Monday, June 23, 2014

Continued BDiv....

BOOK: 3 –

95-Disputations on Psalm Chapter 1 Verse-By-Verse

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:1 and the Blessed Man

By M.A. Petillo, D.Th., D.Min., & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers.”  (Psalm 1:1 NASB).

1.      The blessed man is chosen by a holy Triune God.

2.      The blessed man is the man of God in Christ.

3.      The blessed man is the true Christian.

4.      The blessed man does not habitually sin as reprobates.

5.      The blessed man is someone forgiven and cleansed by Christ.

6.      The blessed man is a true Christian who loves his enemies,

7.      The blessed man is a true Christian who has the fruits the Spirit.

8.      The Christian is the blessed man who demonstrates his faith.

9.      The Christian is someone who has true faith in the Triune God.

10.  The Christian is someone who loves all of God’s creation.

11.  The Christian is someone who loves the Holy Spirit.

12.  The Christian does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.

13.  The Christian does not strive in the sinfulness of sin.

14.  Habitual sins for the ungodly are sins of no repentance.

15.  The lost engage in the counsel of the ungodly.

16.  The counsel of the wicked is the way of reprobation.

17.  Reprobation is a choice of a holy Triune God unto wrath.

18.  A holy Triune God changes damnation into election for His chosen in Jesus Christ.

19.  The path of the sinner is not the path of Christ.

20.  The path of the wicked is chosen by a holy God unto justice.

21.  The wicked are not forced to engage in reprobation.

22.  The counsel of reprobates is like Cain, Esau and Judas.

23.  The blessed man is about the imputed merit of Jesus.

24.  There is no such thing as the blessed man without imputation.

25.  The gift of the Spirit of imputation of Jesus’ unified righteousness is the very crux and essence of the only merit that stands before the Father of lights.

26.  The scoffers are proud reprobates who hate a holy Triune God.

27.  The proud are reprobates who hate the Cross of Jesus Christ.

28.  The counsel of Herod, the scribes and Pilate are head reprobates.

29.  No one is greater than Jesus Christ who is the Head of the Church in everyway and anyway.

30.  The blessing of the Spirit is spiritual rebirth.

31.  The blessing of the Spirit is imputed merit of Jesus.

32.  The blessing of the Spirit is the gift of the grace of faithful repentance.

33.  The blessing of the Spirit is past holiness and a process of the holiness.

34.  The blessing of the Spirit is past realization of child of God companionship with the living Triune God.

35.  The blessing of the Spirit is the future glorification of the sinless unified merit of Jesus Christ that is the dominance of the Spirit in a conquering way that transcends eternity yet it is contained in eternity as the white robes of Jesus Christ.

36.  The blessed man is not a reprobate man.

37.  The reprobate man is not the blessed man.

38.  The prosperity of the reprobate is for their blindness unto eternal condemnation because they value earthly things over eternal things.

39.  The scoffers come when a holy Triune God does the incredible.

40.  The proud are reprobates who hate the innocence of God.

41.  The blessed man is about the incredible life of Jesus Christ.

42.  The blessed man is about the incredible Cross of Jesus Christ.

43.  The blessed man is about the incredible resurrection of Jesus.

44.  True Christians stand in Jesus Christ and His robes alone.

45.  The reprobate cannot stand before the Father in their ways.

46.  The robe of Jesus is how someone is right before a holy God.

47.  The people of God are forensically declared right through Jesus Christ because of His perfect life and death.

48.  There is a seat for the scoffers and a seat for the Christian.

49.  The seat of the scoffer is a way of wicked persecution.

50.  The seat of the Christian is the seat of holiness.

51.  There is no throne of Satan by God’s approbation but by the will of his fallen creatures to implement tyranny.

52.  The seat of Satan is to renounce the throne of Jesus Christ.

53.  At the throne of Jesus is where He fights for His children.

54.  At the throne of Christ is where He intercedes for His people.

55.  The voice of God is over everything that moves.

56.  Nothing happens without God’s permission.

57.  There is God’s Triune spiritual presence over all things.

58.  God is an active God though sinners unjustly scoff at Him.

59.  The walk of the Christian is ordered by a holy Triune God unto mercy for the glory of Jesus Christ.

60.  The counsel of the wicked is ordered by a holy Triune God as the first cause without approbation but establishment of the approbation of justice for the glory of His Son as Judge at the Last Day in defiance of the rebellion of His fallen creatures that are objects of His terror designed for the residence of hell.

61.  All the pre-converted elect are temporary reprobates.

62.  A holy Triune God changes the destiny of the temporary reprobates who are pre-converted elect sinners to election unto mercy because everyone is born in original sin as the family of Adam.

63.  For the proud reprobate there is no proud thing that possess.

64.  The proud reprobates are destined to hell where they are kings of destruction in the blackness of darkness of the flames of hell.

65.  The counsel of reprobates is hell itself because God has worked out His purpose to everlasting justice who possess not the imputed white robes of Jesus Christ.

66.  Christians walk with Jesus hand-in-hand to heaven.

67.  Reprobates walk hand-to-hand with the father of lies.

68.  The father of lies controls the counsel of reprobates.

69.  The counsel of reprobates sometimes decides the doom of saints.

70.  Did sinners kill Jesus?  Did sinners have greater power than Jesus to kill God in human flesh?  He has the sovereign authority to lay down His life and take it up again.  It was His Father that put Him to death to save the sinners who nailed Him to the Cross.

71.  The blessed man is about the Bible alone.

72.  The blessed man is about Christ alone.

73.  The blessed man is about faith alone.

74.  The blessed man is about grace alone.

75.  The blessed man is about to God be the glory alone.

76.  The blessed man is about peace with God through Jesus.

77.  Jesus stands in the bridge between the Father and His people.

78.  Jesus does not stand to approve of sin but to have it punished upon Himself at the Cross of Himself to bring all of His people to Himself.

79.  The saints should not approve of the path of sinners.

80.  The saints ought to be about holiness.

81.  The Christian is to be about godliness, morality and purity.

82.  The atonement is limited to His people but unlimited in its application to His people in its benefits.

83.  The Father’s design is the blessing of His Son.

84.  The Son’s work is to honor the Father’s design.

85.  The Spirit comes from the Father and the Son to apply redemption from the Son in the Father’s design.

86.  The work of the Triune God is the gift of His hand.

87.  The Father’s invisible Hand shapes us into conformity to His Son by the Spirit’s work because of the choice of His good pleasure.

88.  The path of Peter was glory with his brother Andrew but it was not with the wicked, ungodly or reprobate sinners.

89.   The blessed man is about faith in the Cross of Christ.

90.  The blessed man is not of a self-righteous merit of someone else but only the merit of Jesus Christ imputed by the gift of faith.

91.  The path of sinners was never under the approval of a Triune God but He destined it to bring about the counter of justice.

92.  No blessing comes from Satan or fallen angels but evil.

93.  True blessings come from the Triune God, His elect angels and people because of God’s holy pleasure.

94.  The reprobates are not precious in the sight of God at death but awaiting the horror of retribution for everlasting destruction.

