Friday, October 18, 2013

A Little Jonathan Edward-Imitation in 13-Propositions on "Who" Created the Universe As Strangely Made

Here to sum up in 11-propositions on the theological science of the philosophy of God-controlled meticulous creation by a self-existent Three in One and One in Three Who was the uncause cause:
a.)  The Father, Son and Holy Spirit never had a beginning.  This is an establishment of an uncreated self-existent eternal Being from everlasting to everlasting: namely, who was, is and is to come.  
1.)  The Alpha and Omega and Beginning and End: namely, the eternal Father, eternal Son and eternal Spirit.  The Father is not created, begotten or preceding.  The Son is begotten not made and not preceding.  The Holy Spirit is not created, begotten but preceding from the Father and the Son. 
2.)  There is a co-equal plurality in an economic distinction within the Triune Godhead: namely, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
3.)  The Father is First, the Son is Second and the Spirit is Third.  The Father is not greater than the Son and the Spirit touching His co-equal deity, but the Father and Spirit is superior to the Son touching His sacred humanity.  The economic distinction of the Triune Godhead does not make a just precedence of greater deities.  Rather it shows us that the Spirit as the Third of the Trinity is co-equal to the Father and the Son but also equally submissive to the Father and the Son, but the Son as the Second of the Trinity is divinely equally "subordinate" or supernaturally co-equal "submissive" yet fully, supremely and undoubtedly co-equal in His economic distinction to the Father as the First of the Trinity.  This being said it simply means God is God and there will never be anyone as Him in the sense of self-existent but we all in our sinful weakness should imitate the self-existent God-man because He always does what is right even when it costs Him His very life.  
4.)  The humanity of the Incarnate Second Member is within the One Person of Jesus Christ (two natures in One Person; the divine nature and the human nature).  It is without confusion, mixture, etc..but remains perfectly united and harmonious.
5.)  How is it possible for there to be two natures in One Person: namely, a sacred humanity and a sacred deity?  We could ask how is it possible that there is the primacy of the mind and heart?  How is it possible for there to be a primacy of the mind and heart in the same relationship?  There is a primacy of the mind and heart, but it is not in the same relationship.  In saying this, I avoid contradictions but established biblical rational truth.
6.)  Or we could ask how do we explain the sinful nature and the Spirit-based nature after someone is born again or spiritually awakened?  I was born again by God's sovereign choice alone in the later summer of 2004.  Have you seen that Joseph started his Old Testament ministry at age 30?  Do you also see that Jesus Christ started around His New Testament ministry at age 30?  I was born on Reformation Day, October 31, 1978 where Luther posted his disputation in 1517 in Germany.  Is this just by chance or God's detailed outworking Hand in the display of His outward providence in His foredetermined purpose?  See this means God gives even small detail meaning.  Everything has cosmic meaning, but not everyone feels like they have meaning.
7.)  Are these things chance, meaningless coincidence or a foredetermined appearance of coincidence through God-controlled contingent second causes through the supremacy of a holy Triune God as the First Cause of all things without author of sin? 
8.)  It would be the latter, because elect angels will tell law enforcement that everything is already written in the ultimate sense by the handwriting on the wall. 
9.)  The Bible is about God the Son: namely, He set the law of the first covenant with our First Parents in the historical Garden, He wrote with the fingerprints of His anthropomorphic Hand in the Ten Commandments and we see Jesus wrote in the sand of the Carpenter of the Universe to convict rebels of forgiveness. 
10.)  Jesus knew that redemptive justice was satisfied through His Cross alone in a propitiation (appeased justice by the Father) and expiation (as far as the east is from the west), but this was the supremacy over all civil change. 
11.)  What if the redemptive change happens but the sinner becomes lawless even more due to abuse of grace against Peter's New Testament commandment?  This is rarely possible with lawless practice devoid of true confessional repentance (or positive meaningless repentance with negative judgment) in the hard laborious effort of redeeming the time, but if at all possible in the sense of a continual seasonal time of struggle through repentance unto mortification and crucifixion of the sinful flesh it is necessary to finally become fully alive unto a recognition of inward submission to the outward laws of the completed canon of the Bible.  If we keep in mind, the life and death of Jesus Christ we will no doubt see a picture of God's moral law where Jesus never failed: namely, He always pleased the Father in all He ever did.
12.)  How do we know what we know?  The supreme infallible authority of the Bible: namely, those who propose disagreements have the burden of proof upon themselves to establish the contrary.

