.

c.)  Does the Word preached bring conviction?
The written Word preached brings conviction because of the work of the Spirit and the remembrance of the death of the Son brings a reminder to the appeasing and expiating wounds of Jesus Christ.

d.)  How is the Holy Eucharist different than mere omnipresence?
Holy Communion involves the divine omnipresence of Jesus Christ touching His divine nature, but it is divinely special in another way, because of the written Word’s remembrance of the precious death of the eternal Son that sanctifies Holy Communion by bare precedence of administration, reflective prayer, Bible reading and partaking of the means of His divine presence in remembrance of His glorious death that conquered sin, defeated death and pardoned rebels.

BOOK: 8 –

A Little Children’s Story on the Little Lion and Lamb

The Little Lamb and Lion:
Mikey and Davey Gathered Beside Baby Jesus

Once upon a dark day there was a light from heaven.  Yes, there was a holy child born of a Virgin Mother.  He came as a poor child of this world but He was the heavenly King.  There was no King like this King for He was the Master and Ruler of kings and lords.  He came through humble means that hid His glory in human flesh.  He was not like ordinary people but He was God.  He had a Mother who raised Him with Joseph.  Mary kept things in her heart about the wonderful ways of her Son who was really the Father’s only Son forever.  Joseph cared for Jesus and taught Him to be a carpenter of wood.  Jesus was able to handle wood like He handles people.  He shapes them by His Friend the Spirit of God into His friends by the Father’s plan.  Imagine the star over the place where the Holy Child was!  Imagine this little baby as the ultimate Creator of the all things.  God the Son became man and was born of the Virgin Mary.  The wise men came to worship Him because of past prophecy about this little baby Jesus.  The baby Jesus never did anything wrong but He loved all good things.  He grew up concerned about the plan of His Heavenly Father because His mission was to save all little children.  This little baby grew up to give His life by His own power to save little children who have done wrong and to show He laid down His life He rose again.  Imagine a beautiful garden of flowers dies but when little children think of Jesus we may remember that He lives like a rebirth of a garden of wonderful roses that teach us about His saving power for everyone who places their trust in Him.   He does not ask you to add to Him but He asks you to simply trust this little baby who was God and man that always did whatsoever is right.  Imagine if this little baby was in your heart.  Imagine if you did everything like this little baby.  There was once Shepherd who held in His care a baby sheep and a baby lion.  There was no place for the baby lamb and the baby lion.  There parents searched and searched and found no place to rest.  But the baby lamb and baby lion were born in a rough place to live, but the baby lamb would come to the little children and He would give Himself for them as the offering of peace to the greatest Shepherd of all, His Father.  And the little lion wore a majesty of purple as a great King where He is friends with the baby lamb who wears a majesty of red as a great Redeemer.  And a long time ago all the animals came together in the friends of Noah’s Ark but later on all the animals came together again of the little children’s Savior Jesus Christ because the animals gather around Jesus who really is this little lamb and lion in One.  The animals worship Jesus because all things were made by Him.  Maybe you have seen a little lamb and lion, but Jesus is the picture of these friends in His creation of all things.  The little lamb says to His children “My little child, you must love the Lamb of God who is Jesus, because He came to save little children.”  The little lion says also, “I was a little lion just like you and I am the King of all things so now come blessed of heaven by speaking to God about all things.”  Remember you always have a friend in the little Lamb and Lion who is Jesus Christ.  He says “Come to me” but he also says “I can bear all things and I love you.  Do not go away, my little lambs and lions, but remember, I am always here as the holy child who came to give life forever just for you, but remember my dear little ones, I am unseen but always present; I am unthought of but always thinking of you; I am unfelt but always feeling; I am caring when no one cares.”  The Father of the little Lamb and Lion says “My dear one, there is peace through My Son.”  And the Spirit comes with the gift of the Lamb and Lion “Here is my gift to you, my dear child—yes, it is the baby Jesus.”

BOOK: 9 –

Apologetics on Predestinarian Freedom

A Treatise of Disputations on Predestinarian & Foredetermined Freedom of the Triune Godhead

A 143 Reformed Baptist Points in Defense of the Sound & Biblical Rationality of RC Sproul’s “Chosen By God” in Apologetical Answer to Dave Hunt’s “What Love Is This?”

Parts 1 & 2

By M.A. Petillo

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dedicated to Angel/Mentor/Pastor Theodore Murphy

Part 1 of 100 Disputations:

Does the Bible support God’s predestinarian choice before time began for every son and daughter of Adam either for God’s chosen saints unto election or damned sinners unto reprobation according to His good, holy and pure pleasure?  (Answer to pg. 40-44 in Hunt’s “What Love Is This?” in biblical support of Sproul’s “Chosen By God.”).

1.      The Holy Triune God predestines His chosen elect of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam before earthly time began without the foreseen events of any kind for redemption in election unto holiness that completely depends on the free choice of God alone.

2.      The Holy Triune God foredetermined according to His all-wise choice for the damnation unto reprobation for those chosen sons and daughters of Adam that He has designed for the object of ultimate justice for the exaltation of the eternal Son of Man unto supreme justice according to His holy pleasure.

3.      Redemption involves a choice by the Father through the Son by the Spirit among the sons and daughters of Adam in time and space before it began for the ultimate glory of God unto eternal mercy because of the good pleasure of God alone.

4.      Damnation involves a choice by the Triune Majesty in time and space among the sons and daughters of Adam before it began for the ultimate glory of God unto eternal wrath because of the good pleasure of God alone.

5.      The choice of the Triune God concerning damnation involves sin at every degree as the instrument of damnation and the eternal residence of the place of hell before a holy God.

6.      The choice of the Triune God concerning redemption does not depend on works of satisfaction, sacraments, sacerdotalism (salvation through the Roman priesthood), cooperative faith and repentance or libertarian free will but spiritual rebirth by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that depends on God alone that gives the gift of the order of salvation in all its fullness instantaneously: that is, a new faith, a new image, a new creation, a new obedience, a new heart and a new covering in the unified merit of Jesus’ righteousness alone imputed by faith alone through the spiritual application of the Father’s design through His Son by the work of His Spirit.

7.      God ordains whatsoever comes to pass according to His all-wise good pleasure for the design of the Father by the work of the Spirit in the exaltation of the glory of the Incarnate I AM.