95.  The elect are the blessed even at death but are most precious in the sight of a holy Triune unto His glory of Jesus unto mercy.

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:2 and the Demonstration of the Law

By M.A. Petillo, D.Th., D.Min., & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he mediates day and night.” (Psalm 1:2 NASB).

1.        The Christian engages in a non-meritorious demonstration.

2.        The reason the Christian engages in a non-meritorious demonstration of Christian faith is because the demonstration is tainted with the sinfulness of sin and yet a gift of His hand.

3.        All the good of obedience of the Old and New Testament commandments is a civil goodness that could never possibly add to the untainted unified righteousness of His imputed merit of Jesus Christ that is the unequaled gift of His invisible Hand.

4.        The Father’s design is for the joy of His people to obey the law as an authentic demonstration of obedience of the gift of His Hand.

5.        The Son’s delight is the Father’s will in His perfect life in earning spiritual salvation for His chosen people unto mercy.

6.        The Son’s delight is the Father’s will in His perfect death in propitiation (appeasement of the Father by the Cross in sole divine satisfaction) and expiation (removing sin as far as the east is from the west).

7.        The delight of the Christian in obeying the moral law in the Ten Commandments is not meritorious but nonetheless the gift of His invisible Hand that exalts the glory of Jesus Christ.

8.        Jesus perfectly obeyed the law of God for His people that earned salvation for His people unto everlasting mercy.

9.        The law of God in the Ten Commandments teaches that only Jesus Christ could perfectly obey God but no Christian is able to obey the law of God in the Ten Commandments perfectly.

10.    Jesus perfectly delighted in the perfect law of God.

11.    Christians imperfectly delight in the perfect law of God.

12.    The law of God in the Old & New Testament could never be enough to earn spiritual salvation because of thorough depravity and radical corruption in the historical, moral and theological original sin.

13.    The delight of a Christian in God’s law is by His Spirit.

14.    The Christian delights in the law because the law is His Word.

15.    The Old Testament law of God is to be obeyed in the context of the direct meaning and general applications of the Ten Commandments.

16.    The Ten Commandments do not make a Christian right before God because only Incarnate Grace could do this!

17.    How does a Christian be right with a holy Triune God?  It is simply through the unified imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ alone in His life and death for justification by faith alone.

18.    Is justification by Jesus won by the Virgin Mary and the saints?  By no means whatsoever!  It is the all-exclusive Christ alone for who did the Father says He was well-pleased?  Did He not say “This is my well-beloved Son; listen to Him!”

19.    The delight of the Christian is the Father’s design of obedience as a foredetermined demonstration as a gift of His Hand.

20.    The unequaled gift of the Father is imputed righteousness.

21.    Nothing compares to the unified imputed merit of Jesus.

22.    The Father delights in the Son alone and through the Son alone.

23.    The Son delights in the will of the Father.

24.    The Spirit delights in the Father and the Son.

25.    The Lord delights in those who He has chosen.

26.    The Lord does not understand delight in His saints as meritorious but in and through His Son without His saints becoming Jesus.

27.    We are called to be a little Jesus without literally being Him.

28.    The sinless life of Jesus was to obey the law of God to earn salvation for God’s elect people but New Perspectivism does this essential truth of redemption for God’s way of salvation.

29.    All the chosen unto mercy are loved equally through Jesus despite, beyond and failure of the law of God in obedience.

30.    The obedience of the saints is dependent upon the Spirit of God.

31.    Being kept by God is found in God’s Spirit and Word.

32.    Delighting in God’s law in the Ten Commandments is His gift unto civil goodness but never compares unto imputation of righteousness that shines like the sun through Jesus.

33.    Jesus perfectly obeyed God’s law night and day.

34.    Jesus perfectly obeyed God’s law moment by moment.

35.    There was never a particle of disobedience upon Jesus that He committed in His sinless life on earth.

36.    Obedience of the law of God remains with the people of God unto human responsibility by the work of God’s Holy Spirit.

37.    Only God the Son could walk a sinless life in human flesh: namely, we must think of Jesus Christ who is God’s final answer to the only way to heaven in defiance of thieves and robbers of false religions, atheism and agnosticism.

38.    Islam believes in scaling the balances between good and bad, but to excel in good but the problem is no one is good by nature.

39.    Rome believes in excess merit won by the Virgin Mary and the saints but it is so far removed from imputed unified, untainted, perfect and alien righteousness of the Son of Man alone that is higher then them all because it alone is what the Father has designed to accept as a covering over His saints through Jesus Christ, His eternal Son, who carries no blemish.

40.    Buddhism relies on self-reliance but a depraved mind will only yield depraved thoughts, words and deeds that are also eternally removed from the Righteousness of the Son that they all stand fallen with everlasting condemnation in outer destruction by the Father’s designed love of justice.

41.    The sinner delights in his great and deep sin that is unwashable.

42.    The civil good of a Christian is Spirit-led in a special sense but it could never add to the matchlessness of Jesus Christ due to a soot-stained civil goodness that resembles a dunghill more than the gift of His Hand but only the gift of His Hand by the good and only because of Him who lives forevermore.

43.    The Father delights in His Son’s active obedience alone in a redemptive sense in how someone is right with a holy God.

44.    The Father delights in His Son’s passive obedience alone in a salvational sense in justification by faith alone.

45.    The Triune Lord in the law of God is the only object of worship.

46.    The law of God is about the double edged-sword of God in His written Word of God for His people to cut us apart in conviction of the sinfulness of sin unto a confessional repentance to Him.

47.    Christians should not place an idol over the Triune God.

48.    The Triune God is eternally self-existent or Triune Aseity.

49.    Christians should not worship an idol over the Triune God.

50.    A holy Triune God alone is worthy of worship.

51.    The Father is jealous to keep His children holy.

52.    The Son is jealous to keep His chosen through Him.

53.    The Spirit is jealous to apply Christ to His people alone.

54.    The Triune God shows mercy to thousands but reserves judgment to those whom He is pleased to judge.

55.    A holy Triune God does not want Christians to take His name in vain but also people from every tribe, tongue, nation and people.

56.    The Bible does not call for a theocracy while sin dwells among the sons and daughters of Adam but it calls for a democratic-republic where the constitution does not establish a religion but also does not prohibit the right to practicing the law of God in public.

57.    The name of God is precious and holy for His people.

58.    The name of God is blasphemed among the reprobate.

59.    A good God is hated by a wayward people who will reside in everlasting destruction.

60.    We are called to obey the Christian Lord’s Day or Sabbath.

61.    We are called to work for six days in honor of Jesus Christ.

62.    We are called to rest on the seventh day like our great God in the literal creation account of Genesis chapter 1.

63.    God calls His people to honor our fathers and mothers because Jesus as God the Son in human flesh honored His mother in a family relationship but surely she worshiped her Son.