13.)  How does life come out of nothing or non-life?  It comes from the One who has the Power of Life or the Power of Being: namely, a self-existent Being that has no need of anything but seeking a righteous glory unto mercy or justice all for the Name's Sake of the supremacy of exalting Jesus Christ as God's only dear Son as Lord, Savior, Priest, King, Prophet, Friend, Redeemer, and Incarnate Deity.  People wonder why there is a suffering, but many find themselves asking, "why do I suffer?"  We see the God of the Universe in Jesus Christ scream in His height of obedience, "Why, why, why?"  It is in the sense that fallen man is fully responsible through violations of the law of God since the original sin of the Garden in actual transgressions.  Should we say that suffering has no meaning because it seems hopeless like blessed Job in the Old Testament?  To say there is meaningless suffering would be like saying, "God the Son became Man in Jesus Christ; born to die, but to endure the worst of God's justice in agony that makes hell shutter."  Is that without meaning?  It is the essence of meaning, but it establishes the meaning behind everything even suffering.  Does pain mean God is not in control?  Not at all.  Is He the author of sin?  No, His intent is pure, holy and good: namely, His motivation is altogether lovely.  We do not find this we second causes, because it has to do with the sin of fallen Lucifer and fallen man.  That is they are accountable for their sin.  God brings it about as the ultimate cause, because He is working either to forgive unto mercy through Jesus or condemn unto justice through Jesus.  May I ask you this evening, what is the case with you?  Is God working on you for justice or mercy?  How does someone even tell or know?  Does the Spirit approve of your testimony in light of divine revelation in the Bible alone?  Why the Bible alone?  Jesus Christ in a self-authentication established the legitimacy of the all of the Scriptures that point to Him: namely, He is the God Messiah!  How could God die?  That's almost like asking how do we understand God's eternal self-existence where no one created Him but He is, was and always will be: namely, "the Three in One I Am."  Touching His humanity, Jesus died but touching His deity Jesus lives.  There is a distinction never a separation.  Just like there is a distinction and not a separation in the Triune Godhead in a basic Trinitarian sense.  If God always was, is and shall be, shouldn't that make everyone free from taking life even in mortal danger or self-harm?  The law says a just basis for self-defense no doubt, but when God strikes no one can stay His Hand.  The civil law is not above God, but God is above the civil law and if man does right it establishes the precedence of law in civil government in Romans chapter 13.  Self-existence of a eternal God is the essence of life and how life came about.  See creation?  See children?  See the trees and birds and all the things?  Only Someone with the Power of Being could do this.  That is why even to this day men enslave other men, but by what right?  None, but it is also a dispute on the concept of nature.  God by nature is self-existent, but man by nature is creaturely.  This is why Satan hates God, because he wants to say he always was as a god.  There is NO  right that Satan has to God's claim of eternal deity.   The Son obeys the Father, but both are all-wise.  Satan comes to "obey unobey."  That is he comes to say "I will bet You at Your own game.  I will turn Job's suffering into meaninglessness by pain.  He will see that I am in control."  Man sees this but wants sovereignty, because its back to the rebellion of the Tower of Babel.  No matter Satan or man's claim God is "...sovereign, innocent and free eternal self-existence by virtue of the very essence of power and being..." in Latin is "...princeps aeterna se innocentem esse, et liberam potestatem et ob ipsam..."  The proper response is not godhood, but it is simply to love the life God has given because He has the Power of Life and Being even to speak it and it is so when there was nothing there to behold.   Is God in the Old Testament the same as Jesus?  Have you forgotten the Bible story of Jesus commanding the winds to be still and at peace?  Really the Christian life is a boat.   Sometimes it seems like Jesus is asleep when storms come, but the OT would further help by saying God hides in trouble.  Why?  Simply He is testing our motives in human expression to condescend to our understanding in what Calvin would call "baby talk."  His breath brings about the meaning of life. ...Let us sing with angels:
        "...Breathe on me, Breath of God, 
 fill me with life anew, 
 that I may love what thou dost love, 
 and do what thou wouldst do. 

        Breathe on me, Breath of God, 
 until my heart is pure, 
 until with thee I will one will, 
 to do and to endure. 

        Breathe on me, Breath of God, 
 till I am wholly thine, 
 till all this earthly part of me 
 glows with thy fire divine. 

        Breathe on me, Breath of God, 
 so shall I never die, 
 but live with thee the perfect life 
 of thine eternity...." 
(Breathe on Me, Breath of God).
Click here (listen to this song):  
"Job Suite by Michael Card"

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