8.      The Father’s design of meticulous foredetermination of all things is according to His all-wisdom in holy pleasure to exalt the Cross of Jesus Christ that is actually a picture of His foredetermined fingerprints in the entire outcome of the display of His divine providence in six-thousand years of history that provides a work of the God-man that provides meaning to all things by reflection of the Father’s design of the events that brought redemption to elect sons and daughters of Adam through the propitiation and expiation of the eternal Son of Man at Mt. Calvary in the offering of Himself as the subject and object of particular redemption in the very Cross itself for His chosen lambs throughout time.

9.      The Father’s plan was the Son to die with the intent to die for His chosen people without regard to any good or bad that they would do but merely to exalt His eternal Son by the work of the Spirit who brings the gift of Jesus to His chosen people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

10.  Every rain drop is shaped by the Hand of the Triune God.

11.  Every snow flake is designed by the Father.

12.  Every sand particle is molded by the Son.

13.  Every molecule is especially made by the Triune God.

14.  God foredetermined the dirt on the streets but perhaps its best in the face of Satan and his enemies.

15.  Everything in all the things has meaning because of God.

16.  Everything has meaning because God foredetermined all.

17.  If God did not foredetermine all things, how could it be?

18.  If God foredetermined all things, it defers the God of deism.

19.  If God foredetermined all things, it defers libertarian free will, but establishes compatibilistic freedom.

20.  The Triune God is the First Cause in that He remains always holy but never sinful because He cannot go against His holy nature.

21.  Fallen Lucifer, angels and man are the Second Cause.

22.  The Second Cause is where all sin remains under the culpability, responsibility and accountability of themselves devoid of the blame of a Holy Triune where any sinner could justly accuse God, “You did this evil!” 

23.  The sin that Satan and fallen angels commits is his own fault but never the sin of the Holy Triune God.

24.   The sin that fallen man commits resides with him but never with a Holy Triune God.

25.  There is never a just accusation of sin against a holy Triune God, because He is by nature holy, good, and pure.

26.  The only just accusation of sin is Satan, fallen angels and fallen humanity: that is, by nature Satan and fallen angels are the darkness of sin itself but fallen man is in original sin, total depravity and radical corruption.

27.  God foredetermined the Fall of Lucifer and humanity without being blamed in a sinful sense of sin but to establish the Son’s justice against Satan, fallen angels and reprobates: that is, God desires to shape some of His creatures as objects of justice.

28.  What is the purpose of the Fall of Lucifer?  The purpose of God in foredetermination of his fall is because God in His all-wise according to His holy pleasure reserved the right to turn Lucifer over to himself for God’s precedence of making him an object of justice by the sheer power of His being.

29.  Does a Holy God do what is always right?  Most definitely! 

30.  If God makes an object of His creation an object of justice, is God unjust?  By no means! 

31.  Yet what is the cause of God’s justice?  The cause of God’s justice is that the One who has the power of Being by nature unto absolute holiness in all-wisdom through His good pleasure decides to accomplish a purpose that transcends sin but always maintains sinless, holy and pure impeccability.

32.  Does Satan have a right to sin against God if God has turned him over like all never-converted reprobates?  By no means!  God’s foredetermination holds them guilty by the nature of themselves but also by the nature of God’s all-wise self-existence.

33.  Was there meaning for the suffering of ancient Job?  Most definitely!  In what way?  Job’s suffering had meaning because God foredetermined the suffering of Job to exalt divine righteousness of the Redeemer who lives for I shall see Him in my flesh and one day the bones of my bones shall be made new unto the glorified body of the Savior unto eternal mercy!

34.  What is the motive of fallen creatures to blame a holy Triune God for their sin?  It is like saying God is not God.

35.  The motive of man for accusing a holy God of sin is not using foredetermination in its right usage to establish radical good for the honor of Jesus Christ but for radical evil because the sin of fallen man is the creature over the Creator.

36.  No one has the right to respond to God “What are you doing?” in the sense of challenging His divine right to do whatsoever He pleases because if God is God He has the right to do whatsoever He pleasures apart from sin.

37.  A holy God has allowed sin to exalt the glory of the justice of Himself according to His good pleasure.

38.  A holy God has caused sin to exalt the glory of the justice of Himself according to His holy pleasure.

39.  A holy God has determined to turn men over to sin.

40.  A holy God hides the gospel from reprobates in the presence of miracles.

41.  A holy God passes over the reprobates while not doing violence to the creature.

42.  A holy God also blinds them to the gift of the gospel in a spiritual awakening by the Spirit and Word.

43.  He could use all these things as a retainment for sin as a civil realization of civil humility.

44.  He could use a greater hatred for God’s gospel while all being God’s pursuit of establishing sinners as the object of His absolute justice.

45.  The problem with sinners is that if God allowed, caused and determined their sin like Adam’s fall it is used to wrongly accuse a holy Triune God of partaking of sin while a holy God has not partaken of sin but used it to glorify Himself unto justice without using the intent of the Cross for the wise and intelligent but He uses the sin to demonstrate His merciful compassion with His purposeful intent to save elect babes by the removing of sin by His greatest act of obedience in His Cross.

46.  Why did a holy God if He is holy determine sin in His creatures?  He foredetermined it to exalt the reward of reprobates in the glory of the eternal Son unto justice but he also exalts the gift of His imputed unified merit in the glory of the eternal Son unto everlasting mercy.

47.  A Trinitarian God in meticulous foredetermination gets glory unto mercy or justice at His approbation of all things because He always does what is right.

48.  Whatever happens in life a holy Triune God has meaning behind all things for a lesson to be learned to exalt the eternal Son unto His choice of mercy or His choice of justice at His appointed timing because all meaning in existence comes from Him but if it did not come from Him it would not be and yet He always does what is good but He gets blamed for all the bad in this world when fallen creatures do not understand that God is the innocent party in transcendent holiness while He is in a real sense injured and victimized by man’s sin and yet He remains unassailable in His self-existent nature.

49.  Rebels for evil reprobation love to exalt the sinfulness of sin, because by nature under original sin he stands condemned without the monergistic divine intervention of the Spirit and Word but the abiding fury of a holy God.