64.    A holy Triune God teaches us not to murder.

65.    A holy Triune God teaches us not to murder the unborn.

66.    Jesus teaches us not to commit adultery.

67.    God teaches us not to steal in His perfect law.

68.    Have you borne false witness?  God says do not bear false witness.

69.    We are commanded to not covet anything.

70.    We are commanded to obey Jesus in love of our enemies.

71.    Jesus calls us to use biblical discernment.

72.    Jesus thought perfectly.

73.    Jesus spoke perfectly.

74.    Jesus worked perfectly.

75.    Jesus perfectly prayed to the Father in His economic distinction.

76.    Jesus perfectly obeyed all the commands of the Father.

77.    The saints wearing the white robes of Jesus could not shine any brighter but by Jesus who makes them shine like the sun in final and future glorification.

78.    Do you wish to be right with a holy God through law?  You have not loved your neighbor perfectly!

79.    Do you still wish to be made right with God through law?  You have hated your enemies without cause!

80.    Do you see your own soul upon reflection upon yourself?  It is as black as soot and rivals the blackness of the sea! 

81.    Do you want a second chance to make it by law?  Whoops!  You failed again, but this pursuit is futile because once you disobey a holy God, you have broken all the commands of God.

82.    Have you broken one command of God? 

83.    Do you not realize you have broken every single commandment unless you deny James 2:10? 

84.    How will you wash away an eternal amount of commandments that only Jesus could live before the Father perfectly? 

85.    Have you seen a shadow?  Imagine the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea!  You surpass that in all of your sin!

86.    The law is essential for obedience in foredetermined demonstration, but Jesus is essential for how someone is right with a holy God by the work of the Spirit.

87.    Sin, in some limited sense, should be like pointing out the stars of heaven but bringing it before God in repentance through Christ crucified.

88.    Sin is also like the sands of the sea where imagine if you reduced each sea particle to its own but that would not equal all your little sins but in a limited sense shows us what our eternal sin is like.

89.    Imagine your depravity defies the universe in cosmic villainy but there is Someone who is greater than the universe: namely, His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and He cleanses from all sin.

90.    Satan hates the unified work of Jesus Christ.

91.    Satan hates the Christian to work out their salvation in faithful obedience to His laws by the gift of His Triune Hand because he hates whatsoever is right.

92.    The commandments of God are about whatsoever is right.

93.    Why do what is right?  God requires it but we have failed!

94.    Should total depravity be an excuse to sin?  In light of God’s meticulous foredetermination it is not an excuse to sin, but it is an establishment of seeking the face of Jesus Christ.

95.    The essence of goodness is not anyone but Jesus the Divine.

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:3 and Prosperity of Godly Fruit in Being an Example of Christian Living

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf in its season and its leaf does not whither, and in whatever he does, he prospers.”  (Psalm 1:3 NASB).

1.      Once there is true grace there is the keeping power of a holy Triune God that lasts through life unto glory.

2.      Those that a holy Triune God saves eternally changes for His purposes unto eternal mercy for the glory of the eternal Son.

3.      God causes a genuine spiritual change among those of the elect unto everlasting mercy that grows in honor of the Father.

4.      A holy Triune God causes the Christian to be firmly planted in Him where no storm, avalanche or catastrophe will remove God’s oath through His Son as the only way to the Father in heavenly bliss for His chosen redeemed.

5.      The elect are like steady trees even when the wind is violate against them that the Father in His design has planted in the Son by the work of the Spirit that are firm in the possession of the profession of their testimony.

6.      The streams of water are like the eternal Son as the Living Water as Incarnate Deity who quenches every spiritual thirst for everlasting life in the Father’s program.

7.      The streams of water are like the written Word where it is the Water of the Word that puts out the fires of hell and produces a calm stream of living water that is a Christian life of true peace.

8.      The Holy Spirit nurtures the planted tree by accompanying the living Water of the Word that provides well-being for the planted tree to produce fruit that is all about the life of Jesus Christ.

9.      Those of a false grace serve a God who is not able to keep them firmly planted in true grace because the essence of who God is comes down to His eternal aseity (self-existence) in which their false god lacks the keeping power to bring them to glory with a good testimony rooted in true grace.

10.  Streams of living water provide a sense of peace to saints like trees who have a rough season of all kinds of trails, tribulations and personal alleged earthquakes.

11.  The Holy Spirit is the grounds for conviction of election through the Son by the Father’s plan but only a false spirit would deny his oath of remaining faithful to His elect where the ground opens and they fall into the abyss of hell but in ancient times this has actually happened under Moses in Old Testament History and yet a holy Triune God did not lie to these reprobate people but made them objects of justice but preserved objects of mercy.

12.  A stream is a way to bring a calming-peace to the mind that seems to provide comfort because of the gentleness of the great power of water in that it encourages us to remember the mind of Christ because He perfectly possessed the mind of peace.

13.  Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Streams of Living Water that is the only answer for the divine remedy of the soul because only He can bring a lost pre-converted elect reprobate to heaven.

14.  A tree like a counterfeit profession is not firmly planted which is a tree that is not faithful but the fruit of faithfulness is a work of the Spirit of God and the written Word of God.

15.  A tree like a true Christian is a work of beauty before a holy God because He has shaping His elect creature into the image of the Son without becoming the Son but loving them equally as the Son without becoming God because God cannot became God because if God is God He always was, is and forever shall be God.

16.  A holy Triune God is the essence of beauty because we are able to tell by His handiwork of His creation that teaches us about His divine craftsmanship, architecture and design of all things to glorify Himself because all meaning comes from a holy God.

17.   A tree cut down is a tree that’s lost its profession but is an indication of a false possession because false profession is based on faulty grounds of salvation.

18.  What does a Christian firmly planted look like?  A true Christian is someone who is nourished by the Water of the Word and prayer to the Living Water Who is Incarnate Deity.

19.  What is a true characteristic of a true tree?  A true tree is a tree firmly planted and nearby a good supply of water.

20.  What happens when there is bad ground for the tree?  It is much like a false professor who believes they are saved by faith and works or grace and works or adding to the all-exclusive, centrality of the Cross of Jesus Christ as the Rock of Offense.

21.  What happens if the water gets polluted?  If the Water of the Word is polluted it looks like the tree will die, but if the Water of the Word is good it will grow. 

22.  Pollution of living water is denying the eternal deity of the Son.

23.  Pollution of living water is denying the sinless humanity of the Son.

24.  Pollution of living water is denying the sinless death of the Son.

25.  Pollution of living water is denying the bodily resurrection of the eternal Son.

26.  Pollution of the Water of the Word is adding something to the God-breathed Bible to have extra-revelation that is not compatible to the divine revelation of Scripture.

27.  A tree wrongly planted is like a tree that is falsely born again by decisional regeneration.

28.  A tree wrongly planted is like a tree that is falsely born again by a different spirit like a Modalistic monergism (denying the distinctions within the Triune Godhead but advocating Reformed rebirth, or denying the real Three persons and reducing Jesus to a mere man, or better yet a Jesus who speaks to himself while falsely calling upon the Father and Spirit while they exist from him and yet do not exist in theological confoundedness).

29.  A tree is comforted by the solid ground of good soil, because it is much like a firmly planted Christian by the Spirit of God who is planted in solid ground where it flourishes.

