Friday, October 4, 2013

The Luther Little Controversy (Pauca controversia est Lutherus)

"the sword of David will strike"
"David ense percutiat"

Did Dr. Martin Luther, Professor of Theology, have a radical change upon the the heretical teachings of Romanism on how someone is right with a holy God and non-earning Christian predestinarian living to honor Christ?  I would say it this way: the Counter-Reformation was not a Catholic-Reformation.  Nothing has changed regarding Rome's denial of the offense of Christ alone.  Was Luther successful in declaring the Gospel?  Most definately!   

Luther did not fail to proclaim the Gospel: namely, all of the pre-converted elect responded to faith by God's divine intervention through the Spirit and the Word.  Rome would say "Luther little" because she holds to the abominations of good apart from Christ's alien and unified righteousness alone.  Isn't this a denial of true history and really the pride of Satan?   Satan comes and defies the foredetermined purpose of God, but when he cannot thwart God's plan he seems to agree to cause it to happen.  That is, shall we go any further than the condemned internal but called outwardly ministry of Judas Iscariot?  It is the motive of a rebellious pride, seeking his own glory, deceived about his creaturely existence in a willful sense and rising about the Triune Majesty of God.  Rome furthers the internal by an outward condemned ministry of Judas by she has a illegitimate priesthood that is not a mature father but a father of lies touching justification by faith alone and godly living.  Rome is like Satan's fall: namely, she comes to say to all creation through a devil playing a harp "You are able.." or "I will..." That is, it is the fall of Satan who comes seeking a power of being that was never native to his existence.  Shall we go any further than man's complete rebellion regarding his complete limitations of merely seeking a holy Triune God?

I have also have a story to tell that has become forgotten.  I remembered after my born again experience about all of these things that I am about to mention.  I agree that is seems contrary to miracles are rare, but I also believe miracles are rare.  Yet a holy God can turn His hidden omnipresence into a sight of His majestic glory in exalting His eternal Son.  It simply takes a holy God to reveal that understanding to His fallen creatures if He chooses.  I do not want to have a star look about me.  If you Jesus Christ in His divine condensation to us touching His humanity, we will quickly see His sacred humility.  If you saw Him in the flesh, He appears with a sacred humility but now after His resurrection glorified and supernatural deathless, having the ultimate glorified power of life.  I mention this because I also seek a divine humility.  I want to be like Jesus Christ: namely, His thought, word and deed.  This cannot happen through man's will but through God's will.

As a little boy I encountered two angels, but I will try to get to the point.  The angels told me about Reformed Theology.  I did not know what it was but I thought it was neat.  I was also told as a wee little boy that I would be the reformer.  I thought I was born on the worst day of the year and I also did not know what a reformer was.  I was told it was a good thing in the ultimate picture.  I than remember attending St. Mary's of the Assumption Roman Catholic Church, because my mom and I would attend mostly all the time.  I was so happy that I would do something well that I told the Roman priest that I would be the reformer.  He hated the idea and he turned me over to Satan.  In short, I remember being in the air.  I believe this is how Rome causes her exorcisms: namely, she causes it and leaves it.  With me, I honestly think I was let go through Roman evil.  I don't understand what happened but I am sure I was possessed.  I am saying this to expose crimes of darkness, but I am not worried about how it sounds anymore.  Why?  I have been through the pit of hell and back, but Jesus found me in the later summer of 2004 where I was born again.  

Here is the motive: namely, Rome is behind the overall rapes of July 1994 lead by Mr. Manny Gomes, the murder of the elect angel in Christmas 1994, the other rapes in-between, and the March 2000 federal court case where I turned it on its head and stated the crimes by all in the July 1994 assault.  At that time I was outside of Christ but a pre-converted elect sinner.  I had a civil belief and a civil knowledge.  I am also not a sadist, but I surely felt hopeless outside of Christ when I did not know Him.  

To sum it up:  1.) Rome attacked because she knew of angel intelligence of Luther Little's reformation, 2.) Rome attacked later on by Mr. Manny Gomes through CIA brainwashing upon me and the general Christians in July 1994, 3.) Jesus came in a non-Second Coming encounter and later on Mr. Gomes with motivation from Rome through the Department of Defense erased my mind at a crucial time that probably was public, 4.) There was also a secret and yet public papal excommunication encyclical by pope John Paul II (who is really no saint at all) but I could neither download, copy and paste, or print it out: namely, it was untouchable.  In short, I have been asked have I ever been in church discipline in the Reformed church?  I said no, because Rome's way was illegitimate.  At the end and near my conversion I would forget due to a short-term memory disability that probably is acquired (in my best estimation of things), I attended The Ascension Church in Avon, NJ under leadership that has pasted away.  At that time I was a person seeking comfort apart from truth, but I had a great head knowledge of theology.  I eventually left that church and attended Reformed Baptist churches at a great distance, but eventually due to long-distance I could not attend.  I remember hearing Pastor Dijkstra preach a powerful sermon on the Incarnation at Christmas.  Sometime after I wrote a letter to Pope John Paul II stating that he was there at the 1994 assault and caught on video in a rape against me where people gathered.  Later this video was stated on TV in a porn network where it passed through the hands of the local, state and federal law enforcement with no regard for human rights.  Everyone at this time seemed to pursue the agenda of Mr. Gomes under the power of papal statism.  Again I find myself alone and that was something that happened a lot, but I do not think I stand alone because of hidden elect angels and the Triune God.

I don't care about what people think, but I care about the honor of Jesus Christ.  I can't count how many times the darkness brought me to hell and how many times demons would come, but I know a holy Triune God is doing everything right and He will see me through no matter what.  

So is it "Luther little" or is it "the glory of Rome?"  I will seek to defend the Gospel as a "Luther Little."  I doubt that I could arrive at Luther's great reformation, but I know God's purpose has not been stopped.  Rome has not won.  She endorsed the spiritual Judas, Cain and Balaam but it has only gotten her a turning over to sin and God's justice.  The outward glory of Rome is really the glory of God's justice.  I was a professing Catholic when they came at me for no reason (what do I mean?  well, without cause) and all for the glory of Rome.  Watch out Romanists!  You may be next on their list of criminal evils.  I also found some of the Romanist priests who were at the assault: namely, the past priest from St. Mary's and Mt. Carmel Roman Church.  It is a homosexual allegiance to a defilement of satanic darkness that is a plague that has spread to the American family in a degradation of biblical marriage where Roman priests thank God for no children.  May you eat dust and perish by the drawn sword of Jesus Christ! 


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