50.  Sinners can be unconverted reprobates in the very presence of the Incarnate Christ like Judas Iscariot who had blown it but as far as a holy Triune God is concerned the Cross of Jesus was not intended for this particular sinner who was the very instrument of redemption and yet God needs no creature to do anything (and also Jesus says He is sovereign because He lays down His life at His own authority and He takes it up in His own authority) but He chooses to involved His creation in this case to exalt the Father’s wrath unto the justice of Judas to go to His own place as a forever object of justice due to His designed purpose.

51.  Some sinners who are reprobates are created for justice.

52.  Some sinners who are elect are created for mercy.

53.  Sinners should not justify sin by a predestinarian God.

54.  A predestinarian God establishes not neglects the great emphasis of obeying the civil New Testament commandments but it is also never an excuse to engage in the sinfulness of sin.

55.  A predestinarian God enhances human responsibility for radical good because everything God does is good.

56.  The Father determined to glorify His eternal Son unto mercy or justice depending upon His eternal choice in all-wisdom.

57.  Does Satan have a just cause against a predestinarian God?  By no means! 

58.  There is never a ground to accuse a holy God of sin.

59.  God has the power of Being to do whatsoever He pleases.

60.  Who is like the Lord?  Do not the idols fall at His feet and crumble to dust in the retiring of Satan?

61.  One day all creation will bow before Him in worship of the only true Triune God.

62.  If responsibility is enhanced to obey a predestinarian God, why has His fallen creatures given this very reason if true to disobey Him?  It is because of idolatry through original sin.

63.  Is sin meaningless?  By no means!  It is for mercy through the chosen elect by the Cross of Jesus or it is for justice through the chosen reprobates by the dark fires of the very place of hell.

64.  Is anything meaningless?  By no means! 

65.  If the Father has a design, is it not to exalt His own dear Son unto mercy or justice? 

66.  If the Father is all about the Son, why is it so hard to see that the Father exalts the Son by the Spirit who precedes from the Father and the Son unto eternal mercy, but does anyone doubt that reprobates are not thought upon by the Triune Godhead unto object of retribution due to the abhorrence of God about sin?

67.   Does meaning by the Triune Godhead bring approbation?  By no means! 

68.  How does the Triune Godhead provide meaning without approbation of sin?  The Father provides meaning without approval of sin by divine satisfaction upon the Cross of Jesus to take it away or the vengeance of eternal hell upon reprobates.

69.  If God takes away sin by the Cross of His Son does that mean He approves of suffering as the consequence of sin?  Not every suffering is from sin, because some suffering is for God’s glory. 

70.  Will there not be tears of joy in heaven?  No doubt!  Does this constitute suffering due to sin?  By no means but in spite of it!

71.  Is there a sense of free will?  There is no doubt a sense of free will, but it is far removed from libertarian freedom.

72.  What is libertarian freedom?  It means fallen man has the spiritual ability to choose a holy God.  The Bible says fallen man is totally spiritually dead.  If fallen man is spiritually dead, how is there a basis for availing a choice unto God that constitutes spiritual awakening in spiritual rebirth?

73.  In what sense does fallen man have free will?  Fallen man has compatibilistic freedom where he is the controlled second cause under a holy God who is the first cause.

74.  Does compatibilistic freedom mean fallen man has the spiritual ability to choose Him in spiritual rebirth?  By no means! 

75.  How does fallen man chose a holy God?  Fallen man chooses by the monergistic work of the Spirit and Word.

76.  What is the monergistic work of the Spirit and Word?  It simply means God’s pre-converted elect who are awakened in time and space do not have freedom to cooperate with God.

77.  Fallen sinners who are spiritually dead come to faith by a will that remains passive.

78.  God the Spirit accompanyings the written Word of God that makes the sinner willing unto redemption by the spiritual application of the rebirth of the sinner devoid of baptismal waters through the Spirit that takes the initiative to save a chosen sinner by the Father’s design in the gift of the exaltation of the unified work of the eternal Son in His matchless life and death that is imputed by the gift of faith that is freely given to His chosen ones without a single thing done from them but completely dependent upon the Triune God for His glory of sinners not of man in anyway.

79.  What is the ultimate glory of the eternal Son?  It is the proliferation and domination of the Reformed doctrine of future glorification that is all about the exaltation of the honor, glory and magnification of the life and death of Jesus Christ imputed to the sinner where it is not the sinner who gets glory but Jesus Christ through the chosen elect sinner only because of the unified imputed meritorious righteousness of Jesus Christ alone by the Spirit’s proliferation and domination due to the Father’s design to glorify His well-beloved Son where in this so-called divine scheme of the Father Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone is glorified in defiance of the ways astray from Christ alone.

80.  Does fallen man chose a holy Triune God?  By no means!  There is a civil choice that leads to mere head knowledge that is not saving knowledge, but there is a choice that is from the background work of the Hound of Heaven to cause those whom He pleases to choose the eternal Lamb because He first chose us and we did not first chose Him.

81.  Have you not read that the Son is an example of the choice of the Father and Spirit for His beloved chosen ones to bear much fruit unto the foredetermined glory of the eternal Son that is a shattered, corrupted, depraved image in a fallen state that one day will be completely destined to the conformity of the everlasting Lamb of God in utter perfection through the alien righteousness of the Son?

82.  Should fallen man sin to exalt God’s goodness because all is ordained for our good?  Does a pig immerse himself in the pig-pen to get clean?  By no means! 

83.  Should fallen sinners exalt sin because God works out it for their good?  It is true that apart from Jesus Christ all men do is sin, but fallen man should not directly sin in the direct sense.  Why? 

84.  Because some sinners will be forever judged and other sinners do not use the Cross for reprobate license of the sinfulness of sin but the purpose of godliness, holiness and foredetermined good in reflection of Jesus’ imputed unified merit that requires a limitless reflection that does not add to Jesus but attempts to reflect a meticulous foredetermination that demonstrates God’s goodness everywhere. 

85.  Where can anyone escape God’s goodness?  You try to show me O you stiff-necked sinners!  Is it not true that God will work the reward for the justice of His enemies?  Is this not good?  And yet it is the greatest day of fury because it is their Day of Evil, but for God’s elect people it for the good of His chosen people for the Name’s sake of the matchless eternal Son Jesus Christ!

86.  How does God’s transcendent opening of all things in perfection relate to His meticulous foredetermination of all things?  In basic terms, He spoke all into existence by the sheer power of His Word but He never tries in the self-existent perfection of His Being.  Everything is open to Him because He knows all things.  The existence of His creation is not apart of Him in His essence, being or nature, but He has the divine, supernatural and all-powerful ability to sustain all things with His presence without being a pantheistic God, but remains distinct from His creation.