30.  Sometimes the sun is hard on living things in the heat, but this could refer to the Father’s corrective judgment and yet it is quenched by streams of living water and refreshed, revived and restored to be a trophy of His invisible Hand in His handiwork.

31.  A stream of water is water that calming goes over all rocks and all kinds of things that smooth them to a brilliance of a picture of tranquility in the peace of a holy Triune God.

32.  A living stream smoothes over the rock of our hearts for St. Peter is known as the rock as a nickname but it does not refer to him as the leader of the Roman Church because St. Paul and St. Peter refer to Jesus Christ as the Rock of Offense but St. Peter is the leader of a heart of stiff-necked rocks where the true Rock of Supremacy is Incarnate Deity where He does not have a rock for a heart but the very of God Incarnate that surpasses all creatures in everyway as the Head of the orthodox Christian church.

33.  Those firmly planted in Christ as genuine trees of God like the standing people of God in Christ will not be cut down but endure to everlasting life by the power of the Holy Spirit.

34.  A gentle stream is like the peace of the river of living life that symbolizes Jesus Christ as the River of Living Water.

35.  Jesus quenches the spiritual thirst of true people of God but reprobates are blinded who thirst unto eternal damnation.

36.  The taste of heaven is the Spirit of God bringing the gift of Jesus to His people that were decided before time began.

37.  The Father plants His people in Christ through the Spirit.

38.  The Spirit maintains the growth of the genuine Christian.

39.  The Son is the all-sufficient Substitute for the intent of His people.

40.  The Son is the gentle living stream that declares words of peace.

41.  The Father’s design of the living stream is love through His Son.

42.  The Spirit’s keeping power of God’s people is nourished in the firm unified work of Incarnate Deity.

43.  The fruits of God’s people in Christ yields growth in the appointed season by the Spirit of God.

44.  The fruit of a Christian is produced by the Spirit of God.

45.  The Spirit produces genuine Christ-honoring love.

46.  The Spirit produces authentic God-working joy.

47.  The Spirit produces God-appointed peace of God in pain.

48.  The Spirit produces patience to endure the will of the Father.

49.  The Spirit produces kindness that is an example by Jesus.

50.  The Spirit produces goodness that sinfully reflects imputed merit of Jesus in a positional sense under God’s never-failing oath.

51.  The Spirit produces faithfulness in all His people to endure as an example of all things pertaining to thought, word and deed.

52.  The Spirit produces gentleness in His people to have power over evil, sin and darkness to be saints like Jesus Christ.

53.  The Spirit produces self-control that is about purity.

54.  The trees bud when spring time arrives to make a leaf that is much like the blooming flower that blossoms into beauty much like the Christian who becomes a thing of beauty by the Supreme Potter’s handiwork in conformity to Jesus Christ.

55.  The leaf blooms into a full leaf of green after God’s handiwork like the Christian blooms into a fully authentic life that demonstrates its beauty in God’s design that connected to the tree where the tree like Christians are nourished by Christ as the Incarnate Living Water where repeated acts of drinking are not required but simply the Spirit putting out the fire of the Burning Bush through the Living Water Who is Jesus Christ.

56.  The leaf changes colors in different seasons but the Christian can never fall out of the Triune Hand of God though he may feel spiritual dumb, dead and dark but He is positionally secure in Christ under God’s eternal oath that refers to God swearing an oath to Himself where no lies enter but only Incarnate Truth.

57.  The genuine Christian prospers in the genuine gospel.

58.  The prosperity of the Christian is about Jesus Christ.

59.  The prosperity of the gospel is about the work of the Spirit.

60.  The authentic gospel is about the unified imputation of Jesus.

61.  The full life of a Christian is about the prosperity of Christian living but the prosperity teachers fail at everyway because of an approbation of the idolatry of substance rather than the approbation of the furtherance of superlative holiness.

62.  The green leaf is like a growing Christian.

63.  The yellow leaf is like a Christian yielding to the Spirit or yielding to the sinfulness of sin but it changes if the Christian does not die to sin and live to Jesus in a true practical sense in progressive sanctification by the Spirit and Word.

64.  The red leaf reminds me of a red day that happened two-thousand years ago that was about the Cross of the Incarnate Lamb of God.

65.  The leaf that dies is like putting sin to death in a prosperous living the poorly reflects positional truth in experiential living where the Christian puts sin to death by confessional repentance through Christ crucified where in the end the Christian is made alive to Jesus by the Spirit of God and the written Word.

66.  The tree prospers with great leafs that change colors in its season but reminds until a holy Triune God starts it again much like those who accelerate in the Christian life but at times need to rediscover their intimacy of Jesus by streams of living water.

67.  Prosperity of the heart is about honesty to Jesus in all things because the Spirit gives us the gift of Incarnate Truth that changes our hearts forever.

68.  Prosperity of the mind is about bringing all to God through His eternal Son by His Spirit in every particular sin where the Son forgives and cleanses His true people from anything they would bring before Him because He loves them through His Son but they do not become the Son but have the Father’s love through the Son by the Spirit’s work in them that reaches beyond the gates of heaven to endless glory that is all about Jesus Christ.

69.  Christians firmly planted are about the glory of Jesus.

70.  Christians who reflect on streams of living water are about the glory of Jesus.

71.  Christians who have fruit in due season are also about the glory of Jesus.

72.  The Christians must do whatsoever is right because Jesus is all about doing whatsoever is right.

73.  The Christian must prosper because of the power of the Spirit.

74.  All things have their being from the power of God but God is not apart of His creation in the falsehood of pantheism.

75.  A holy Triune God is transcendent above His creation.

76.  A holy Triune God is involved in every detail of His creation because He is a God who is meticulously involved in all He creates for His meticulous glory of all things for His own honor, worship and glory due to His plan, purpose and handiwork.

77.  We live and move and have our being by God’s very power of Being that sustains, maintains and governs all things.

78.  Without God’s sustaining power nothing would exist.

79.  No Christian withers to spiritual death but enters glory.

80.  No Christian has conditional salvation but endure forever.

81.  No Christian hates God like he did before God found him.

82.  All true Christians grow but there is no true Christian that does not grow.

83.  False Christians are not real Christians but wither, die and do not prosper to the end unto glory but fail because they do not have the Spirit where He finishes what He started unto the Father’s design in honor of the Son.

84.  There was nothing but the Triune Majesty but He spoke all into being by the sheer Word of His power because He possesses the very power of Being.

85.  There are those among us who make a category error when they errantly suppose to be able to marry a tree where a tree is not human but it is so confounded that fallen sinners have degraded traditional marriage to an ultimate extent where reason is furtherest from their minds rooted in spiritual insanity.

86.  A Christian is a creature of God’s handiwork that is redeemed by Christ through the Spirit and the Word.

87.  Do reprobates prosper?  Reprobates do not prosper in true godliness but reprobates prosper in rebellion.

88.  Sometimes God’s creation like a donkey is wiser than the spiritual madness of fallen humans.

89.  I suppose a tree is even wiser than fallen sinners in a hyperbole because it groans in a symbolic sense over a world of sin and awaits the glory of the Son in full victorious honor.