87.  Is there any meaningful encouragement for a predestinarian God?  The meaningfulness of a predestinarian God is the essence of the approbation of encouragement but the absence of all discouragement.

88.  Does a predestinarian God encourage God-centered evangelism?  By no means at all! 

89.  Tell me, was the sinless life of Jesus all about alien righteousness that no fallen man can approach except by the gift of faith?  If this is the case, how could anyone conceive of a predestinarian Savior to establish the meaning of all things contrary to compatibilistic human responsibility in doing good where the Savior viewed God’s foredetermination in pursuing the good of all things whether the good of mercy or the good of justice?

90.  What is fallen man’s out of place sin in the sense of his freedom?  It is simply the abuse of the second cause where he supposes himself sovereign and a set apart shamed pursuit of idolatry.

91.  Why does a predestinarian God choose to save some and not all?  If He damns the race of Adam by consequences of the fall, do you suppose He will save everyone? 

92.  The surprise by obvious admission is redemption because of the unanimous damnation of all but a holy Triune God will change it for some. 

93.  This Reformed truth is seen in reversing the fall by God-breathed revelation in that He damns a multitude of people during Noah’s day, but saves eight people on this good earth.

94.  Does God owe any mercy?  He owes no mercy, because He voluntarily chooses to bestow mercy in His all-wisdom.

95.  Is violence offered to the creation in monergism?  We would speak in sarcastic terms when we realize the profound lost state of sinners that God would violate our wills due to our rebellion and we dare not continue in a rebellious will, but in honesty to a holy God He does not violate the will and yet He changes it without violating His creatures but it brings about a redemptive change that is a life-long consistency of faith repentance unto redeeming the time.  I suppose a person who asks God to violate his will without a civil utterance is perhaps already awakened by a holy God.

96.  Does a predestinarian God mean God is evil?  There is no way to make this case because it is about the good of justice or mercy that is all about the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity that is exalting, honoring and glorifying Himself where no sinner can counsel a holy God but relies on Him even if slain by Him.

97.  All civil goodness is a foredetermined gift of His hand that could never add to the gift of His imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ for His chosen unto eternal mercy for the remission of sins.

98.  A predestinarian Savior intercedes for His chosen elect by His throne in prayers to the Father of lights that is all about Himself because it is always right for Him to exalt Himself because it is the essence of what is right because what is right is all about the glory of Jesus in the meticulous craftsmanship of His very prayers even before time began that prevails His elect ones for the destiny of heaven.

99.  What is a predetermined trophy of God’s grace?  The true evidence of faith and repentance!

100.                      What is a predetermined trophy of God’s wrath?  The way of habitual sins of reprobation.

Part 2 of 43 Disputations:

Does a Triune predestinarian God constitute a violation of the free will of fallen humanity?  (Answer to pg. 42-44 in Hunt’s “What Love Is This?” in support of Sproul’s “Chosen By God.”).

1.      The freedom of God is never about a nature of sin about the nature of God.

2.      The freedom of God does not constitute an impersonal fatalism of a holy God.

3.      The freedom of God is about the glory of the Triune majesty according to His good pleasure.

4.      The sense of the freedom of fallen man is the essence of self-determination.

5.      The sense of the free will of fallen man is dependent on the nature of God.

6.      Fallen humanity is never forced in violation of their free wills to engage in anything by a holy God.

7.      The second cause is all about fallen Lucifer, fallen angels, fallen humanity whether elect, pre-converted elect or never-converted reprobates and elect angels.

8.      The first cause is about the sovereign freedom of a predestinarian foredetermined nature of a Trinitarian Godhead.

9.      A Triune God is all about the glory of Jesus unto mercy and justice.

10.  A holy Triune God establishes the free will of man by His absolute sense of cosmic freedom that is the very essence of the reason why all things are as they are because He simply willed it by the essence of His self-existent Being.

11.  The free will of Adam yielded the fall of all humanity.

12.  The fall of all humanity through Adam as our federal head was foredetermined by a holy Triune God, because He establishes the glory of the Son whether unto justice for reprobates or mercy for elect sinners.

13.  All humanity is immersed in original sin, total depravity and radical corruption.

14.  Original sin is the fault of Adam in his mutable will unto sin that is all about the consequences of the actions of the first man.

15.  Total depravity is the fault of fallen humanity but God is working out everything for the good of justice for the enemies of God or for the good of mercy for the people of God.

16.  Radical corruption is the fault of fallen humanity but God is working everything whether justice or mercy for the honoring of the Incarnate Son of Man Who is the centrality of the Triune Godhead where the Father has decreed to honor the Son unto justice or mercy at His choosing in time and space and yet before it began and where the Spirit brings the gift of the Son to His chosen lost or He brings a civil awareness of their reprobation of the very conviction which He sovereignly denies them on the basis that He owes no sinner mercy but rather justice by due precedence of their cosmic villainy.

17.  Does the freedom of God produce a just accusation of finding fault with a holy Triune God?  By no means!  By what precedence?  God-breathed revelation supports that a holy Triune predestinarian God does whatsoever He pleases but there is no darkness, sin or wrongdoing by the self-existent precedence of His very nature that is the essence of divine innocence that transcends any sort of fault finding by a fallen race that reasons against reasons and finds comfort in darkness that militates against the very transcendent innocence of a good God.

18.  Why does a Triune predestinarian God allow His fallen creatures a sense of free will?  He allows a compatibilistic freedom because He is working out His purpose, but He denies the libertarian freedom of man due to His absolute sovereignty on the grounds that a God-controlling all-wisdom knows better than a stench in His nostrils that defies a fragrant aroma to the Father and the essence of divine wisdom because of a wisdom turned backwards into a wisdom of darkness that is not the wisdom of the written Word but the wisdom of alienated good in manifold monstrosities that surpass the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea.

19.  Why did a Triune predestinarian God allow Adam mutable freedom unto sinlessness to fall into sin?  Tell me, would a good God be a good God without a nature that demands justice by His nature and demands mercy by His nature on His all-wise choice for the glory that is all about His all-righteous Son that is He has made by the foredetermined volition of the Triune Godhead?

20.  What best describes the God of the Bible?  The sovereign Potter over the clay best describes the Bible’s God, because the Potter has the all-wise power to control, cause, allow and plan the shape, molding, and everything meticulous about the creatures He makes in the clay of His hand, and He allows them to be the instrument of His will unto justice or mercy at His timing, approbation and the dictation of the glory of the Father’s eternal Son.

21.  Did the Triune Godhead cause the fall of Adam?  Tell me, what meaning is in anything without an all-wise Triune predestinarian God?  A holy Triune God caused the fall of Adam, but in what way do we speak of this? 

22.  How did a holy God cause the fall of Adam?  That eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is for some mercy and for some justice in Adam’s race, but how specific should we get in the shadows of the sins as overflowing as the stars and the sand? 

23.  Do you not suppose that particular sin as would seem like a dust particle is larger than all existence and do you suppose that God the Son’s infinite blood is not enough to erase the evils of astray fallen men by the blood of Incarnate Deity? 

24.  Do you suppose that the sins of original sin and total depravity are not cured by either the mercy of Jesus at His Cross or the justice of the place of hell? 

25.  What if the shadows of sin are vaster than the sea and stars that are eternally quenched by an eternal blood that only a foredetermined shedding of God’s blood would remit? 

26.  What if it’s all of existence is about Jesus in mercy or justice at His choosing by the Father’s design through the hovering of the Spirit at work?

27.  How about the meaning of the Father in His design through His Son by His Spirit in all things is that every dust particle of sin, every sand particle of sin and every star particle of sin that defies its existence that is actually meant for the exaltation of the Son’s glory in the immersion of the blood of Incarnate Deity that defies eternity and yet is contained in eternity in His people to surpass the eternal evils of villainy that is quenched by the divine satisfaction of the limited atonement of the Cross by the intent of Jesus for a particular people that constitutes an innumerable multitude?

28.  What if the Triune God for never-converted reprobates in His causing plan allowed messes and messes amounts of sin in time and space by an all-wise Father that is meant for the eternal immersion of hell-flames of the place of outer darkness by the Triune Majesty that elect angels partake in the wrath of God for the glory of the innocent Triune Godhead forever to establish the glory of the eternal Son in absolute justice against His enemies that He puts under His feet and a perpetual generation of eternal hell-fire sinners set ablaze forevermore that will never learn of the forgiving and cleaning power of the all-exclusive matchless, efficacious and meritorious suffering of the Cross of Jesus Christ because of the Father’s design? 

29.  What if outer darkness in the place of eternal hell is meant by the Father’s design to punish the fault of a fallen humanity that is steeped in the sinfulness of sin?

30.  The first cause is innocent in all that He causes regarding the sin of fallen man.

31.  The second cause is at fault for the sin in which he commits.

32.  No one has the right to blame a holy Triune God for sin when sin happens in the second cause, because though He controls all things in His sovereignty and nothing is out of His control, He is without blame for man’s sin but man alone in a real sense is to blame for his sin, but where the meaning comes in is according to the justice of the Triune God or the Hound of Heaven (the Spirit of God) who seeks the lost at the appointed time through the Father and the Son to make them willing in defiance of the sinfulness of sin, the malice of Satan and a cosmic treachery that accompanies hell forever without salvational justification but the establishment of the very justice of a innocent God that bears the marks of injustice to spare sinners of the very thing they caused the Savior to endure but without cause but the Savior comes to establish through His divine covering the very thing fallen man completely lacks by it seems men’s defiance in His divine, alien and authentic righteousness that alone stands before the Father in that He works all for the good of His purpose!

33.  Should we sing before our Arminian brethren “You ain’t nothing but a hound dog”?  They deny the Hound of Heaven (the Holy Ghost) complete freedom in spiritual rebirth, but exalt man’s freedom where even in Adam’s mutable sinlessness freedom yielded to spiritual crime of original sin that caused the sons and daughters of Adam to all spiritual ruin in outer darkness.

34.  Will the freedom of God violate the will of Satan?  There is surely war between Satan and the Triune Majesty without a cosmic dualism (that is, a understanding that both sides are equal when the Triune God is all-powerful and Satan is merely a fallen creature in God’s predestinarian plan), but He does not even commit sin against Satan and his fallen angels but Satan and his fallen angel’s injure an unassailable God in a way to say he commits injustice against the holy majesty of God where he will be held fully accountable at the Last Day of Judgment in his pursuit of idolatry that will be cast into hell forevermore where his power will be no more. 

35.  Rather He caused the fall of Lucifer to use him precisely as an object of justice in time and space and for all eternity because He was pleased to establish His justice against one of his greatest creatures in His holy freedom to exalt the glory of the Son unto ultimate justice against the father of lies!

36.  The Father designed the mutable sinless of Lucifer to fall into sin to exalt His justice, but why?  The question is simply answered in His all-wisdom. 

37.  Is God who is God ever wrong?  No, but does it give Satan culpability to sin to establish His justice?  By no means!  He would make you think so, because after all he is a devil.

38.  It should teach Satan a lesson where he gives up his defiance and commits himself to a prison of nothingness (even if he did for argument’s sake his betrayal would be his existence), but isn’t God right to punish one who wants to after all establish His justice and is he not at fault as the second cause? 

39.  Not even Satan can accuse a just predestinarian God but holy God will have all the rights to accuse Satan according to His just pleasure.  

40.  One day Satan will reply back to the eternal Son in his defense who judges him where there is simply an overwhelming admission of guilt, sin and the established of the precedence of justice in all of it for all eternity due to the holy pleasure of God to forever punish sin because of creaturely rebellion.

41.  Is there really something to fear of wrongdoing of a holy God?  By no means!  This does not mean He does not establish His justice because of man’s sin.

42.  If you fear being wronged by a holy God, you O sinner, do not understand the very holiness of God because it is His very nature to be holy and do the elect angels say in vain “Holy, Holy, Holy” to the eternal, self-existent Three that is the very essence of Trinitarian holiness?

43.  How does God establish His absolute justice?  Through compatibilistic freedom, a holy God establishes His justice for vessels of wrath for their culpability of sin for never-reprobates but to establish justice through His Cross upon Jesus for His people.