90.  What is a meaning of a leaf?  It is about God’s preservation of the saints by the Spirit of God and Word of God forever because He cannot go against Himself and lie but He is true and faithful.

91.  A tree cannot grow without the sun much like a Christian who cannot grow without the eternal Son.

92.  A leaf cannot grow apart from the tree much like a Christian cannot grow without obeying Hebrews Chapter 10 in honoring Christian fellowship in the local church.

93.  A stream of water cannot exist but by God’s permission, direction and handiwork that nourishes the whole tree and leafs much like the Lord Jesus nourishes us by the Water of the Word.

94.  No tree can uproot itself like no Christian can keep himself to the end but by the Spirit.

95.  The Father will see His people through no matter what because of the work of the Son by His Spirit.

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:4 and the Blown Out Wicked

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff which the wind drives away.”  (Psalm 1:4 NASB).

1.      All fallen sinners are conceived in original sin.

2.      All fallen sinners are conceived as spiritual criminals.

3.      Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit.

4.      Jesus Christ was not touched by original sin because of the Spirit.

5.      Jesus Christ did not possess a human father but the Holy Ghost overshadowed the Virgin Mary to carry Jesus for nine months where He would spend nine hours on the Cross for which He was intended to redeem all of the many for His glory of His mercy.

6.      The deity of Jesus Christ as God the Son blotted out the original sin, total depravity and radical corruption of the Virgin Mary where Jesus Christ was untouched by the cosmic villainy of sin in his own mother but He was born separate from sinners as the impeccable and immutably sinless God-man.

7.      Original sin comes from the historic and spiritual fall of Adam.

8.      Original sin is the consequences of the actions of Adam.

9.      God foredetermined the fall of Adam to leave some to cover with His justice of retribution or to cover them with His mercy of the white robes of Jesus Christ in His unified imputed merit where this alone stands before the Father and nothing else could dare stand before the Father except Incarnate Deity as Jesus Himself.

10.  God did not sin in His foredetermination of the fall of Adam because His intent was superlatively holy to leave some of Adam’s race to ultimate justice or capture others of Adam’s race to mercy through the Cross that crushes Satan forevermore as the dragon Slayer with the sword of justice as actual redemption.

11.  The wicked are not faithful unto the holy things of God.

12.  The wicked are faithful unto the evil things of a fallen world.

13.  The wicked are brought blown to and fro without stability.

14.  The wicked do not posses the unified imputed merit of Jesus.

15.  The Lutherans are mistaken to teach a universal imputation.

16.  Luther taught a particular imputation for God’s elect alone.

17.  The wicked love their sin more than the love of God.

18.  The wicked have a civil love of God but not a redemptive love of God.

19.  There is a civil love of God that is not redemptive.

20.  There is a redemptive love of God that is not a work but a gift.

21.  A gift of faith and repentance is meant to honor Jesus.

22.  To honor Jesus is not to habitually sin but to repent.

23.  Sin in whatever degree without repentance is a practice of reprobates but some reprobates repent in a civil repentance that is not a genuine repentance after their father Esau and Judas.

24.  God blows the reprobates down to destruction to hell because of His all-wise choice of ultimate justice.

25.  The wicked are blown out where they are cosmic losers.

26.  The wicked go astray from conception to birth and birth to life.

27.  Faithfulness to sin is faithfulness to rebellion.

28.  Faithfulness to sin is not authentic faithfulness to honor God.

29.  Honoring Christ is sound orthodox doctrine but in a way by the Spirit of God in how he shapes us to the conformity to Jesus.

30.  The wicked are not conformed to the image of Jesus but to the image of a covering flame in hell that is about outer darkness that horrifies and terrorizes them because they are God’s objects of justice by His all-wise design.

31.  God’s all-wise design is to turn the reprobate over to himself.

32.  God’s turning the enemy over to himself is leaving him in sin.

33.  God blinds the reprobate because of His design of justice.

34.  God hides the gospel to the reprobate because He has designed them for justice without violation of dignity or His holiness but rather it is an establishment of His moral creatures and all things are from the basis of His superlative holiness.

35.  God controls the wicked because they are not out of His control but their sins of great sins belong to them due to the biblical rationality that He is without sin by nature and yet no sin is greater than a holy Triune God but He will use it to crush them in His vengeance that is from the basis of holiness.

36.  The wicked are without spiritual innocence.

37.  The wicked are guilty sinners before God without Jesus.

38.  The wicked deny the orthodox teaching of the deity of Jesus.

39.  The wicked deny that the humanity of Jesus is sinless.

40.  The wicked deny the unified imputed righteousness of Jesus.

41.  The wicked will not endure to eternal life for the glory of heaven.

42.  The wicked will not endure to see the joys of heaven.

43.  The joys of heaven are not something reprobates will possess.

44.  The wicked wither to the dust of the earth and to the place of hell.

45.  The wicked prosper in sinfulness and endure to darkness.

46.  The wicked cause great pain that God will not redeem.

47.  Redemption is by Christ in His propitiation and expiation.

48.  Not one of the wicked will possess redemption by Christ.

49.  The essence of the mind of a reprobate is darkened.

50.  The crux of the heart of a reprobate is alienated to God.

51.  The heart of the wicked is a heart of rebellion.

52.  The mind of the wicked is a mind of tyranny.

53.  The essence of a reprobate is treacherous idolatry.

54.  The crux of the reprobate is prideful abominations.

55.  The reprobates love their sinfulness of sin.

56.  God will never change the never-converted reprobate.

57.  There are civil changes to a never-converted reprobate.

58.  There is no redemptive change for a never-converted reprobate.

59.  Many never-converted reprobates wanted to crown Christ as king in the Gospel account but He would not endure their timing that was the displeasure of the Father though apart of His plan because they had wrong motives that did not honor Jesus Christ though He was the King of kings.

60.  Satan is after the interests of fallen man.

61.  Fallen man views himself as the measure of all things.

62.  Satan is after an abuse of glory.

63.  Fallen sinners are after an abuse of sovereignty.

64.  Fallen sinners are after an abuse of control.

65.  Fallen sinners are capable of immeasurable sinfulness of sin.

66.  Reprobates love to cause strife among faithful Christians.

67.  Reprobates love to cause presumption in the church.

68.  Reprobates love to cause division in the church.

69.  No fallen sinner is greater than sin but Jesus is greater.

70.  Did God create a bigger rock than He can carry in allowing sin?  By no means!  God Incarnate carried it at the Cross but reprobates carry it in hell forevermore where the pay for it themselves without spiritual justification of their sins like elect sinners but are placed in the residents of hell where the fire does not die nor the darkness brought disappearance.

71.  If there was a thing as cosmic basketball, a holy Triune God blow away the reprobates in the score of eternity of His awesomeness to nothing of the reprobate but a trophy of His justice.

72.  A holy Triune God never lost a battle in the destruction of His enemy because He is and depends on nothing to be but He holds the essence of the Power of Being by virtue of His nature of eternal aseity.