BOOK: 10 –

95-Disputations on Civil Goodness and Imputed Righteousness

97-Disputations on the Reformed and Christian Distinctive Difference of Complete Sin-Tainted Civil Goodness for Those Outside of Incarnate Deity, Plain Thoughts, Words and Deeds of Unmistakable Evil and the Imputed Unified Redemptive Righteousness of the Incarnate King Alone in How Someone is Right With a Superlative, Self-Existent Holy Triune Creator by a Spirit-and-Word born Faith Alone

Thy works, not mine, O Christ,
Speak gladness to this heart;
They tell me all is done;
They bid my fear depart.
To whom, save thee,
Who canst alone
For sin atone,
Lord, shall I flee?
Thy pains, not mine, O Christ,
Upon the shameful tree,
Have paid the law's full price
And purchased peace for me.
Thy cross, not mine, O Christ,
Has borne the awful load
Of sins that none in heav'n
Or earth could bear but God.
Thy righteousness, O Christ,
Alone can cover me:
No righteousness avails
Save that which is of thee.  (TH, 441).

By Dr. M.A. Petillo

1.      Those outside of Jesus Christ merely possess a civil goodness.

2.      Those outside of Jesus Christ do not have the Spirit-give gift of imputed unified righteousness of Christ alone by faith alone.

3.      The difference between a civil goodness for those outside of Christ and the imputed righteousness of Christ alone in Christ is authentic redemption.

4.      Civil goodness for those outside of Christ can never spiritually save.

5.      The only goodness that spiritually saves is the person and work of Jesus Christ alone in the place of lost pre-converted elect sinners.

6.      Those outside of Christ should engage in civil goodness than outright commission of sin for the time they spend under condemnation.  This means the sinner outside of Christ engages in a “lesser evil” rather than pursuing a direct sin, but it is true that civil goodness is thoroughly tainted with sin. 

7.      For example, would we recommend to a sinner outside of Christ to engage in stealing from the poor?  By no means!  We would say exercise your civil goodness in giving to the poor, but we know it cannot save but it is a “lesser evil” in light of the fact it is not the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.  The new Balaam thinks that because civil goodness is tainted with sin, that sinners should just commit outright sin.  This is the so-called wicked grace of Satan that is not the true grace of Jesus Christ.  There is a civil grace that is not a true grace but true grace is the very grace of a holy Triune God.

8.      The incomparable righteousness is the sole imputed righteousness of Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God.

9.      Civil goodness is not the incomparable goodness of Christ alone.

10.  Civil goodness is sorely tainted with prideful, self-righteous and rebellious idolatry.  By outward appearance, it seems like it is really authentic because men judge in light of men instead of in light of a holy God in a matchlessness that is truly set apart.

11.  It is true that the incomparable goodness of Christ is not civil goodness but the gospel of Christ even affects the unbelieving with a warm heart.  This could be seen in the practice of Christmas.

12.  The civil holiness of sinners outside of Christ do not compare to the authentic holiness of Christ alone, because He is superlatively and divinely matchless.

13.  There is a civil cry for the things of God that is not an authentic holiness, but it is a cry that exists in hell.

14.  There is a civil evangelism among the sons and daughters of Adam that is not from a true heart, but this is evangelism from hell.

15.  There is a difference from a civil evangelism and a true evangelism.  A civil evangelism is from outer darkness, but a true evangelism is those who believe and practice the Christian faith.

16.  There is a civil belief that is from hell that is not a true belief from God’s Spirit and God’s Word.

17.  There is a civil fear of hell that is different from a godly fear that spreads the awesome message of the gospel of Jesus.

18.  There is a civil knowledge that is different than a saving knowledge.

19.  There is a civil conversation that is different than a holy conversation.

20.  There is a civil thinking that is different than conformity to the mind of Jesus Christ.

21.  There is a civil search for God that is different than a seeking after a holy God that is the business of the Christian.

22.  There is civil reasoning that is different than a biblical rationality.

23.  There is a civil longing for heaven that is different than a Spirit-led and Word-based longing for being with Jesus Christ.

24.  There is a worldly pursuit of reprobates that is different than the Christian’s love of valleys, the sight of mountains, beautiful rivers and sunsets.  It is true the reprobate can appreciate these things, but I mean the Christian with his new nature loves the world in a different way in light of the Spirit and Word.  There is a civil love among reprobates that is different than a God-appointed love of what God has made.

25.  There is a civil love of sex that is different from a martial relationship between one man and one woman in the marriage bed left undefiled.

26.  There is a civil intellectualism that is different than a Christian intellectualism.

27.  There is a civil discernment that leads to hell that is different than a Scriptural discernment.

28.  There is a civil understanding that is different than an efficacious understanding for the Christian that causes them to spiritually change.

29.  There is a civil hearing that is different from the approbation of the Spirit in a biblical hearing.

30.  It is possible for a reprobate to understand the biblical Scriptures without a real saving knowledge.

31.  There is a false assurance that is different than a true assurance.

32.  False assurance is based on experience over the written Scriptures.

33.  True assurance is based on the written Scriptures over experience.

34.  The Spirit really testifies to a true Christian of his true assurance.

35.  False religions pursue a mere mental ascent to the alleged meaning of divine truth, but in reality it is merely a spiritually confounded mess.

36.  True religion is a Spirit and Word-born faith that is captive in everyway to the perfect obedience of Jesus Christ.

37.  There is a civil love of miracles that is different than a biblical love of miracles.

38.  The reprobates view miracles as a way to save, but miracles in themselves cannot save anyone without the regenerating presence of the Spirit.

39.  There is a civil appreciation for God’s creation that is different than a Spirit-led love of God’s handiwork in the cosmology of creation.

40.  There is a civil love for Jesus Christ that is different than a Spirit-born love of Jesus Christ.  To the one it is designed for hell but to the other it is for God’s glory unto mercy.

41.  There is a civil love for family in hell that is different than the Spirit-driven love of family in Christ alone.

42.  There is a civil love of the Bible that is different than the love of the Bible among the true people of God in Christ alone.

43.  There is a civil baptism that is different than credo-baptism.

44.  There are good and bad basketball players like how the local church is a group of saved and unsaved people, but the Reformed aim is to fill the local church with truly born again people for God’s glory unto His mercy through Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Creator.

45.  There is a civil preacher that is different than a Reformed preacher.  The difference is the meaning of the written Word.

46.  There is a civil recognition of sin that is different than a biblical awakening of sin by God’s free Spirit in light of His written Word.

47.   There is a civil warm heart that is different from a heart born of the Spirit and Word in monergistic regeneration.

48.  There is a civil justification that is different than the unbreakable justification by faith alone through Christ alone.

49.  There is a civil sanctification that is different than the true sanctification in a positional and progressive sense from the intended meaning of the biblical Word.

50.  There is a civil glorification that is not the true past and future glorification of the sole merits of Jesus Christ for His people unto His glory for mercy.  Rather civil glorification is the glory of others that partake of the merits of Christ not Christ alone.

51.  There is a civil argument that is different than a true defense for the hope that is within us revealed in the divine Scriptures.

52.  There is a civil awakening of God’s existence that is different than the Christian’s awakening of the holy, omnipresence of God.

53.  There is a civil awakening of divine Reformed truth through God’s providential illumination among all people outside of Christ that is different from a regenerating awakening for the chosen of God in Christ alone for His glory unto mercy at His appointed time by the free redemptive work of the Spirit of God and the Word of God.

54.  There is a civil judgment on religion that is different than a judgment of religion by a real and true Spirit-led Christian in Scriptural discernment.

55.  There is a civil suffering unto justice that is different than a suffering of Christians unto mercy.

56.  There is a civil corrective judgment unto damnation that is different than a Spirit-led corrective judgment unto election.

57.  There is a civil interpretation of the biblical Scriptures than a self-authenticating interpretation of the biblical Scriptures that seeks without end to arrive at the author’s intended meaning.

58.  There is a civil preaching of the biblical gospel among those called outwardly to the ministry of the Word that is different from an authentic preaching of the biblical Word among those who truly have Christ in their hearts and actually live out the written glad tidings of God’s holy Word in light of the holiness of the Cross of Jesus Christ.

59.  There are those who are twice dead among reprobates that are different than those who are spiritually alive and conquer death through the bodily resurrection of the victory of the King of kings and Lord of lords in the matchless glory of God the Father.

60.  There is a civil theologian that is different than a Spirit-awakened theologian.

61.  There is a civil apologist that is different than a Spirit-awakened apologist.

62.  There is a civil preacher that is different than a Spirit-awakened preacher.

63.  There is a civil historian that only teaches the dogmatic history of papal supremacy without regard to true history that is different than a Spirit-awakened historian about the things of God.

64.  There is a civil covering for how someone is right with a holy God among fallen sinners than the true imputed unified covering of Christ alone for true justification by a Spirit-and-Word-born faith alone among true Christians.

65.  There is a civil truth among philosophers than a true truth among Christian philosophers.

66.  There is a civil cost for a reprobate that is different than a biblical understood cost for the name’s sake of Jesus Christ.

67.  There is a civil stealing away by false religions touching spiritually brainwashed people outside of Christ in an elusive “psychological warfare” that is different than the true stealing away by the absolute freedom of God’s Spirit and written Word.

68.  There is a civil freedom of fallen man that is different than the absolute, supernatural and superior freedom of a holy Triune God.

69.  There is a civil pursuit of good works that is different than a true Christian that is created and ordained to do good works.  The main difference would be the pervasive work of God’s Spirit: namely, there is a civil goodness that comes from a holy God though fallen man is not devoid of absolute responsibility of his sin in the sin-taintedness of civil goodness but there is a good work of God’s ordination and creation for Christians to do good works.  The Christian has a new nature but those outside of Christ do not have a new nature but a fallen nature, but there is a special emphasis for the Christian by the Spirit that does not add to Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God but demonstrates their faith in a predestinarian sense in the outworking of providential history.   This demonstrates the faith of a true Christian.  The degree of civil goodness is from a holy God outside of Christ but the degree of Spirit-led good works is also from a holy God.  None of it spiritually saves.  To the one it demonstrates that they are sinners outside of Christ in light of His matchless holiness of a holy God, but to the other good works demonstrate the faith of a Christian in light of the matchlessness of a holy God.   God controls everything in those outside of Christ for civil goodness and those in Christ for good works, but the responsibility of their total depravity lies with them.  Is sin outside the purpose of God?  By no means!  It is all in the first cause of God, but the second cause is the author of sin.  That means God is controlling things without committing sin through His good holiness!  For the one it is meant for the glory of Jesus unto justice, but for the other it is meant for the glory of Jesus unto mercy.   Which one are you?

70.  There is a civil reading of the Bible that is different than a true meaning of the Bible.  Those who have eyes to see let them see.

71.  There is a civil hearing of the Word preached that is different than a true hearing of the Word preached.  Those who have ears to hear let them hear.

72.  There is civil proclaimation of the Bible that is different than a true preaching of the Bible.  Those who have mouths to speak justice let them speak justice.

73.  There is a civil defiance in the kingdom of Satan among the providentially awakened pre-converted elect than a true rebellion against the kingdom of Satan among the converted elect.

74.  There is also a civil hatred against Satan that is different than a Christian who battles against him in spiritual warfare with the armor of Jesus Christ in a spiritual defense for God’s glory alone.

75.  There is a civil spiritual warfare against Satan for those who are not born again that is different than the Christian warfare against Satan.

76.  There is a civil love of Satan for himself to be turned over to more cosmic sin, because his alleged love is the essence of wicked sin.

77.  There is a civil loving for self-destruction among reprobates for hell.

78.  There is a civil hatred for Satan about himself that yields spite unto a defeat through pride, but there is no Incarnate Goodness in him.

79.  There is an alleged civil goodness by Satan that is a masquerading of light.  That means he is able to deceive on appearances.  That is, a house seems good by outward appearance, right?  He comes to grant that outward appearance for the interests of man, but inwardly it yields a fire so dark that only hell judges the death that never dies in outer darkness and blazing fires of real and experiential agonizing torments in the real presence of God’s outstretched wrath of wrath in the real self-torment in the gnashing of teeth where the worm does not die nor is the fire quenched.

80.  Fallen man serves the interests of fallen Lucifer.

81.  Fallen Lucifer serves the interests of men.

82.  The Christian serves the superlative holy God of the Bible.

83.  Fallen Lucifer furthers all kinds of crimes of injustice, but besides the plain love of cosmic rebellion and evil, he takes men to hell with good intentions and a scheme that never avails.