73.  Fallen sinners who claim godhood add to their misery.

74.  Every sin is in essence the creature over the Creator.

75.  No sin of the never-converted reprobates will be forgiven.

76.  The sin of God’s people are forgiven and washed by Christ.

77.  Christ knows the names of His elect children unto eternal mercy.

78.  Christ knows the names of His trophies of justice.

79.  Christ in the Gospels know His sheep in a redemptive way that touches on the divine love of Jesus for them in His life and death for them by the spiritual application of the Spirit in spiritual awakening that is the redemptive gift of His Triune Hand.

80.  Nothing can wash away the sin of the reprobates.

81.  The thieves and robbers could not wash away their sin.

82.  The false messiahs could not atone for their sins let alone the sins of those they deceived.

83.  Jesus never atoned for any sin of His own because His humanity was immutably sinless and His deity was sinless aseity.

84.  The wicked are creatures but God always was.

85.  A holy Triune God is the measure of all things.

86.  Injustice is the evil of fallen sinners but controlled by God to bring about their punishment unto eternal hell or their redemption unto eternal mercy in honor of Jesus Christ.

87.  The wicked never get pardoned but hide in the murderous darkness that hunts them before the time.

88.  For the wicked the darkness is alive and yet it brings death to them that gave destruction while it brings them to an eternal destruction that never sleeps in repayment where the Father destroys body and soul because of the blameability of sinners but the establishment of His cosmic justice because the innocence of God has been violated.

89.  The wicked injury a holy Triune God yet He is unassailable.

90.  How can the wicked injury that which is unassailable?  It is another way to say He is eternally offended because He is the essence of the innocence of God.

91.  Why should the wicked violate the innocence of God?  They are driven to violate the innocence of God because of their nature and possess an accursed mind that wants to destroy the undestroyable God of the Bible.

92.  Jesus was/is Incarnate Innocence and yet the wicked put Him to death but God will never violate His creatures unto sin because He always does whatsoever is right.

93.  When sinners suffer in hell forever in agony that is incompressible, the Triune God will always still remain the innocence of God throughout eternity because fallen rebels have violated His moral standard in the Ten Commandments without the approbation of the Father through His Son.

94.  A holy Triune God teaches sinners about His Son in dealing with reprobates, because He teaches that without Jesus no one will stand before the Father on their knees to exalt the Son, the Father’s only Son, by His Spirit.

95.  The wicked are controlled by Satan to not only reach the gates of hell but delight in the self-piety of eternal condemnation in outer darkness in idolatrous pride and defiance of the Father of lights.

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:5 and the Unavailing Wicked

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.”   (Psalm 1:5 NASB).

1.      The conclusion of the reprobate is robes of the flames of hell.

2.      The reprobates have a wrong understanding on how to stand.

3.      No reprobate stands before the Father outside of Christ.

4.      Garments of wrath are the robes of false religion.

5.      The wrath of the Father is against the irrationality of the wicked.

6.      The wicked never reconcile with the Father through His Son.

7.      God initiates spiritual salvation in rebirth by the gift of the Spirit.

8.      The wicked thinks he stands when he fails at every level.

9.      The wicked are total depraved sinners who hate a holy God.

10.  Hatred of God touching reprobation is God’s design of justice.

11.  The conclusion of the wicked is God is wrong.

12.  The conclusion of the reprobate is Jesus never saves.

13.  The reprobate stands in his own self-righteousness that is worthless before the Righteous Father who demands a righteousness higher than angels and fallen sinners but the very imputed unified and alien righteousness of the Son.

14.  The wicked are unavailing in everyway to stand before God.

15.  The wicked will be accursed forever by God to hell.

16.  The wicked are sentenced to eternal hell.

17.  The wicked are satisfied with nothing of God.

18.  Those of God’s elect stand in and through Jesus Christ.

19.  The Father is angry with the wicked reprobates who are outside of Jesus Christ by the Father’s wrath that absorbs them.

20.  The wicked despise each other like criminals who turn on each other in cosmic book villains in fulfillment of Scripture evil will repay the wicked.

21.  The wicked will be justly accused by Judge Jesus at the Last Day with the motive of establishing, exalting and elevating justice of the Father through the Son by His Spirit where all things hidden will be revealed to silence their rebellion in the place of hell where no human argument will preserve them to the glory of the Son unto mercy but unto eternal indignation.

22.  The glorified elect stand before the Father through the Son.

23.  The spiritual reborn stand in robes of Christ in white.

24.  The justified elect stand in the covering of Jesus Christ.

25.  The covering of Jesus Christ is not upon the wicked.

26.  The wicked have the covering of damnation unto wrath.

27.  The sanctified elect are holy because of Jesus Christ.

28.  The non-elect reprobates are unholy thoroughly by nature.

29.  No reprobate will have better robes than Jesus Christ.

30.  The best robes are the robes of Jesus Christ upon His chosen.

31.  No chosen never-converted reprobate by the Father unto wrath will enter heaven.

32.  The Father chooses to damn some of His creatures.

33.  The Son chooses His own by His own authority under the approbation of the Father’s will by the work of the Spirit.

34.  No wicked sinner can will themselves to salvation.

35.  No wicked sinner can save themselves but we speak as being right with God by genuine repentance but this is a way we speak that does not add to Jesus Christ in His blood and righteousness because after all your repentance is immersed in sin.

36.  All the converted elect will stand before the Father through the robes of the Son by the work of the Spirit of God in confirmation of the written Word of God.

37.  No elect person will perish in hell no matter how hard evil tries.

38.  All the reprobates will perish in hell.

39.  The enemies of God stand in defiance of a holy God.

40.  The accusations against a holy God by the enemies of God are without biblical, rational, moral and ethical basis because the God Who is God is the Triune Being who is the essence of innocence, sinlessness and unblamable regarding the great evil of the second cause of Satan, demons and fallen humanity.

41.  The standing of the enemies of God in their absolute hatred of the innocence of a holy God is an indictment against themselves not the dignity of the true character of God.

42.  If a holy God is just and punishes wrong what response will there be unto a biblical rationalism with never-converted reprobates than an admission, compliance and agreement with God’s wrathful indignation where God will use them as trophies of His most terrible justice according to His choice through His all-wisdom devoid of cruelty, tyranny and liable sin unto an exaltation of the “satisfaction” of His good pleasure that is about immersing sinners in the hell they have merited.

43.  No sinner will be able to stand before Jesus in robes of agnosticism because God calls us not to a so-called the humility of ignorance but the humility of a saving knowledge as the gift of His awesome Hand that bestows His gifts on whomsoever He pleases.

44.  No sinner will be able to stand before Jesus in robes of atheism because here is God Incarnate before them on His throne ready to judge fallen sinners with a mind that transcends fallen minds and a heart that transcends the fallen hearts of sinners because He is all about whatsoever is right in the pursuit of His glory unto justice.

45.  The wicked love the merit of themselves because they trust but themselves and yet deny it at the same time by an oath of goodness that is the stamp of a way ward deceit of actually no goodness whatsoever that is not native to their nature.

46.  The non-elect who are before a holy God will be in judgment.

47.  Reprobates cannot stand before the local church.

48.  Reprobates cannot endure church discipline because they hate contrite reprobates and it is not native to them by nature.

49.  The assembly of the righteous is against the ways of the reprobates because of God’s gift by His Spirit.

50.  Jehovah’s Witnesses deny Christ alone because they actually hold to a denial of the sole unified merit of Christ by the way of obedience to the Watchtower will be held accountable for their sins against the gospel that will condemn them by advocating another gospel if held until the end without change.

51.  Mormons will not stand before the self-existent God-man because they reject it coming from a self-existent Creator in human flesh as Jesus Christ Himself who alone carries the divine righteousness to be declared right before a holy God.

52.  Muslims who believe a mere man will judge them at the Last Day will stand condemned if held to the end because Jesus Christ is the Incarnate I AM Who is from everlasting to everlasting and by that divine Scriptural precedence they will not be able to stand before Him because of their tainted righteousness that is soiled with the thoroughness of the sinfulness of sin and there very act of so-called scaling the balances are never in their favor without the free gift of His unified imputed righteousness of the God-man alone that the Father accepts in an all-exclusivity of the Son’s glory forevermore in honor of the Father’s design by the outstretched dove of the Spirit for His people alone who possess the gift of faithful repentance to the Triune God.

53.  True Christians stand before God on earth through Jesus.

54.  Christians ought to learn to stand on our knees before the Father.

55.  When we stand on our knees we are closest to heaven.

56.  The wicked do not have the genuine gift of faith by God’s Spirit.

57.  The wicked do not have a genuine righteousness of the Son.

58.  The wicked do not have the indwelling of the Spirit.

59.  The never-converted reprobates do not have power against Satan.

60.  Reprobates will be condemned by themselves at the Last Day.

61.  Everything hidden is open, everything open is on display and everything on display is weighed in terms of mercy or justice.

62.  Works of satisfaction will never add to Jesus Christ.

63.  Sacraments will never be enough to equal the merit of Jesus.

64.  Confession to a priest will never be enough to be forgiven.

65.  Forgiveness is through confessional repentance to Jesus.

66.  Jesus forgives and cleanses from all degrees of sins.

67.  The Triune God has the power to know everything.

68.  There is nothing hidden from the sight of the Triune Majesty.

69.  After redemption He has knowledge of all as well but He chooses to accept His own plan in the forgiveness of His people.

70.  No reprobate will be able to argue there way to heaven.

71.  All reprobate arguments fail at every level.

72.  A reprobate argument in itself is the essence of sin.

73.  The essence of sin is another reason for judgment.

74.  A reason for judgment is someone without Christ.

75.  Someone without Christ is eternally condemned.

76.  Those eternally condemned are never known by Jesus as a friend.

77.  All of God’s elect people are friends in Jesus Christ.

78.  Friends in Jesus Christ will stand in the Last Day.

79.  The Father welcomes those of imputed robes.

80.  Man-made inventions of imputation are abominations.

81.  Imputation is how an elect sinner stands before the Father.

82.  Imputation is instantaneously bestowed in rebirth by the Spirit in His spiritual application in monergistic regeneration by the Word.

83.  We know reprobates will not stand because of the objective Word.

84.  The objective Word is by the Spirit and how we learn the things of God to honor Him in human responsibility by His Spirit.

85.  The reprobates do not have the Spirit of God.

86.  The names of reprobates do not come from the lips of Jesus in those of His friends but those of His enemies in investigation of their crimes to indict them in days of preparation for the Last Day to exalt the honor of His justice.

87.  Never-converted reprobates are darker than space, blacker than the sea and fit for the abyss of hell.

88.  A holy Triune God enables His friends to stand because they stand through Jesus Christ who is Incarnate Acceptance before the Father because they wear the unified robes of the innocent Savior.

89.  As Augustine says, Dr. Christ knows what we need to be right with Him because it is all about Himself in His blood and righteousness that is all about the crux of His all-sufficiency in every way in every corner and from north to south and from east to west.

90.  We are not made righteous but declared righteous through Jesus.

91.  Those made righteous in justification will never make it if held to the end because they need the imputation by the Spirit’s application in rebirth of the forensic declaration of His real unified righteousness because if sinners are made right with a participation won by the satisfaction of the Virgin Mary and the saints with Jesus how is it the all-exclusive, divine righteousness of Christ alone that is all about the only real righteousness of Jesus Christ that is the sole essence of His honor?

92.  To stand is not a legal fiction but robes of real righteousness.

93.  If we stand before the Father in an immediate sense, don’t we need the immediate righteousness of Jesus Christ?

94.  Stand! O Christian, before the Father in imputed robes of Jesus alone to honor Him before all things in the foremost preeminence of the Son in His eternal righteousness!

95.  If the particular saints of the local church have His particular imputation that enables to stand and that defies the righteousness of all courts on this good earth, what righteousness do you suppose is this righteousness that stands?  Behold, it is Jesus!

95-Disputations on Psalm 1:6 and the Way of the Righteous and the Way of the Wicked

By Dr. M.A. Petillo & Reformed Baptist Preacher

“For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”  (Psalm 1:6 NASB).

1.      The righteous are righteous by Another who is Jesus Christ.

2.      The wicked are wicked by their own fault and rebellion.

3.      There is a practical righteousness that is foredetermined.

4.      There is a Spirit-led righteousness as a non-meritorious demonstration that is the gift of His Triune Hand.

5.      There is nothing that surpasses the life and death of Jesus Christ alone that is the higher, greater and superior divine righteousness than any righteousness that ever will or could ever be because it is the alien unified merit of Jesus Christ alone in how someone is right with a holy God that demands His Son as the ultimate standard of the grounds for justification by faith alone.

6.      We are God’s workmanship that is a gift of His Hand.

7.      The workmanship of God is His saints in friendship with Him.

8.       The fellowship of the saints is the way of the righteous.

9.      Friendship with the world is the way of the wicked.

10.  The way of the wicked will perish because it is not the way of Jesus because Jesus is the only Way.

11.  Friendship with the world is enmity with a holy God.

12.  A holy God sets the steps of the way of the righteous.

13.  God is in control of the wicked for the meaning of justice.

14.  There is meaning in all things whether for mercy or justice.

15.  The way of the righteous is the way of the Spirit.

16.  The way of the righteous is obedience to the Ten Commandments and over 1,000 New Testament Commandments.

17.  The way of the wicked are subject to a civil obedience that merits the cause of the sin of their damnation as an instrument of eternal destruction.  Its not that we are saying direct civil goodness is not welcome but it is that it cannot justify before the Father.

18.  The Lord knows the names of His elect children because He has embraced them as friends according to His all-wisdom.

19.  The wicked merit hell by everything they do because everything is meticulously tainted with eternal sinfulness of sin.

20.  No sinner who is a reprobate can merit heaven.

21.  No sinner who is a reprobate can cooperate with a holy God.

22.  No sinner can justify their sin with God’s justice as an excuse to sin but rather to establish the denial in exalting God’s justice against sin not to further sin but to damn it in disaccreditation of rebels of reprobation with the meaning of justice.