84.  Reprobates in the final analysis hate the place of hell.

85.  Christians see the reality of hell as a motivation for holiness.

86.  Fallen Lucifer and his angels are the essence of attrition.

87.  There is a civil repentance that is different than a true repentance.

88.  There is a civil fear that is different than a godly fear.

89.  There is a civil justice that is different than the justice of the Cross.

90.  There is a civil punishment that is different than eternal punishment.

91.  There is civil reward that is different than God as our greatest reward.

92.   There is a civil change of hearts that is different than spiritual rebirth.

93.  There is a civil mindset that is different than the mind of Jesus.

94.  There are civil tears of Esau that are different than the Spirit-awakened tears of St. Peter, but the commonality is both are tainted with sin and it cannot save in anyway.  To Esau tears are meant for his turning over to sin by a holy God for justice and a civil humility that does not lead to true repentance to Christ, but for St. Peter his tears are meant for his humbling through a holy God’s enabling divine grace and a Spirit-led humility unto true confession to a holy Triune God.  The set of tears of Esau is self-piety unto evil, but the set of tears of St. Peter are godly sorrow unto tears that are not an evil: namely, the tears of St. Peter though they need to be washed like his repentant confession to a holy Triune God are meant for his good while the sin-tainted tears of Esau are meant for his self-destruction to the place of hell.  It means God decides who to save and who to damn, and a holy and sovereign God is controlling the evidence in the elect and non-elect’s outward demonstration for either salvation or damnation.

95.  There is the betrayal by Judas against Jesus without restoration but the difference is for God’s people there is a threefold restoration of St. Peter by Christ due to his denial of Jesus Christ.  Every sinner that sins is restored by a holy God like St. Peter but not like Judas.  That is, Judas was never restored by a holy God.  Rather he was judged by a holy God and accursed unto a disobedience of faith in the gospel.

96.  There is a civil difference among the non-believing or unbelieving.  What do I mean?  The pre-converted elect do not yet believe and spend time under damnation, but the never-converted elect will never believe and always spend under condemnation.  The commonality is under condemnation no one really and truly believes.  How does fallen man find a way to truly believe?  Fallen man only truly believes because He makes men to differ by His sovereign choice for their salvation unto eternal mercy.  Why does a holy God seem to save great sinners like St. Paul?  A holy Triune God seeks to forgive much to gain much glory for mercy so His chosen will love much.  It is self-deception to further a pursuit of great sin to be a great sinner to be saved, but it is not self-deception to understand in self-awareness that you are a great sinner.  Its not that sin saves someone if they are a great sinner, but the only way a great sinner is saved is through God’s choice unto everlasting compassion.  Not every great sinner is saved but God may be more aware that salvation is needed through a great sinner.  God has to decide according to His righteous good pleasure.  You may want to turn to ancient Balaam or King Saul.  None of these men were saved though great sinners.  It means sin cannot save if used for damnation and a civil pursuit of life, but sin can be used by a holy God to humble sinners and test motives in a later Spirit-led turning at His appointed time from those sins to a life of practicing death to sin and life to Jesus Christ in what is legally true already because of a new creation in an outward manifestation of repentance unto life and remission.

97.  What does a sinner do when he or she cannot repent and believe the gospel?  Should the sinner sin more to get saved?  No, no!  If you follow some lawless religious people in self-deception to sin more to get saved, it will lead you to hell.  The best of Christians have been tricked by Satan, but they defeat him through Spirit-awakened repentance.  Satan and the new Balaam will not argue with you if you want to sin more: namely, he will personally take you to hell through sinning to belong to Jesus Christ but the deception is that sin will make you belong to Jesus.  It does not have the spiritual power to do that.  Some so-called Christians think they can help unbelievers to be a greater sinner to belong to Christ.  It is a folly of vanity in the evil grace of Satan!  Sin cannot make you belong to Christ, because there is no saving power in it.  It only has the power to destroy if left without a holy God in His supernatural intervention for His choice of mercy.  Christians that sin to get people saved end up on the side of Satan.  May I ask:  What does save?  It is simply the gift of the Spirit of God accompanying the Word of God applying the gift of imputed righteousness to a pre-converted elect sinner: namely, sinners should not pursue a greater sinnerhood even if a holy God saves greater sinners, but sinners without the gift of faith and repentance should hear the Word preached.  There is also no basis to sin against a hidden yet known pre-converted sinner so he learns his lesson!  You know why?  Christians that intentionally sin commit a greater degree of sin by trampling the Son of God underfoot again!   The Christians that commit an “unforced force” are abominations before a holy God, but the reprobate who commit a “forced force” are greater stenches before a holy God.  The outcome is the great pain and agony of the person who everyone sinned against.  Everyone has left.  No one is there but only in secret excusing sin through some justification.  When Christians become like the world Satan gains an edge and what was good and green in this world will be hide in the abyss of injustice.  When the world tries to be like the Christian church, it is able to hide behind a collection of false beliefs that furthers the scheme of Satan.  There is a small unity among God’s chosen people in Noah’s family in his wood constructed Ark that is heard with the laughter of sinful Sarah by the world against Christ, but there is also a unity among the reprobate that is seen in the Tower of Babel where ancient and fallen man seek to take God’s holy throne.  It is true that Satan hates a predestinarian God who works out all of this wicked madness for the good of His chosen alone.  The true Christians will repent and redeem the time through nothing added or taken away from the all-exclusive Cross where also the perfect life of Jesus is how He earned salvation for His chosen people, but the reprobate will excuse their injustice with more injustice until hell rains out of heaven again.  So again, how does someone gain faith?   It is simply the Word preached in the convicting presence of God’s Spirit.  The Word preached is where the presence of Christ abides!  This means fallen man is spiritually saved in the hearing of the written Word, because through hearing the preaching of the biblical Scriptures fallen men comes to true faith.  To replace the biblical Word preached is to bring another authority over the matchless and sole infallible superintendence of the Word of Truth.  Repent and obey the good news.

Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen,
Here grasp with firmer hand th'eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon thee lean.
Here would I feed upon the bread of God,
Here drink with thee the royal wine of heav'n;
Here would I lay aside each earthly load,
Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven.
This is the hour of banquet and of song;
This is the heav'nly table spread for me:
Here let me feast, and, feasting, still prolong
The brief, bright hour of fellowship with thee.
I have no help but thine, nor do I need
Another arm save thine to lean upon:
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed;
My strength is in thy might, thy might alone.
Mine is the sin, but thine the righteousness;
Mine is the guilt, but thine the cleansing blood;
Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace,
Thy blood, thy righteousness, O Lord my God.   (TH, 310).

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