23.  Wicked people will suffer worse than saints in Christ.

24.  There is a suffering unto reprobation.

25.  There is a suffering unto election.

26.  There is no suffering in the way of righteousness that adds to Jesus Christ but Jesus has the unequaled suffering as the eternal God-man in behalf of His elect people alone.

27.  The suffering of reprobation will increase unto destruction.

28.  The peace of the reprobate is not a true peace.

29.  The comfort of the reprobate is not a true comfort.

30.  God is patient with reprobates even knowing their outcome.

31.  The outcome of the reprobate is the place of eternal hell.

32.  Eternal hell is the place where sinners absorb the fury of God.

33.  The way of the righteous is justification by faith alone in Christ alone.

34.  Is the justice of God by the wicked tyranny?  By no means!  Where is the darkness of tyranny in a holy Triune God of light that is the essence of holy innocence that knows nothing of the partaking of the darkness of the very essence of sin?

35.  The way of the Spirit is upon the elect.

36.  The Spirit does not always strive with the reprobates.

37.  The Spirit is able to come upon the reprobates but not indwell them as a regenerate person who has the Spirit of Christ.

38.  The Christ of the Cross welcomes every kind of destruction for the way of righteousness to Himself at His Cross in behalf of His elect people.

39.  The Christ of the Cross welcomes the gift of His Spirit to His chosen ones who carry the gift of the Father that brings tears of joy to the Triune Majesty that is all about His honor according to His good pleasure.

40.  Satan is upon the pathway of the way of the wicked.

41.  The reprobate keep God on their lips with “Lord, Lord” without knowing Him but merely speaking words without oil in the lamps (the Spirit of God).

42.  There is no higher righteousness than imputation.

43.  Imputation is not a fiction because Jesus’ righteousness is real.

44.  The real righteousness of Christ alone covers His people.

45.  No practical righteousness can ever take the place of Jesus.

46.  No righteousness can ever add to Jesus.

47.  Jesus is the reason the Father accepts us by His Spirit.

48.  The choice of God determines the way of the righteous.

49.  The choice of God turns reprobates over to the way of the wicked.

50.  If God is all-wise, what accusation could there be against Him?

51.  If God is all-innocence, what charge could be laid against Him?

52.  If God is all-righteousness, what lie resides within Him?

53.  Is there a sin in the Being who is the essence of Triune Light?

54.  Is there darkness is the Triune Majesty when He is all-good?

55.  If God is all-good, why do you accuse Him of evil?

56.  If there is evil, do you not suppose there is a good reason for it by a all-wise God allowing it to happen and determining it for the honor of His justice with partaking of the sin of rebels?  The sinner’s reason is sin but God’s reason is different.  God’s reason is for the Son’s mercy for His elect sheep but also for the Son’s justice for the damned.  You see, God does not glorify sin but the fallen second cause glorifies sin.  So, then, who is at fault?  The fallen race of Adam and fallen angels who establish His justice, but if they establish His justice, what else would a holy God do with the sinfulness of sin for those He chose to damn, but what if God remembers mercy in judgment to honor the Cross of Jesus with the intention to save whomsoever He is pleased?  The point is He never honors sin but He honors justice or mercy.

57.  Does a holy God participate in the sinful darkness of the way of the wicked?  By no means! 

58.  He does not partake of the darkness of the sinfulness of rebels in rebellion to a holy innocent God. 

59.  How does the way of the wicked happen?  God is controlling it to work out for their doom and the honor of His fury unto justice.

60.  Why does He cause the way of the righteous?  God causes the way of the righteous because He wants to fellowship with them now and in glory for the honor of His merciful kindness unto His eternal compassion for the Name’s sake of Jesus Christ.

61.  If a good God did not have justice would He be good?  By no means! 

62.  Why then do you hate a just God? 

63.  Do you suppose your hatred of a just God is the sin of your nature and the violation of His innocence?

64.  Jesus endured all redemptive pain for His elect alone at His Cross.

65.  Do you violate His innocence to establish His Cross?  Stop and remember the life of Jesus!

66.  Why do you use God’s gift of His Cross to bring Him to sweat drops of blood again but shouldn’t you use the Cross to ascend to the joy of obedience even though that also is soiled with great sin?

67.  The wicked accuse a good God of evil but God will judge the wicked for the Day of Evil.

68.  The Day of Justice is appointed for the Day of Evil.

69.  The way of the wicked will lead to the place of hell.

70.  The appointed Day is the Last Day where wrongs will be righted.

71.  There is no justification by death for the way of the wicked.

72.  There is no righteousness from the wicked that is how someone is right with a holy God. 

73.  Do suppose a supremacy civil goodness is before imputed unified righteousness?  How far away are you in your low view of divine righteousness that is only through the Son!

74.  Why do you exalt works of satisfaction above imputation of the highest righteousness through Jesus Christ? 

75.  You have failed to understand that you are soiled in the sin that qualifies you for hell right now in even your best deeds, but instead you wonder why you are so good when the humble man would wonder why a fallen human race was not born in hell.

76.  Why are we not born in hell because of original sin and actual transgressions?  Think no further than the goodness of a holy Triune God in His divine patience in working out His plan, purpose and design of all things.

77.  The way of the reprobate is predominately suicide because we see Old & New Testament examples of reprobation unto suicide.

78.  The pre-converted elect will get to God’s foredetermined time and place by His Spirit to be born again no matter what even if they despair to suicide because a good God will bring them back if He has purposed to save them later on because all things are possible with Jesus for He is truly kind, good and compassionate.

79.  Suicide for the reprobate is meant for eternal destruction.

80.  God bringing a sinner back from suicide for the pre-converted elect is meant for a future glory in honor of Jesus unto mercy.

81.  Eternal destruction is for the way of the wicked.

82.  The ways of the wicked do not have forgiveness of sins.

83.  The forgiveness of sins is meant for the elect people of God.

84.  There is no suicide anymore for God’s elect even if self-harm is done because glory is secured by the Son.

85.  The ways of the wicked do not have spiritually rational thoughts.

86.  The ways of the righteous possess a biblical rationalism.

87.  Imputed righteousness is a gift of the eternal Son.

88.  Imputed righteousness is the only way to be righteous.

89.  Future glorification is all about unified imputed merit to honor Jesus in the complete domination of the Spirit to exalt Jesus Christ in justification by Christ alone that means glorification by Christ alone without disregarding the design of the Father by the work of the Spirit.

90.  God rescued Adam and Eve with coverings after the fall that was a picture of the covering of Jesus Christ in His imputed merit.

91.  Past glorification means we are a child of God because of the work of the Son by the intervention of the Dove of God through the plan of the Father where previously we were children of wrath by nature.

92.  Wickedness is in our nature but that does not excuse it.

93.  Excusing sin is with no regard for holiness.

94.  Sin is in our best deeds but honor God in all gray areas.

95.  The Way is Jesus Christ because the Father is pleased with none else because the Son is His well-beloved, the eternal Son forever, as the only-begotten God-man, the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity, that no other way compares, because He is the unique Son of God, Son of Glory, Lord of Glory.  Amen to His name!

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